Ŧħɇsɇ ᵽɨɍȺŧɇs Ⱥɍɇ mɇɍɇłɏ ᵽȺwns ɨn mɏ ȼħɇss ǥȺmɇ, Ɨ møvɇ Ⱥnđ ȼønŧɍøł mɏ sᵾƀøɍđɨnȺŧɇs wħɨȼħɇvɇɍ wȺɏ Ɨ fɇɇł ɨn ȺȼȼøɍđȺnȼɇ wɨŧħ ŧħɇ ᵽłȺns Ⱥnđ sȼħɇmɇs Ɨ'vɇ ȼønȼɇɨvɇđ. Ŧħɇɏ ħȺvɇ nø ȼħøɨȼɇ ƀᵾŧ ŧø føłłøw.
Ŧħɇɏ đɨɇ føɍ mɇ….. Øɍ ŧħɇɏ đɨɇ føɍ Đɨsøƀɇɏɨnǥ.
♚ Independent Roleplaying and Ask blog for One Piece’s Kuro. Please read the Rules before interacting.
♛ Around 3 years of Roleplay experience
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♟ Mun is 20 years of age, possible NSFW content. Triggers shall be tagged accordingly
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