

@otakuhq / otakuhq.tumblr.com

💖artist and blogger💖
I barely use this account, please check out my other blog, cutepastelwitch~!

Can we please get a movie about a witch…

…but like, they aren’t evil or weird? Like their friends go to them to get a tarot reading on how their midterms will go. They’re always asking their friends if they can run to the store to grab some herbs. They’re always forgetting to blow out the candles on their altar and their parents keep warning them about fire safety.

Just an everyday witch. None of “the weird girl” or “my friends can never find out”. I WANT SOME REPRESENTATION!


Energy work candle technique:

This is a basic energy work practice technique i developed to help familiarize yourself with the way certain emotions and feelings look when doing energy work/out of body work. -J

  1. Start by getting in a comfortable position to meditate in. Relax and do what ever you do to reach a meditative/trance state so you can go out of body and/or visualize a white candle burning in front of you. There should be nothing else around you almost like you’re in a void. I call this place my astral void space.
  2. Really “see” and feel every part of this candle from the warmth it’s giving off to the way the wax feels. Hold it in your hands, or watch it in front of you. Do anything with the candle that will give you a good feel for its resting energy/base energy.
  3. Then inside yourself bring up a strong emotion you can easily conjure up. feel it rise inside you and let the emotion and all the feelings it brings wash over you. Then project the energy/feeling from the emotion onto the candle to notice how it changes. Feel the way the warmth from the flame, the color of the light, the color of the wax change in front of your from your emotions.
  4. Repeat step 3 with different emotions and sensations to see the way it changes the candle in your mind’s eye. Go back and forth between emotions and feelings to see if there is consistency in the way you see/perceive different energies.

For example:

  • The way my candle changes for feelings of being sad is the candle turns to a navy blue in color and the energy it gives off looks like a thin web of color. the candle light gives off a light blue glow and is very dim.
  • A happy excited energy is a mellow yellow color with a large flickering flame. The candle wax looks translucent letting the light from the flame pass through it.

This is a cool technique Ive learned to help me “see” energies better. especially when comes to seeing auras. 


Essential Oils Are NOT Tea Flavorings!

I’ve seen it again. A post about using essential oils for tea. “Add bergamot to your tea for Earl Grey Tea.” Plus recommendation to use a specific brand, but in this case the brand doesn’t matter because you are NOT going to do this. Go buy a box of Earl Grey tea. It’s safer and if you get a really good brand, will taste a whole lot better. 

I’m not going to claim to be an oil expert but I only use a couple of drops of an essential oil to scent an entire bathtub with lavender. Regardless of the debatable safety of ingesting essential oils, you’re adding enough bergamot to take a bath in, unless you dilute the shit out of that stuff. And then you’re just adding oil to water, which won’t mix. 

Just go buy some good tea. Go to adagio.com and they’ll give you a $5 gift certificate. And if you’re a witch who likes Earl Grey, they have a Bella Luna Earl Grey that you can only buy on the full moon. 

You might as well be eating Tide Pods if you put essential oil in your tea. Be smart, witchblr.


Florence + The Machine

I’m going to petition until the day I die for Florence Welch to be on AHS. They had Lady Gaga as a vampire AND the first Supreme. They’ve got Stevie Nicks owning her label as the White Witch. Adding Florence would complete the trinity.

Not to mention her music would literally be perfect for a season theme.


Psychic Powers: Automatic Writing


Also known as Psychography.

Automatic Writing allows a person to produce written words without consciously writing. These words are from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source.
Basically, it’s a non-scary way to speak with your “Higher Self”, spirit guides, or spirits. It allows you to see their perspective subconsciously, while using claircognizance.


