

@smilingwiththebeatles / smilingwiththebeatles.tumblr.com

Avery, 19, She/Her, 5 foot lizard

i cant believe that bacteria would just intrude into my body without my permission. that makes me sick.. 

It does make you sick. Literally.

wow ha ha ur right i shouldve made this into a joke!!


people hate on twilight but it is THE only movie ive ever watched where the 17 year olds actually act like 17 year olds, complete with awkward silences and overall dumbassery. nobody is smooth or clever at all, everyone is uncomfortable, half of bella’s responses to anything that happens to her are “um” and tbh that’s true to life! that’s cinematic realism baby like it or not


Lesbians I love you more than anything else on this planet and all your little posts are cute but do you all realize how much of a commitment running a small farm is

“I just wanna live on a farm and sleep in while my wife brings me tea in bed” like no dummy wake the fuck up it’s 4 in the morning and your wife needs help milking the cows


What if instead of gilly weed Harry had showed up to the black lake challenge in muggle scuba gear like “like where’s your advanced magic now bitches? Got me a free fishing knife with this thing”

Honestly I just want an AU where Harry approached all his magical problems with muggle solutions. Nobody knows how to handle it because he’s supposed to be there learning magic but you know what, it fucking works.

Give me Harry Potter who is like fucking MacGuyver up in this shit, creating his own non-magical solutions to magical problems.

“Potter how did you get past the enchanted keys to the Sorcerer’s Stone?”

“I used a fucking net.”


“How did you get past the dragon?”

Harry shines a little red light on the wall “works on cats, why not a dragon”

“How did you get through the hedge maze?”

“Weed-b-gone, it’s like a pound. Nothing will ever grow there again”

It’s the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. The Dark Lord begins to prepare a spell to end Harry Potter’s life once and for all when….

Reblogging because this is funny and the gif is perfect.


having a personal sense of style is gay culture and the reason why gay men are seen as fashionable and lesbians as tacky is because the standards are so low for men and so high for women send post

and FURTHERMORE the standards set for women are centered around how appealing they are to men and not actually about style at all a lot of the time. Lesbian style doesn’t care what men find attractive and is therefore considered “wrong”


Upchuck the black vulture (Chuck for short). Happy Halloween!

I’d never thought I’d say this, but that is a very cute vulture.

You might be surprised at how cute vultures can be! While Chuck is a little uncomfortable about large crowds, he is super cuddly with people he trusts and is a total ham for the camera. I’ve only gotten the chance to hang out with him a few times, but he’s very clever and a joy to work with!


(here’s the original post, plus another picture, so we can stop reblogging the repost)


Will Smith went to London and dressed up as a Boots sales assistant to promote Jaden’s new water brand ….. what dimension are we living in

“Brand of water” look at our society, we need a good old fashioned culling.


The kid is just doing what he wants to better the world. He started a brand of bottled water that’s better for the environment and is responsibly sourcing everything from the bottle to the water. They’ve gone as far to work with a specific city and only bottle excess water and pay the city more than its actually worth so their water infrastructure can be improved. He’s also donating water to Flint until the lead levels are actually at safe levels because the government decided they don’t want to anymore.

If you’re gonna try to complain about a celebrity doing something at least be educated on what they’re actually doing first

Me when I first joined Tumblr: Oh, I already reblogged this. That’s too bad.
Me now: I reblogged this every day for the last three weeks and I'mma do it again. I don’t give a fuck.

one tectonic plate approaching another

“so are you a top or a bottom?”

two tops? you get a mountain. two bottoms? VALLEY BRO

i don’t know anything about geology


Are you (Mg,Fe2+)2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2?

I had to google that and i swear to fuck I will kill you

alright this is fine


I studied Geology for 2 years and I can assure you this is exactly what it was like

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