
random shit i'm obsessed with...

@hellotherenowfuckoff / hellotherenowfuckoff.tumblr.com

and bonkai will forever be my #otp R.I.P Kai Parker...u lived & died fine as fuck

“8 Minutes” - Dr. Parker Series (Bonkai)

OK, this image is so good. How do they look so much like BonKai? Anyway, you know a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Quick summary: The backstory is that Kai’s mom lived and this somehow made him not massacre his siblings when he turned 22 and realized Liv/Luke were going to take his place. But it also made Jo agree to merge with him behind her parents’s back so he wins the merge and some of Jo’s emotions and personality. His parents still want to lock him up because they don’t trust him, and Sheila Bennett protects/vouches for him and helped him take control of his coven and “exile” his parents. So Kai owed  Sheila big time. And before she died, she asked him to look out for her grand-daughter. Kai got to it a few years too late.

Kai studied Medicine like Jo did in canon, and is a practising doctor, as well as coven leader so he leads a pretty busy life.

He meets Bonnie for the first time when she’s already learning Expression from Professor Shane. That’s where this story starts. (You can read that here).

Noooooo 😭😭😭😭 i want them to BANG BANG even if it’s an older Kai…

I am crazy.


Yoo 👀👀 like...i was waiting for a rly hot makeout session fam??why u do me dirty @leianaberrie ?😂


i stayed up all night making this and it was worth it

MY OTP IS ALIVE AND SO AM I (bonkai humor)

lmao 😂😂 love it

@megasaurusify does it again!  😂 your videos always either make me laugh or cry. 

lmao thank you guys! <333

@megasaurusify aww😫 why isnt the video woooorkingggg *cries in a corner*

@hellotherenowfuckoff (i’ll never not love your username btw) what happened?! can you not watch it? the song got copyright claimed so maybe that’s a problem

@megasaurusify it just wont opennnn and i checked it on youtube and it was like "this video is not available" or sum bullshit likeeee....


Wait whats this i hear about Kai calling to Bonnie? What?

I havent watched this show in 2 seasons.



So remember last episode when Bonnie sent out that psychic blast when she found Enzo dead?  Well in this episode, her mom (yes, Abby came back LOL) was helping Bonnie trying to prepare Enzo’s body for a summoning spell because Bonnie felt like Enzo was calling her (before Abby arrived).  Abby wanted to prepare his body for burial while Bonnie wanted to summon him since they both think he’s calling her from Hell or whatever since Bonnie kept hearing a voice before (I can’t tell if it’s Enzo’s voice though).  Bonnie collapsed while they were summoning him so Abby stopped and burned his body so whatever hold Bonnie was under would let go.  Anyway, people think it’s Kai because he appeared at the end of the episode so instead of Bonnie calling out to her BF, Kai came instead.  LOL  I’m SO FOR THIS.  

P.S.  Apparently, the psychic blast was like a door opening to some other world/dimension/Hell (who the fuck knows with this show LOL), so that’s supposedly how Kai stepped through in the end.  Oh my heart and my life.


I listened again and it sounds like Michael except the last “Bonnie” could have been Chris?

I listened to it a few times and it didn’t sound like Enzo, but maybe Michael (since his character’s accent is different from his real one), but again, I’m not sure.  It didn’t sound clearly like Enzo unless they purposefully made him say it vague or very faint which is a possibility. 

When did you hear Chris?  When Bonnie was in the kitchen or when she was with Abby?  I don’t remember hearing him.

When she was in the kitchen. The last “Bonnie” mention doesn’t sound as English accented. It sounds layered.


I’m really liking this theory. Not sure I believe in it, but I think this would be so cool as an explanation for Kai’s reappearance

@charskiis It definitely sounds like Bonnie inadvertently opened the door to Kai. There doesn’t seem to be any other explanation. But why would it be necessary for him to call out to her? I thought the door was already opened when she screamed? Or did the summoning of Enzo’s body finalize it?

Her scream opened the door while the summoning spell was supposed to bring Enzo back to his dead body. Abby wanted to close the door before Bonnie could get Enzo. And yes! It wouldn’t make sense for Kai to call out since he did it way after Bonnie had screamed, so if it was him, like OMG he’s just calling his wifey then.


I was just watching the summoning scene, and I kept thinking, that doesn’t sound like Enzo at all. Then I was thinking of how Kai yelled out for bonnie in the 1903 prison world, but that didn’t sound right either, but it could have been Kai, it was more of a growl then a yell. Either way, bonnie called out and Kai camber running!

This convo is making me so giddy.  It’s the bonkai fam back to our theorizing ways…..I highkey want it to be him who has been calling her.  Ohh the fanfics this will spark.

I love it too. Weve gotten a revival.

@bonkai-diaries in the extended promo kai says that he will help them kill cade if they help him get out of hell, so it seems he may not be fully back yet 😔 he better be out before that ep ends or else

..um what? how the hell was he interacting directly with them if he’s not out of hell yet? this goddamn show is a mess.

I dunno, seriously, I was so fucking happy that he is back and the short promo is just great, but then the extened one just reminded me that this is in fact still the same shitty vampire diares…

the extended promo annoyed me.cause to no surprise we see Damon man handling Kai. cause u know Damon is the strongest bestest ever.


either that might mean that they got Kai out of hell and then he helped get that thing with elena done, which might explain why he physically interacts with the worms infested pieces of shit that are alarshit and the rapist

or as per usual garbage tvd writers, they will make our baby hades do the dirty work for the elena thing and then resend him/abandon him into hell again

for our sanity let’s go for the latter, knowing it might get worse

Ahahahahaha im back by popular demand (lmao jk, i heard bonkai finna be back so i camarunnin 😂) im sO gidDy RN like omgf- Im not here tryna break my heart(cuz fuck julie plague thats why, so i have low hopes for an actuall one-to-one meeting, i jus want them to like..look at eachother or sumthin😭like AT least be in the same room


Use both headphones

left: the weeknd

right: drake

sex omfg



i felt this throu my entire body







my daddies 

«The good. The evil. The beginning» 

OMFG i never seen this! submit this for the #FangArtFriday on twitter

Reblogging cause it’s amazing.

BYE!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT !!!!!!! This is sooooo good YAAAAAS

i want this now

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