Here are some examples of when you could do it…

  • When you have a fear of spirits and are too scared to contact your guides in any other way
  • When you are not yet very clairvoyant or clairaudient (you can’t hear or see your spirit guides), so you want to try another way.  Automatic writing is actually very easy if you manage to put your mind to one side, and I know lots of people who have trouble hearing their inner voice who have had success with automatic writing.
  • When you want to get your Higher Self’s perspective on something that is bothering you – (I used to do automatic writing when I was upset about something and needed to raise my vibration. I’d tune into my higher self and start writing.  She always had some very comforting and insightful things to say about any situation.)
  • Or just when you have some questions that you want a spiritual perspective on.


Sit down with a blank piece of white paper in front of them, while holding a pen.

I’ve also heard, before, that you can sit at a computer and type - but this is high unlikely to work. It would take a lot of energy for another being to move your hands across a keyboard. Pen/pencil and paper is very recommended.

Begin writing without conscious thought.

The conscious mind recedes into the background, so that wisdom from other realms of consciousness many be channeled through and handwritten, or typed. Often those who do automatic writing have no idea what they have written until they read over their notes.


Start each automatic writing session with ‘My Spirit Guides’ or ‘My Higher Self’ or ‘My Angels’ as the first line.

You can call on all of them if you want.  Be clear about whose input you want, as it sets an intention to hear from that being. If you want, you can also see your guides as parts or extensions of you that you can access whenever you want, like your subconscious.   (The more you see these entities as beings outside of you, the more channeling them may seem quite elusive.) If you want, you can also raise your vibration and connect with your guides/higher self before you begin typing.  For example, you can do some deep breathing, or visualize going up to a room to meet with your guides, so that you can get their input for the duration of the session.

Just start writing and don’t worry about what you’re writing at first.

For example, write your question and just see what comes out when you put your fingers on the keys. You don’t have to focus on the question, just start writing about anything that comes into your head. The trick with this is to get used to writing (if you are not already).  The more you’re used to writing, the easier it is to get into that ‘flow’ state when writing.

Setting a timer while you do it can be helpful

This is so that you don’t have time to think about what you’re writing. That works particularly well when you have a set of questions you want to ask your guides.

Create the right conditions so that you can lose your inhibitions about what you’re writing

I (personally) like to make sure I’m completely alone before automatic writing, and then insure that I’m writing in a journal or on a piece of paper that I can put somewhere safe, so that no one else reads it.

Don’t allow your mind to interpret the information while you’re getting it

You can interpret it afterwards.  But know that it is totally normal for the mind to butt in and judge information in the process.


Channeled information tends to be high vibrational in nature.   It will often comfort you, provide clarity or will raise your mood in some way. If it feels negative or feels heavy, you’re probably not channeling a source that you want to tap into - or you may just be channeling your own emotional body, if you are not feeling very good. What you channel via writing will usually not sound like your voice or the voice that you ‘think’ in. Another feature of intuitive guidance is that it tends to be very clear, usually feels light and is often simply expressed.   Having said that, I have read automatic writing that is poetic and metaphorical in nature.  But don’t be hung up on how yours should sound or be. If you do it often enough, you will soon get a sense for what your automatic writing ‘feels’ like.



Them: wouldn’t it be so cool if witches were actually real?

Me, excitedly dusting off my cauldron: oh boy do I have some news for you

Other witches: Contact your deities only on the full moon!!! Make sure to ask them meaningful questions!!! Talk to them respectfully!!!
Me summoning my deities in the middle of Walmart: what up my bois I got nervous standing in the middle of the store alone so I decided to summon the gang

beat your depression

beat it with a fucking broom beat it into the fucking ground die die die

Witchcraft idea.


tarot life paths: simplified

(find out your birth cards here, and then refer to the guide below.)

