
Fallen Vampire

@irenehooliganp-dubber / irenehooliganp-dubber.tumblr.com

Writing fanfictions and singing. Obsessed with Paul Wesley and Bruno Mars. WESKIN♡ Phoebe Tonkin=my girl crush! Ships: Steroline, Klayley, VinCat ~There's only the present and it's infinite. The past and the future are just blinders we wear so that infinity won't drive us mad~ by Laini Taylor

SC in TVD 7X11: Review + Semi-Meta + Fangirling+ Defan Obstacle

Okay let me start off by saying that I LOVED THIS EPISODE. If you follow me on twitter you probably already know this. . but seriously guys, this episode was the answer to all my prayers. Not even 7x08 “I love you” got me this excited. Perhaps because I was worried that it was all talk and I couldn’t see that he meant it. I was worried the very thing that made SC special was being stripped away. 

This episode (for me) reinforced the foundations of the Steroline I fell in love with - it reminded me of WHY this particular ship became my very first  OTP ! And i am one very grateful shipper !

( Psssttt.. it feels good to fan girl about SC again. It had been too long !)

Also i gotta say, Paul Wesley just did such a phenomenal job at both directing and acting !!! A lot of the time i get annoyed when the low lighting scenes just look too dark to really make out the actor’s facial expressions, but Paul nailed it! 

I loved that he made the SC (semi) hug so picturesque ! There was no kissing or epic displays of affection, yet he captured the intimacy between these two characters better than most directors have in a long time ! 

And to top it all off, his acting was just.. SPOT ON.. made my steroline heart come alive again ! ! 

okay pressing pause on my Pdubber fangirling ! I’m gonna move on to the specifics of the episode. 


Written In The Stars

A/N: Based on a prompt – I’ll mention the prompt in a later update, don’t want to give too many details away just yet.

Set in Season 7, the fic starts right after Valerie tells Stefan about the baby. 7x06 to be exact. So this is basically a mini-rewrite starting from 7x06. No flash-forwards. The first chapter will be very similar to 7x06 with major alterations of course. Chapter 2 onwards things will be completely different from canon.


He hung up the phone and turned around to glance at the woman who would have been the mother of his child had things gone differently. What would that have felt like he wondered? What would it have been like to be a father? He had never really come close to the feeling, so he couldn’t really imagine it. Sure he watched out for Sara, but that was more guardian like than anything else. He felt an obligation because she was blood and because his brother caused the single greatest tragedy of her life. So he made sure she was safe and secure. But he didn’t feel like a father; and he never would. He thought that was something he had made peace with. But now that he knew that he could have been a father, that there was indeed a child that was conceived but sadly not brought into the world because someone decided this new life would be an inconvenience, he couldn’t help but feel immense sorrow at his loss.

The grief of losing his only chance at fatherhood tormented him as he explained to Valerie that he would have wanted a child and that if Julian were to rise, he would kill him. 

“There are five guest bedrooms, pick one” he said. And she did. 

He opted for the couch. Sleep wouldn’t be easy to come by. Too much information had been handed out to him. He couldn’t possibly just drift off to sleep after all that had happened that day.

His mind wandered to Caroline. He had lied to her earlier. He told her that there was nothing monumental that she should know about. He wasn’t doing anything untoward he reasoned with himself. It wasn’t as if he was cheating on her. Guilt was an accompaniment to wrongdoing, but it was not his intention to wrong her, quite the opposite really… a white lie never really harmed anybody. He still loved her after all.

She was insecure as it was about Valerie, why cause her unwanted anguish by telling her Valerie was once pregnant with his child. That he wished he could have seen his child be born and raised him. She would empathize; she certainly would be heartbroken for his loss. But he knew her all too well. She would also over think it and wonder if he had a connection with Valerie that she will never have. No, he decided; the truth would be far more troublesome that it was worth. Ignorance was bliss; what she did not know would not harm her.

Chapter 1 - The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

Stalerie Vs Steroline Meta (of sorts)

Dear Anon,

I’ve given this A LOT of thought. And heres the thing, there are so many theories out there that I can’t keep track. Theres that whole personal hell theory, the alternate universe theory, the mind prison theory? But the point is, since I’m not the proponent of any of these theories, I know very little about how plausible they are.

SO I’ve basically gathered the theories running amuck in my head and pin pointed which theory I’d put my money on. 

So here goes this long ass post and my only request is that if you’re reading it, please read the whole thing, it makes more sense towards the end with canon backing it up. 

Of course feel free to disagree as well. :) 


My Review Of TVD 7x07

Ok lets do this.

