
Extremely funny forever how “pee is stored in the balls” got turned into wholesome shit like “love is stored in the cat” or whatever. Like do you guys even realize. The balls


you will probably not look like a skinny white anime girl when you transition you will likely look like someone's mom and you need to realize how swag this is

I saw a picture of my mom last week and did a double take because we both realized how similar we look. skinny white anime girls are not real women but your mom is. I promise you look like a real woman

Shoutouts to the funniest possible tags on this post

happy mother's day folks :]


happy mother’s day to all the fictional mothers who were sacrificed to generate a tragic backstory


I fucking knew it, I SAID it: they're making ADHD people the next culture war targets. They will 'just ask questions' until we lose every scrap of ground we've gained in the last decade and more. We may not quite inspire the same level of hatred as a sexual minority, but we can very easily be made to inspire disdain and that also works.

They will strip us of our accomodations and our medications and try to stifle any sense of shared identity, and if that kills some of us, oh well. So long as it fuels another outrage cycle, fine.

So many of the tropes they've been using on trans people work extremely well on ADHD people too! "There are too many of these people suddenly! It must be a fad! It spreads through friend groups! And online! People are going private for diagnoses and that's bad! They are using pOwERfUl medical interventions and we think it's freaky!"

I saw the first ripples of this in terf circles about two years ago. And of course it's spread.

6% of British ADHD people lost their jobs in the last year thanks to the meds shortage. SIX PER CENT! And that just made these ghouls go "ooh, tasty, what else can we do?"

Recently an 'expert' was on the BBC saying people see ADHD diagnosis as a "golden ticket." Laurence Fox has been ranting that the condition doesn't exist and threatening "'you won't poison my child's body [with ADHD meds] against my consent"

People need to be aware this is going to get worse. Maybe, if we're lucky, it won't get really bad. But it's going to get worse than it is now.

Fuck. This came along sooner than I thought.



I got diagnosed at 36, got prescribed adderall, and went from continually dependent on men in order to to afford housing for myself, to able to hold a steady job for the first time in my life, and even to achieve promotions.

Late diagnoses are a sign of people realizing that they don't need to suffer. It's not a fad, it's a cultural shift toward rejection of pointless, unnecessary struggle.

We seriously need the boomers to get the fuck out of legislation.

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