
The party is never over, bitches

@electroboy-electrogirl-soun-blog / electroboy-electrogirl-soun-blog.tumblr.com

I am Angie and no one actually calls me that but OK. I kinda consider myself nonbinary and you can also call me "she" or "Sound Wave" (yeah that's the avatar guy). I post Noel Fielding, MCR, Doctor Who, Sailor Moon  and smth else occasionally and maybe a little bit of my own creations. You can talk to me but I literally don't shut up about myself when being asked. I still like to listen to others 'cause it's interesting. But I try to avoide depressive stuff here 'cause I recently recovered and my mental health is not yet stable. Love you guys

Jupiter’s moon, Callisto.

is no one going to explain what all the lights are


they’re impact craters! callisto is one of the most heavily cratered object in the solar system, and as far as my very basic research has just gone, the light parts are essentially iced over impact craters

so, essentially, we’re looking at something with a very frosty/icy surface. they’re bright because they reflect the sun!

Anonymous asked:

Why do people defending zamii not even listen to the reasons people were upset with her Jesus Christ. She drew fat characters skinny, she drew red face natives (stereotypical outfit and literal bright red skin), yellow face Asians, whitewashed black people, and she was friends with/drew art for A CONVICTED PEDOPHILE (and while this was a long time ago, she never apologized and she kept the art up and when she was called out she just changed "friend" to "follower" and never said a word)

Anon, I assure you, they KNOW of the reasons people were upset. It’s just the fact that said reasons are PETTY.

She drew characters in a different size? Oh, cry me a river. I’ve been given shit for my weight and still am very self-conscious to this day, but I’m mature enough to ignore or blacklist artists/drawings that don’t appeal to me. Nobody gives a shit if someone, say, draws Pearl chubbier and anything other than white, because that’s how people perceive her, and that’s fine. Zamii got all the shit for drawings people could have calmly ignored. It’s not like she personally goes into the inboxes of mentally ill minors to expose them to art they don’t like. Zamii did her own thing.

I’m not educated enough on the native drawing topic, and I need a source on the whitewashed and asians part. If the whitewashing topic is about Garnet, a pink alien space rock, I’m not even going to address this.

REGARDLESS, unlike a shitton of people in this godforsaken website, Zamii was willing to correct herself and apologize. Even if her actions were really AAAALL that offensive, people could have educated her, because even as adults, people LEARN. Tons and tons of minors (and adults alike, of course) around here continuously harass people, are genuinely toxic and refuse to accept that they are such, refuse to learn, refuse to apologize for their actions. Where’s the attention for THEM? Where’s the receipt blogs for THEM? Obviously, they don’t deserve the kind of harassment Zamii received, but tumblr will favour them because most are minors and thus not responsible for their actions. Haha, yeah, that’s not how it works.

Did Zamii murder people? No. Did she harass people? No. Did she actively seek out to harm people. No.

She drew art, posted her own things, did her own thing, and got shit for it.

As for the convicted pedophile thing, she didn’t know, and doesn’t owe an apology for it. She isn’t obliged to delete her art, regardless of whom it was addressed to - it’s called being proud of one’s art. It’s not a bad thing. Unless it was something seriously harmful that the pedophile used to their advantage, or was just sickening to begin with, she is not obliged to take it down.

So, BY THOSE STANDARDS, Zamii is innocent. She did not deserve harassment for something she could have been educated on IF it were as serious of an offense as people say it is. People use the art issues as a continuous excuse for making the effort of driving someone to the point where they don’t think their life is worth anymore, and that’s likely why defenders won’t listen. They know. Everybody’s going to know the reason why she got harassed so badly: and it’s, plain and simple, because she made art that people didn’t like. 

There may have been other issues alongside the art topic, but they’re irrelevant as the harassment was 90% of the time based on the drawings and, even they were being/they have been resolved already, tumblr will hold them against her.

It’s not that difficult of a concept.

- Mod Miracle


what the crewniverse said: people will draw whatever they want

what I thought they said: its OK to draw whatever you want

I just mixed things up and now I’m getting called insane, retarded, and more. Please spread this to let everyone know.


After hearing about the Zammii070 incident...

I’ve never been SO ashamed of an online community.

I had no idea what it was about before I saw a Facebook post a friend shared about it. There were countless screenshots of people just OUTRIGHT BULLYING this poor artist.

I am disgusted with the Tumblr community today, and it’s been culminating for a while. A couple months ago, (I was being bullied by the Dragon Age fandom,) until I too almost committed suicide.

This sjw BULLSHIT needs to end.

As a transman, I feel like no community has degraded me more than this community. Who supposedly stand for people like me. I feel like people use social justice as an excuse to attack people, and it’s HORRIBLY one-sided.

I constantly feel like I’m walking on eggshells to post here, so I just kind of stopped after the Dorian incident. I am terrified to draw Dorian and my character anymore because “God forbid Maxwell be realistically (for the DA era) transgender.” Oh but someone can draw Bull as a transman, and Dorian eating him out, and get 0 shit whatsoever? I don’t have a problem with that, I have a problem with the BLATANT pick-and-choose hatred.

I work with some non-binary feminist people at work, and I liked them at first, but then they started talking like enraged Tumblr sjws, and I honestly am rethinking why I even felt a part of the queer community in the first place. I feel like the entire queer community is becoming this hateful, belligerent sort of people. I never thought I’d prefer the company of cis-people more than people like me. But you know what I failed to realize before I had this huge wake-up call about this stuff? We’re all just PEOPLE.

Categorizing and nitpicking is the BIGGEST DETRIMENT to REAL social justice. All this compartmentalizing is RUINING the idea of equality. People are doing just what the people you guys are spending all your time hatefully talking about, did to us.

You have become the very thing you hate, I hope you people are fucking proud of yourselves.

I’m so incredibly disgusted.

I came to this site hoping it was better than the drama of Furaffinity, but I honestly don’t know what I was on to think this was a good place to be.

To Zamii,

I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, but please know, you’re amazing, I know we don’t know eachother, but you’re an incredibly gifted artist and there are people that value having you in the Tumblr community.

I’m sorry that people pushed you that far, and I hope you recover and that you’re okay. 

I know things are hard right now but please, keep your chin up, and don’t let these people take you away from the rest of the world. They’re not worth it, and you deserve better.

Here’s hoping you see this. <3


I think the worst part about the whole Zammii callout blog is that most of her so called "reciepts" are just a result of her not conforming to the SU fandoms ridiculously high standards. These people don't even see the slightest bit of irony in calling her racist because she drew Sardonyx without an afro and Connie without a big nose.


I was told they complained about her drawing a Jewish character with a small nose.

Lemme repeat that


because she DIDN’T draw a Jewish person with a big nose


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