what’s tonight’s mood
i put jergens natural glow on one part of my arm to see what would happen and now i regret it
Wow she really needs to shave her legs
im a fucking man #whyineedfeminism
I just need whatever u put on your arm… I don’t tan at all… Ever.
i literally said what it was
this post is such a fucking mess
Is no one going to talk about the perfect rectanglular shape this thing makes on her arm
i literally said i was a man already why is this still happening
me, as a relationship counselor: have u tried using the 😘emoji?
me: i have an oral exam in my french class tomorrow i’m super nervous
boy: oral exam huh ;) ;) ;)
he’s been split into his Law half and his Chaos half and his friends set them up on a blind date to fuse him back to normal
“Onward, noble steed!” (via catherine_h0)
did i talk shit? absolutely.
Sorry I was speeding, officer. I was listening to Mumford and Sons and the banjo solo came on.