Starting off with the Flash forward 

Damon and Alaric rushing to save Caroline. The Defan feels were strong here. It’s nice to see Damon squarely on Team Stefan.

Damon stressing on the fact that Stefan will put himself in harms way to rescue caroline. 

Alaric insisting that if Caroline is in danger, he wants to help. That was a sweet moment. I know most are very against Alaric at this point. But he’s basically raised 2 kids with Caroline over three years, he’s bound to grow to care for her. And it was nice to see that he had no qualms showing that he cared for her. So I’m okay with it.

As for Damon being captured as well…. That’s not good for Team Keep Stefan Safe. #ShitsHitTheFan


Critical Analysis Of The Caroline Surrogacy Story Line

I have said this before multiple times. My only worry when I first heard about this intended storyline was whether the story will adequately address the issue of consent. And while it seems trivial to bring this up because the show deals with Vampires, werewolves, witches and compulsion, I can’t help but feel the story would be richer if consent is explored. And i say IS explored because i feel they can still do it in the next episode. 

It might feel like I’m making a big deal out of nothing. And I don’t blame you for thinking that. Most of us live in societies where consent, free choice, the freedom to take decisions that shape our lives is taken for granted. It is the norm rather than the anomaly. So it is difficult to put lack of consent in perspective at times.

But I cannot impress upon you enough the significance of free consent. I would go so far as to say it is part of the very fabric of free society. Without free consent, civilization would devolve to Darwinism and Rule Of the Might. 

To put things in perspective: Heres an example of the importance of free consent:
Without free consent - sexual intercourse becomes rape.

Feels pretty darn important if you ask me.  

My problem with the surrogacy storyline is that everyone (except matt) seems to be looking at the pregnancy with their own damaged perspective and has an ulterior motive and not really looking at it from Caroline’s POV AT ALL.  Consent hasn’t even crossed their minds ! 


Unexpected - A Steroline Drabble

A/N Based on this request: I modified it coz, I’m pretty sure the twins can’t kick yet.

Category: FML 

She paces up and down her dorm room. She is pregnant. Pregnant. She is a pregnant vampire. She never thought she would use the words pregnant and vampire in the same sentence in such close proximity to each other. 

Part of her still doesn’t believe it. It doesn’t make any sense. She realizes the prospect would have been easier to accept had it been her child. But its not her child. She is just a vessel. . a supernatural surrogate. Only.. no one asked her if she wanted to be a surrogate. It is all too much to wrap her head around. She tries Stefan phone again. But he should know she figures.


1000 Days Of You - Part 12

Chapter 27 - The Reality Of You

He resisted the urge to kiss her as he stirred awake. His arms were wrapped around his girl friend who was sleeping blissfully. Kissing her would wake her he figured and that was against the rules. She was very specific. He couldn’t wake her up on holidays. So he held her tighter, settled in closer and shut his eyes again.  

He was normally a morning person. He would wake up, get his coffee, read the news, eat his breakfast, check his emails and wait for Caroline… or he would just wake her and endure her wrath.  But right then, coffee and work emails weren’t quite worth leaving the comfort of her in his arms. So he just lay there, feeling her breathe in and breathe out at a steady rhythm, loving the sensation of her bare skin beneath his.  There was a tranquil serenity to it all. . something he hadn’t quite experienced in his previous relationships. .The whole world seemed to just. . melt away. . and it was just him and her … granted he was probably happier about it because they were both naked under the sheets. He smiled to himself as he recollected the previous night. His desire to place his lips on her’s growing with each passing second.

Her phone rang; his smile grew wider. Technically, it would be the phone call that woke her, not him he reasoned as he waited for her to answer the call.

“Bonnie I’m sleeping” She groaned into the phone.

“No every things fine … yeah . .  yeah I spoke to Stefan” she said groggily.  She paused and sighed. “And we sorted it out can I call you back when I’m up?… . great bye” She said placing her phone back on her bed side table.

“Morning” he said nuzzling her neck.

“No no .. not morning..” She said shaking her head and closing her eyes shut.

“You’re right, its more like noon” he said sliding his hand slowly along her naked stomach. He kissed the side of her neck as he brushed his thumb over her nipple. She bit her lip.

“Noon huh?” She exhaled sharply as he sucked softly on the skin of her neck.

Anonymous asked:

Also I don't think stefan total bails as the go on a date in episode 7x11 ! So maybe he freaks out a little but then again who wouldn't ? 😂💁🏽 it's a tad freaky

I agree. Okay I finished writing my views and realized that this is a long post so I’m gonna put it on the ‘keep reading’ tab. But basically this is my take on the Stefan’s-lost-chance-at-fatherhood arc and its impact on Steroline.


