
Louise Moors

@dott-i / dott-i.tumblr.com

I don't like being asked for a description, as I never know what to write.

…….when will anything go as hard as ‘everytime we touch’ by cascada……such a bop…..changed a nation…..beatles who??? 


Here comes a rant...

I understand that we are no longer together. I understand that this is what happens when you're single. I understand that I have probably hurt you or upset you as I am the only one who has actually kissed anyone since we split. But I am not ok with her. And you say you understand but you don't. I ALWAYS knew there was something there. I ignored everything everyone said to me about your friendship and how it wasn't quite right. And now, you're basically kicking me in the teeth. All the things I wanted from you were simple. I wanted your time and attention. And even after working all day with her, you still spent simple time with me on the sofa, texting or talking to her. I let that go, because of my past. I didn't want that to manipulate the way I viewed you. I believed you would never hurt me. And you didn't. Until now. All I wanted was to go and do things together rather than you leaving me behind to be with your friends and her. And now you'd rather be out than stay in bed all day. Why wasn't I a good enough reason!? I just wanted some help around the house, rather than me bust my ass, working full time, and be expected to clean up after everyone. And now you can keep it in a better state than when I was there! And ok, maybe nothing has happened with her yet. Maybe it never will. But it hurts enough that there is a chance when I was always told there was nothing more there. Why wasn't I good enough?


Send my love to your new lover



its “thighs rubbing together under ya sundress” season

Buy cute, cheap lace leggings. Cut them a little above your knee. Hem them or don’t, but then you can wear them under your sundresses and not worry about how you sit or if your thighs chafe, and if anyone sees them they look cute af so hell yes

Or a little deodorant between the thighs is magical

Also, LUSH sells this dust called Silky Underwear that makes your skin smooth so they don’t stick together or chafe.


I love that we’re all here for each other in this season of need

Monistat has an anti-chafing gel that works wonders and I live by. You can usually find it in the feminine care aisle of any drugstore. 

There’s this stuff called Glide…pretty cheap & works hella miracles

I’m so ready for sundress season. 

reblog to save a thigh


I made someone my whole universe while they only saw me as one star in the whole night sky when really, I was a damn galaxy.

don’t let someone else determine your worth (via unsends)


One time I used my retail voice on a coworker and she was like, “Don’t use your customer voice on me, I know you’re dead inside like the rest of us, it’s just frightening and weird”

The other day I asked for a table for two in my customer voice and the waitress squinted at me and I cleared my throat and said “Sorry, still in service mode” and she dropped hers and we swapped stories about our day and my boyfriend was like “You two just became two entirely different people in like .5 seconds…”

I can be bitching up a blue streak about a customer-from-hell while the store is empty, and when the phone rings swap over to my retail voice practically in mid-sentence. I even have managers and salespeople from other stores in the chain fooled into thinking I’m infinitely friendly and helpful, and my manager’s husband thinks I’m one of the most professional people in the store. One assistant manager’s daughter dubbed me Perky-Pants because she mostly dealt with me over the phone, and was shocked to the core when I dropped an F-bomb at her graduation picnic.

The acting required in the service industry is beyond the pale. My cousin freaked out when she came to see me at work because I was all smiling and nice while helping someone who was asking inane questions and who basically forced me to walk them to the product and put it in their fucking hand but I was nice as pie until I turned around to walk away and my demeanor changed back to normal and I muttered “what a fucking moron” under my breath as I got back to my cousin. She just looked at me shocked and said “no wonder you’re so exhausted when you get home.” 

this is actually referred to as emotional labor in criminology, and is considered one of the hardest forms of labor

The art of bullshit is strong in the service industry 

Sometimes people walk away from love because it is so beautiful that it terrifies them. Sometimes they leave because the connection shines a bright light on their dark places and they are not ready to work them through. Sometimes they run away because they are not developmentally prepared to merge with another- they have more individuation work to do first. Sometimes they take off because love is not a priority in their lives- they have another path and purpose to walk first. Sometimes they end it because they prefer a relationship that is more practical than conscious, one that does not threaten the ways that they organize reality. Because so many of us carry shame, we have a tendency to personalize love’s leavings, triggered by the rejection and feelings of abandonment. But this is not always true. Sometimes it has nothing to do with us. Sometimes the one who leaves is just not ready to hold it safe. Sometimes they know something we don’t – they know their limits at that moment in time. Real love is no easy path – readiness is everything. May we grieve loss without personalizing it. May we learn to love ourselves in the absence of the lover.
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