
@babyspinachspice / babyspinachspice.tumblr.com

Zoe / 20 / (she-her) cranky mopey trans girl. I'm studying nursing and I make music as dog dirt

Being alive is awful and being trans is exhausting and i! w*nt! t*! d*e!


hi im never on tumblr any more but still think about a lot of my mutuals a lot, i hope ur doin good <3


here’s the last episode of Car Boys. i hope you find it satisfying. goodnight!

So strangely beautiful Thank you car boys


this is what Homer Simpson’s forearm tattoos said in the dream I had the other day, and I woke up with a jaunty carribean tune in my head.

it went “this is the song and the sign of the summertime / this is the log of the lima lime”

I'm only back in tumblr because I can't stop thinking of this post again


hello children

a lot of young teen lesbians on tumblr r aligning with the terf ideology without knowing properly what it stands for. so as an Older Lesbian with some 6 years of Being Out Experience i wanna clarify some things for you.

nobody is forcing you to be attracted to anyone

nobody is saying that if you aren’t attracted to [insert a trans woman name], you’re automatically transphobic and a terf. nobody is saying you have to have sex with trans girls if you aren’t attracted to them. just as nobody is saying you have to be attracted to every cis woman. and nobody is saying you have to have sex with gay girls you aren’t attracted to.

we are only asking you to respect trans women as women

and that’s really the least you could do! trans women (trans lesbians and wlw in particular) are just other girls out here trying to survive in this hetero world. and it’s hard being a lesbian already - but being a trans lesbian is so much harder. don’t make these girls feel even more alienated, don’t contribute to the hate that is turned against them. 

“but i don’t wanna have sex with someone with a penis”

if you end up never sleeping with anyone w a penis, that’s okay. being a lesbian isn’t just about who you have sex with. it’s also about who you love, who you’re attracted to and who you date. and one day you might find yourself falling in love with a trans girl. 

if that happens, just like in any relationship, you can negotiate your limits in sex. there’s no point in saying “i am not attracted to trans women” - because it makes it seem like trans women are inherently so much different from cis women, makes you sound like you think all trans women look/are the same and like you think of women as walking genitals. which is pretty misogynist! 

so please just don’t listen to terfs. protect your trans sisters because they need it and they will always be there to support you if you support them too. 


it’s funny how liberals talk about legalizing pot in the sense of “why not/it’s like alcohol/this old lady with cancer could use a good painkiller” and never say “hey were putting thousands of black youth behind bars over this and it’s used to target black communities specifically and that needs to stop” it’s almost like liberal leaders and large swaths of their followers are just apathetic bourgeois elites who favor leisure and comfort over helping the poor and marginalized


It's summer here and I hate it and I have like 2 more months off uni and I have wasted a month lying in bed all day and working and I'm wasting my life bc I'm depressed and it's just making everything even worse than

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