Dear Julie Plec & Caroline Dries,

Is it too late to opt for the NON-EPIC Steroline package?

Because there has been a misunderstanding. I believe when I enthusiastically supported Steroline and TVD, you figured I wanted the Crazy-Epic-Tvd-Love-Story-PackageTM. But what I actually wanted was a simple story . I don’t want epic. I just want a simple love story where they are vampires who fight bad guys together, take care of the people they love, have couple fights like normal couples and go through level 7 or level 8 angst (on a scale of 1 to 10). In other words, THE NON-EPIC-PACKAGE.

So how do I fix this EPIC misunderstanding?


Maria George


Time To Address The Elephant In The Room

That’s right. I’m talking about those damn leaks and how it has invaded our subconscious, tainting every thing we see on the screen and robbing us of the significance of what is actually happening because everything is colored by what we think is going to happen later on.

I’m going to talk about this because the leaks have affected me significantly and I have been projecting my anger and dissatisfaction onto what we see on screen and its putting a lot of pressure on each little scene to validate my ship. Nothing I see is good enough because at the back of my mind I’m thinking, but whats the point, in xyz episode stefan will do ABC. That little bitch is kissing her now but I know whats gonna happen jerk! 

But here’s the thing - if 7x06 has proved anything - its that the leaks are not entirely true. They are not verbatim what is going to happen. 


My Take On TVD 7x06

Overall - great episode. Good job Carline Dries. Credit where credit is due.

1.  The Flash Forward Scene.

Can we take a minute to appreciate Damon’s annoyance about Alaric being engaged to Caroline. He’s such a Steroline shipper. He’s in my screen irritated and channeling the emotions of every steroline shipper right now.


Candice King Interview And Why It Gives Me HOPE

I have received numerous asks about the Candice interview, and instead of replying to them one by one, I’m going to put all my thoughts into one post. 

Let me start off by saying that I am happy that Candice was honest and candid about what she as feels is going on with Steroline and she does not put on a veil of rainbows to make it look like everything is dandy in Steroline land. And God I appreciate it! Because I for one hate it when show runner and actors give me false hope about a story line. I’m a big girl, I can take it, just don’t give me half truths, get my expectations up when you know thats not what I’m going to see on my screen tomorrow or the week after that. So THANK YOU CANDICE KING FOR BEING HONEST.

That being said, Candice’s interview actually gives me hope for Steroline rather than taking it away. I know, it sounds odd.. and I probably come off as a delusionally positive unicorn right now. but truth - I’m not an eternal optimist, sometimes dark is just dark..and the light at the end of the tunnel might just be a train coming to hit me…I don’t see imaginary silver linings.  

But I do have hope for Steroline despite what this looks like and it has nothing to do with delusions or undying positivity. It has everything to do with logic and reasoning. 

SO hear me out Stero-fam.


My Girl Friend

“WHERE IS MY-” He stops short. Shocked that even after all this time the first thing his mind and heart associate with her is the term “girl friend”…

But she is not his girlfriend. .not anymore. . 

He takes a moment to gather himself. She’s not my girl friend. . The masochist in him laughs at the thought … She’s not my girl friend. . his heart grows unbearably heavy.  . . She’s not my girl friend…his mind draws a blank… She’s not my girl friend. . It’s ridiculous… it doesn’t feel real. . how can it, when he loves her so much? . .

He takes a deep breath. 

“Where is she?” He asks finally. “Where is Caroline?”


Stefan Salvatore in TVD 7x05

So I was actually going back and forth in my mind wondering whether I should watch this after I heard recaps from several friends. And honestly, I think the Steroline story is incomplete (which causes a lot of anxiety), so it wouldn’t be the worst thing if you haven’t seen it yet - maybe you should wait to watch it along with 7x06 - it might put bring the steroline arc full circle.

That being said, I’m going to jump right in to the Stefan/Valerie/Baby story and him lying to Caroline.


1000 Days Of You - Part 11

A/N: Rating M.Children look away (at certain parts). Also, if you are not into fluff, move on, this is not for you.

Chapter 25 – Colors Of You


The warmth of the morning sun; The glowing amber of the fireplace. . The dream of waking up to golden curls; And a smile that feels like summer has come at last.

Her alarm had gone off twice in the past forty five minutes, but she refused to wake up. He watched with hooded eyes as she stopped the beeping of her alarm for the third time.

“Time to wake up ” he reminded her, his arm still wrapped around her from behind.  

“Mmmm” She hummed, her eyes still shut tight.

He placed a lingering kiss on her cheek.  

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