
Dragons & Thoughtforms

@doofusvirtuoso / doofusvirtuoso.tumblr.com

This blog is my for fun blog. Dragons are cool. My avatar is from http://www.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-head-301271668, until I can draw something decent myself.

Steven Let’s play a fun game about adventure and mortal peril! What could possibly go wrong? Universe is playing a Warlock who thinks he’s a Sorcerer. 

Why not Bard? you ask


There was another contender for the position.


Once you become a certain age, it is your responsibility to unlearn behaviors that hinder your growth as a person.


Man I cannot stress this enough. The “this is how I am, take it or leave it” attitude is an act of immaturity. We all have toxic traits that we need to work on and as an adult it’s our responsibility to recognize the damage that they can do to the ones we love. We all need to put in more effort in becoming better individuals.

big facts


Can we talk about clumsiness and neurodivergence or learning disabilities like adhd? Idk if they’re connected but I feel like my motor skills are often compromised, and I trip, drop literally everything, lose my footing, bump into things and it comes off to people like I’m a ditzy child cus people get mad frustrated at me…and like I can’t help it bro, that’s just my brain or something

Hey yeah there is actually a link. Up to 50% of kids with ADHD have motor coordination issues, and those can affect adults too.

This study found that ADHD adults have more postural sway. You know when you’re unsteady on your feet and it makes you waver a bit? That’s postural sway.

That makes a lot of sense to me. I do yoga, and while I’m very good at “hard” poses because I am hypermobile, some of the “easy” poses have me wavering and almost falling down because they require balance I don’t have. I definitely have more postural sway than most people.

(My balance has gotten better since I started yoga. Just not as much as most people’s lol)

They also found it was less pronounced in certain conditions, such as with shoes off. (That made me laugh—I have ALWAYS known I’m less clumsy barefoot! Plus I just don’t like wearing shoes…)

There’s also dyspraxia, which is a common comorbidity with ADHD and other neurodivergencies.

So yeah, you’re not imagining things.

Dyspraxia is comorbid with adhd and learning disabilities and more. Most autistics have dyspraxia to a certain extent (although it’s not usually diagnosed as it used to be part of the DSM-5 and most doctors just consider it part of the package). A lot of dyspraxics (mainly going off those I’ve met) have more than one diagnosis although they don’t have to be related. For instance I have a learning disability and I’m dyspraxic. Dyspraxia is everything you’ve described above and more, which I’m going to try to break it down.

It’s not just clumsiness, at the base it’s when your brain sends messages to your muscles and they don’t respond. Your definitely not imagining anything and there’s probably a very good reason

I’m dyspraxic and fall under the severe end, I’m affected in every muscle group but the worst with facial muscles (I have great difficulty moving my tongue, jaw, lips on command).

As you can see in these images dyspraxia isn’t clumsiness and dropping things and bumping into things as many people usually think (it was once known as clumsy child syndrome). It’s more than that it’s difficulty with planning, organization, spatial awareness, time keeping, and working memory. It’s difficulty with either/both gross motor movements (I.e jumping jacks) or fine motor movements (I.e handwriting or typing). It can also cause hyposensitivities or hypersensitivities with touch, sounds, taste, lights. Like autism it’s a spectrum! Also just in case anyone is wondering I do have a blog where i talk about all of this fun stuff! The photos are also not mine!

Anyways, to anyone reading this I hope this kinda makes sense and was informative!! I love talking about LDs and dyspraxia and neurodiversity and I’m ever so happy to discuss more so hit me up anytime!

Wow, that’s really interesting, thank you for sharing all this! I didn’t know there was such a big overlap with dyspraxia and ADHD/autism. Honestly, the more I learn about different “branches” of neurodiversity, the more I start to realize it’s all one big tree.


You’re telling me that even my clumsiness can be explained by ADHD???

Oh damn I have wondered why I have ZERO BALANCE, like the second someone’s like “okay stand on one foot” it’s like my brain is certain the foot that’s still on the ground is standing ON A WOBBLY LOG. Like I can’t stand on one foot at ALL. Not even for a second. I always thought it had something to do with my back issues but now that I really think about it…it way predates those issues. I’ve NEVER had any balance. I sway standing still. I wobble when I walk. Holy cow. And the organization/time management stuff has ALWAYS been a wash. 



And yes, this can apply to autistics. We are cousin neurologies, and lately advocates have been wondering if ADHD might actually be on the larger Infinity Knot Spectrum of the autistic stystem. If, like me, you are both ADHD and Autistic, your existence is in for some wild times. 😺


F u c k




is there any temptation greater than being in the hardware store and seeing the place where they have all the little cards for the colours


as someone who works in the paint department of a hardware store i just wanna say that you are absolutely allowed (and ENCOURAGED!) to grab as many cards off the rack as you want so long as you don’t take more than one or two of each colour (they are free for customers but the store only gets so many at a time so please don’t just walk off with our ENTIRE supply of SW 7587 Antique Red cards)


That’s too specific. Have people been stealing the SW 7587 Antique Red cards in droves lately?

legally i am not allowed to comment

I’m too cheap to actually buy paint so I’ve been going to every hardware store in collecting all the SW 7587 antique red cards and gluing them to my walls

YOU!!!!!! YOU ARE MY ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SLPT: Confuse those wine snobs by *hearing* the wine

so i told my mom about this post before she and my dad went on a trip to napa, and she was delighted to try this out

and apparently, when she straight-faced, lifted her glass of chardonnay to her ear and swirled it, she baffled the other winery-goers so much that they all instinctively did exactly the same thing. that sort of crowd-think, that you aren’t quite sure what’s right but you’ll be damned if you’re mistaken for the plebian that you are

but watching that was enough for my mom to lose her composure, laugh so hard she cried, and spill the entire glass all over herself, in the process getting kicked out of the winery

so long story short do this at your own risk


Severely underrated and underused trope:

When Character B is an old friend turned villain, and is trying to fight Character A but they refuse to fight back, so Character B is forced to continue attacking until they eventually stop and slowly break down sobbing

Alternatively: when they stop and then ask why Character A isn’t fighting back, and Character A responds, so beaten they can barely speak:

“Because you’re my friend.”


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