
@maxofs2d / tumblr.maxofs2d.net

Hi! I'm Max, a 3D animator & artist for video games! I use Tumblr to share things that caught my eye, that I find interesting, or made me laugh.
This should go without saying, but: opinions are not always mine, reblogs and likes do not imply endorsement.
This blog has a long queue of posts. Every day at midnight CET/CEST, two get automatically posted.

this eseal doesn’t even look like a mortal animal. it looks like some kind of horrific basalt obelisk from deep space that came to life through some dark ritual

not to mention the bleak and waterless SCP containment facility looking room it’s in. it looks like it’s being stored in an underground complex made of meter-thick reinforced concrete

if the thing from 2001: A Space Odyssey that made the monkeys all start killing each other was a biological creature this is what it would be


A fairy used to be able to buy a home like this for a few dozen names and a handful of interesting flowers. Now you need whole family trees of names. And even if you get it, you find put the moss roof is dying. It's pathetic this ecology we live in today


i fucking lvoe call ducks every time i see a pic that looksd like this it assures me that life is beautiful

the little guy!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cocaine was a stimulant used by a priestly caste of the middle period United States called businessmen in order to commune with The Market. [1]


Look, there's a lot to be said about the contemporary gaming industry's preoccupation with graphics performance, but "no video game needs to run at higher than thirty frames per second" – which is something I've seen come up in a couple of recent trending posts – isn't a terribly supportable assertion.

The notion that sixty frames per second ought to be a baseline performance target isn't a modern one. Most NES games ran at sixty frames per second. This was in 1983 – we're talking about a system with two kilobytes of RAM, and even then, sixty frames per second was considered the gold standard. There's a good reason for that, too: if you go much lower, rapidly moving backgrounds start to give a lot of folks eye strain and vertigo. It's genuinely an accessibility problem.

The idea that thirty frames per second is acceptable didn't gain currency until first-generation 3D consoles like the N64, as a compromise to allow more complex character models and environments within the limited capabilities of early 3D GPUs. If you're characterising the 60fps standard as the product of studios pushing shiny graphics over good technical design, historically speaking you've got it precisely backwards: it's actually the 30fps standard that's the product of prioritising flash and spectacle over user experience.


happy birthday portal 2 i can't believe valve invented lesbian divorce 13 years ago

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