
@cozyphil / cozyphil.tumblr.com

| madeline | she/her | 21 | usa | sideblog: sunshinetaron

i’ve been watching dan since 2011, when i was 13. i’ve always felt connected to him, and i felt like i saw part of myself in him, though i wasn’t really sure why. i’ve grown up with dan and i feel so lucky that i’ve been able to meet him and thank him for everything he’s done for me, but as of today, he’s done so much more.

dan came out today and i couldn’t be more proud. he has always been in inspiration to me, especially in the last few years. his strength and courage inspires me and makes me want to be the most authentic version of myself.

i’m not in a position where i can safely and comfortably come out irl, but dan has really inspired me. i know i’ve made posts about this but i’ve not been super direct and straightforward (lol), so i want to start with that here by saying something i haven’t said but a few times to my closest friends. i am bisexual.

thank you, dan, for being such a positive influence not only to me, but to so many others. i’m so proud of you and i’m so thankful that i found you all those years ago.


So I know Dan mentioned it briefly in the video but if any of you have the genuine audacity to comment “we been knew” or anything like that, FUCK you. He spent forty-five whole fucking minutes in that video explaining harassment he faced, the self hatred he suffered through and the emotional turmoil that affects him to this say because of his sexuality and if you have nothing more to say than “I knew it!” then you’re completely insensitive


i don’t even know what to say except that i’m so so so fucking proud of him and i love him a ridiculous amount and he deserves nothing but happiness. and i’m so fucking glad that he’s so much more comfortable with who he is now, and that he found a home in phil, and that phil is so supportive and loves him as much as he does, because that’s exactly what both of them deserve.


Like, I’m sorry, but the joke that was made about Bohemian Rhapsody in the opening of the Golden Globes was tasteless. Most jokes of the night were fine, but that wasn’t okay.

I can’t remember word for word, but to give context they introduced all the major movies nominated for the night. When it came to Bohemian Rhapsody, the only thing they had to say was that Rami had to wear “Freddie’s teeth.” They went on to make a joke about how difficult that had to be because you’d have to get permission from his family to “exhume the body” (e.g. suggesting Rami literally wore his teeth) and then they alluded to the fact that Freddie was actually cremated so that would be very difficult/impossible.

Maybe I’m overly sensitive about death, and it’s such a small moment in the entire show. However, Freddie’s death isn’t fair game for jokes to me. His death was traumatic to a lot of people. They did not show it in the movie for reasons, but Freddie suffered a lot from his diagnosis to his death. He was suffering from an illness that was largely ignored across the world by world leaders, and it was blamed heavily on “lifestyle choices.” The press hounded him day and night about it and shamed him for his identity and life. etc.

I just fail to find the humor in Freddie’s death or in Freddie being dead, knowing how much pain he was in and how much the press did not respect his privacy during his illness. Their constant harassment of him literally impacted when and where he could get medical treatment. His husband and friends had to watch him die, and their ability to find closure was compromised by drama and the media. Freddie Mercury was treated like garbage while he was sick. It’s just not funny to make light of him being dead. 

His death demonstrated how awful the media can be and I don’t think it should be something people casually joke about. Plus, that’s literally the only thing they could say about the movie.

OP IS RIGHT AND THEY SHOULD SAY IT!!! And might I add that not only was the joke fucked up but they said it like ten feet away from Brian and Roger and Jim. What the fuck.

who really thought that was an okay thing to do?

They didn’t think, and that’s the problem









W E    G O T    I T

H E R E W E ’ V E G O T O N E R U L E


i’m doing weekly therapy and i’ve been wondering how u, dan, coped with being on tour for six months and not going to therapy? did u have skype calls with ur therapist or how did it work? also thank u for being a huge inspiration and motivation in working on my mental health. it means a lot to me that u have been open about ur struggles and supporting charities etc. i’m glad ur using ur platform to do so much good. u have never failed to be my happy place, this includes phil as well. thank u


i actually took a break from therapy for the entire summer, but i did manage to cope as being on tour in a pretty good environment for me purely from a neurosis perspective! as i was constantly surrounded by people and didn’t have a moment’s rest, it gave me no time to get in my head with all those pesky feelings you know? it’s definitely easy to get through life by staying busy like this, but at the same time it’s hard to do any introspection or personal growth when you don’t have time and space by yourself? so it’s a good thing and a bad thing. just a quick answer - i’d like to share more thoughts and experiences on therapy and my mental health journey in the future!

(this is all of course acknowledging that therapy is a privilege that many people can’t access due to lack of funds/cultural understanding/under-supported mental health services in national healthcare etc so i appreciate what i can get)

thank u for your kind words

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