  • wheel of fortune & the magician: to trust in your abilities; to learn to see change as opportunity; to know your fate is in your own hands.
  • justice & the high priestess: to grow and find balance by exploring ideas & unknowns; to be a beacon of fairness and truth.
  • the hanged man & the empress: to explore and love the world with new eyes; to allow your creativity to bloom.
  • death & the emperor: to make changes and not be afraid; to understand you can create new things and still have stability.
  • temperance & the hierophant: to pursue balance and harmony even in chaos; to share, to guide, to teach others.
  • the devil & the lovers: to find harmony and love within the chaos of you; to learn that there is beauty everywhere even when you can’t see it.
  • the tower & the chariot: to remember you can always get back up; to stand courageous and calm; to be a mover and a shaker.
  • the star & strength: to know and remember you have so much courage inside of you; to learn to have hope and keep it.
  • the moon & the hermit: to illuminate darkness with truth and understanding; to know that you will always find light to guide the way.
  • the sun & the wheel of fortune & the magician: to learn to embrace and love the ups and downs of life; to meet change with laughter and confidence.
  • judgement & the high priestess: to follow and have faith in your intuition and thoughts; to learn to trust yourself.
  • the world & the empress: to grow through creativity and kindness; to find fulfillment by learning love in the world and helping it change.

I knew there was a reason why i was SO drawn to the tower card⚡️


🌿Lammas Activities🌿

Lammas (also called Lughnasadh) is a sabbat from the Wheel of the Year that is celebrated on August 1st to mark the beginning of the harvest season

🌿 Bake! Cooking and sharing food is a great activity for any sabbat, and cooking bread, desserts, meat, and enjoying fruits and vegetables is a great way to celebrate Lammas! 🌿 Enjoy nature! Fall is coming next, so enjoy the fresh air while you can. Invite friends and family on a nature walk or picnic or you can go yourself and embrace the beauty that nature has to offer! Visit a lake, a park, go on a trail, or whatever you want to connect with nature! 🌿 Take care your plants! This is the beginning of the harvest season. Take extra care of your plants and maybe even give them a treat: new soil, a new pot, fresh water, or fertilizer. If it’s time to harvest some fruits or veggies, do so!  🌿 Decorate your altar and/or home! Colors, plants, grains, wreaths, animal prints, and candles are some great ways to decorate your home and/or altar for Lammas! 🌿 Do some crafts! Making crafts is a great way to have fun on Lammas, especially if you’re celebrating with kids! Making corn dolls and corn wheels are a few of the many fun ways to celebrate! Plus, when spring rolls around, you can bury the corn doll or corn wheel in a new garden to help your plants grow. 🌿 Prosperity magic! Lammas is the ideal time to perform prosperity magic, so if you have any prosperity spells hidden in your grimoire or book of shadows, take those out and work some magic! 🌿 Work on your book of shadows or grimoire! A relaxing way to end the day would be to write a few pages in your book, whether you write in spells, information, or a journal entry. 🌿 Finish some projects! If you have some projects nearing an end, Lammas would be a great time to finish those or to make more progress if you can! Not every goal needs to be achieved, but dedicating your time and effort to finishing a few would be a great Lammas activity. 🌿 Make a bonfire! Invite friends and family to a bonfire! While you sit around the fire, share some of your bad or unnecessary habits and how you plan to change or get rid of those habits so you can have renewed strength. If you’re a secret witch, you can just light a candle in your room and privately journal your reflection!

“Witches are commonly depicted reading. This may not seem unusual today, however up until the eighteenth century artists rarely depicted women in the act of reading with two significant exceptions: women who are clearly studying devotional material and witches who study books of magic.”

— Judika Illes, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft (via realhunterswearplaid)


Okay do tarot decks always have snitty attitudes or does some witch out there own a deck that’s like unbearably meek and polite? This isn’t rhetorical.

One of my decks has anxiety! and im not joking about this! anytime someone else is around it completely ignores the question and gives me anxiety cards

Someone: hey what’s up

Your deck:


this is true~!! one of my decks has major anxiety and doesn’t want to read for anyone by me, she’s super afraid I won't use her as much as the others and just keep her for display purposes~! Every time I ask her to describe itself or ask how she’s doing, it’s alway an anxiety card ah

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