
Etienne Combeferre

@thelogicaletiennecombeferre / thelogicaletiennecombeferre.tumblr.com

M!A none...care to change that? TRACKING Etienne Combeferre Beside Enjolras who represented the logic of the revolution, Combeferre represented its philosophy. Between the logic of the revolution and its philosophy, there is this difference -- that its...
“I won’t be able to see my friends again…” Enjolras’ voice was hollow.
“We’ll still be right here. And you can see us, in your head, in your dreams, you’ll remember.”

From Wigs’ lovely fic, The Drunk Leading the Blind. Maybe I’m just a huge cheese but this scene is stuck in my head; Grantaire giving Enjolras a red carnation (a symbol of admiration, or deep love and affection) and then saying this shit. I’m destroyed??

This is my part of the art trade, you can check out Wigs’ glorious part here! I’m still giddy because Wigs just McFreakin made an A/P art for me and Published it.


Inktober - day 7

The Chief, The Center, The Guide.


YES they are so wonderful and I adore your character designs (especially their noses for some reason). :D Nice brushwork too!

Thank you so much!

You know you’re not the first to mention the noses? Its weird…

Well the noses are wonderful! So distinct! :D I love how rounded and fluid your shading is here!


historical tour guide courf as a revolutionary and being shady as hell about the monarchy #dreamjobs #goals 

“… so the king locked everyone out to stop the assembly and avoid the vote going ahead. Luckily there was another room in France so they just used that instead.” 


Happy Family Grantaire!

So there’s a lot of Grantaire who came from a really rough family / hardly any family at all and that makes sense and is important BUT consider this: Grantaire with a family that actually loves and supports him

Give me Grantaire with an alcoholic father who still has good intentions, and is devestated when he realizes his son has inherited his drinking habits

Give me Grantaire with a wonderful loving mother who is amazing at baking and comes to every single one of his exhibitions no matter how far she has to fly

Give me Grantaire with a little sister who means the world to him and who he still sees regularly

Give me Grantaire who feels so fortunate to have found Les Amis, but not because he doesn’t have another family to turn to


Modern AU Trio :)

Sorry I had to change a few things that were bothering me like crazy…

and YES I KNOW THE MUG 8DD like What did I do??This is so dangerous why would I do that?! But come on guys, as if Ferre would let anything hurt our bby ;)


I love Enjolras’s arc bc his rejection of the personal/domestic/non-ideological was explicitly portrayed as a character flaw and it’s an arc i’m familiar with because it’s alive and well in modern times it’s just less Deep it’s the arc usually given to the driven, career/cause oriented woman in a rom com who realizes the ‘error of her ways’ and that a man and a family is what she really needs to be fulfilled it’s nice to see a man in this role instead and instead of giving him a hetero love arc that leads to a wife, 2.5 kids and a dog, Enjolras becomes complete by virtue of noticing and valuing other people’s domestic attachments, and the own attachments he’s formed with his friends: mothers holding vigils for sons, men that need to be sent away from the barricade because they have dependents, his willingness to trade Prouvaire for Javert, his smile at Grantaire the arc doesn’t consist of him finding a New Person and abandoning his ideals/former life, it consists of him finding all of these things in the lifestyle he’s been leading this entire time, a life that still ends in revolution and sacrifice there’s no condescension from hugo towards his character it’s so refreshing

Nice point - it’s an expansion of his world view, not a rejection of his ideals and priorities.

YESSS all of this– he doesn’t become complete by rejecting his central ideal, but by understanding how it encompasses more than he initially thought it did. 

I think this goes well beyond just Enjolras and his arc in the book– Les Mis deals a lot about the tension between personal/individual obligations and duty to the greater good/ society, and it never denigrates either one. Valjean has a duty to his workers AND a duty to Champmathieu,  it’s important to be at the barricade AND it’s important for people to care for their families. It’s no simple dichotomy, either–serving a greater cause serves the individual, saving the individual IS part of duty to any worthwhile larger ideal, and still there are competing needs there.  There’s no single course of action that’s put forth as always right for everyone, only the need to remember those many ties, and to act from love. 

It’s one of the reasons I love Les Mis– it avoids the nasty trope I see in a lot of stories, where larger social involvement is seen as somehow alien to personal matters, and vice versa , where the political or spiritual or artistic is treated as some alien irrelevance to the personal , something to be Given Up in favor of What’s Really Important. But in Les Mis it’s portrayed as BEING really important, and part of people’s lives–just like life is part of those broader goals. 


omg that fanon R self-description was starting to sound like a My Immortal opening, I'm cracking up. XD


Hi my name is Common French Name Sc’epticism Tragedy Fanon Grantaire and I have gorgeous curly brown hair and attractive stubble and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like George Blagden (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!) I’m not related to Victor Hugo but I wish I was because he’s a major fuckin’ hottie. I’m an artist but my teeth are straight and white. I’m also a former art student, and I’m part of a revolutionary group called Les Amis in Paris where I’m the resident unbeliever (I’m younger than Feuilly and Bossuet for whatever reason). I’m a cynic (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. Today I was wearing a green waistcoat and black leather trousers and a matching cravat and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and green eyeshadow. I was walking outside the Corinth. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun and thus no idealistic light metaphors, which I was very happy about. Enjolras stared at me. I put my middle finger up at him. But in a very pitiable and unrequited-love kind of way.



Sounds like he’s going  that awkward high school emo phase that almost everyone went through. 

In any case, and in spite of whatever may be said, the French Revolution is the most important step of the human race since the advent of Christ. Incomplete, it may be, but sublime. It set free all the unknown social quantities; it softened spirits, it calmed, appeased, enlightened; it caused the waves of civilization to flow over the earth. It was a good thing. The French Revolution is the consecration of humanity.

Victor Hugo, Les Miserables (via pilferingapples)

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