
We don't do anything with dignity!

@onlyfangz / onlyfangz.tumblr.com

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top tip for gms: if you dont want your players coming up with some stupid fuck name for their party just have an npc call them a collective nickname like youre gently offering food to a scared stray dog from a distance where it feels safe enough to not bolt on sight

i had my players face off against a group with a cool name, to set a role model, and you know what they did? killed them, stole their exact name, and tacked on "#2" at the end. there's no winning. i can't win.



Me bc i never forgot abt this show bc i thought i saw a real kid actually being hit by a train as a kid and i was so shocked the show never left my head. Forgotten by most, but it lives within me almost everyday

Off topic but interesting little fact:

This show ran for 20 episode and the last 9-11 or so are lost media. CN did their best to wipe it off the face of the earth. Some episodes are only available in various languages but not in English. And like I said others aren't available at all as far as anyone knows.

Out of Jimmy's Head. It was a series following a cartoon network tv movie called Re-Animated. It existed during the CN live action era.

And this is the scene im referencing too. Yes, the actual thing is this choppy, the gif did not fuck up.


happy Women’s History Month I really think the impact of misogyny on dress history as a field of study cannot be overstated

the Met Gala exists because the Met Costume Institute is the only branch of the museum that has to provide its own funding independent of the Met proper. gee, I wonder why?

how many of the dress history myths floating around today boil down to “women are stupid and will do anything for fashion/male approval?”

the earliest foundations of the field in the 20th century were a few(mostly) men going on at length about the follies and foibles of Silly Vain/Coquettish/Prudish/Parsimonious/Spendthrift Women [mix and match according to your interpretive whims]- while one of the first solo female dress historians was the only one to actually MEASURE what a 17″ waist would look like, examine extant 19th-century women’s garments, and say “this was not remotely widespread, guys”

and of course, it’s only recently begun to be taken seriously as an academic field at all- because clothing is frivolous and unimportant, of course, and just coincidentally happens to be strongly associated with women. no link there, though, right? </s>

(T*RFs, fuck off)

Robert Wun: 'Scorched Bride' Couture Gown, Spring/Summer 2023. Model: Rawdah Mohamed
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