
Bird School Registration

@skulljokingaround / skulljokingaround.tumblr.com

yoshikage kira can't enjoy his sandwhich || learn about the burd

dear guys who make gatorade frost:

the purpose of having a name for the flavor of your product is to tell me what flavor your product is

apparently, nobody ever told you this, and so you think the purpose of naming flavors is to sound like Death Knight talents

I don’t know what Icy Charge tastes like but I’m pretty sure it’s going to move me into melee with my target and slow their movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds


I put “no hookups, no communists” in my Tinder profile. I haven’t been getting any matches so there must either be a bunch of sluts around me of a bunch of godless reds.

this is literally the funniest post on here


The chefs for Norway’s Olympic team ordered 1,500 eggs.

What they got was 15,000 eggs.

With Norway boasting a team of 109 competitors, the team’s chefs placed a bulk order for eggs from a local store. The order was apparently lost in translation, however, and they received a bumper batch – some 13,500 more than expected.

“There was literally no end to the delivery,” chef Stale Johansen said. “Absolutely unbelievable.”

The chefs have since been allowed to return their excess produce, with Aftenposten attributing the original mistake to a mix up with Google’s translation tool.

Although the excess eggs have been sent back, the Norway team can still expect plenty of egg-based dishes.

“There will be omelets, boiled and fried eggs and smoked salmon with scrambled eggs,” Johansen told Aftenposten. “And we hope there will be a lot of sugar bread made for medal winners. We have made our provisions for that.”


shout out to the patient I called to remind to pick up their medication, whose voicemail message was “HEWWO? HEWWO?? WHO IS THIS??? WEAVE A MESSAGE” that rang out throughout the whole pharmacy, killing me instantly


i love the fact that there are just some phrases that have transcended homestuck and are now just a part of ordinary internet slang.

like god tier? where did you think you got that from? your hubris will be your undoing

god tier has been a phrase since literally like the mid 90s in fighting game forums and shit can y'all please read something new


the horde government makes perfect sense because the rule is just “whoever’s standing near the current warchief when he dies or steps down or is deposed is the new warchief” and the rest is just bad improv

“by the uhhhh, loa, i say that the new warchief should be….um……” a dying vol’jin frantically looks around the room for an improv partner “sylvanas”

“yes,” says sylvanas in a tone of uncertainty. “shit. i mean… yes, and we should burn down teldrassil”

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