
Phantocam Cosplay

@phantocam / phantocam.tumblr.com

Yooo whats up! ---------- Here's my cosplay page! Welcome and feel free to ask me some questions, however I'm not really down for making templates for people or explaining a step by step process, but I'll be sure to send you in the right direction! ---------------------------------- *Personal blog:* caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamravioli.tumblr.com ---------------------------------------------- *Twitter:* @Silver_alucard3 ----------- *Twitch Stream:* http://www.twitch.tv/phantocam ----- pm me for contact. : P -----------------------------------------------------------------

My first Tokyo Game show!

I made some really fast Ludens Chan from Kojima Productions! And actually Kojima Retweeted me! I was so happy!

I got all that swag from the store after waiting 3 hours in line… haha what an experience!


@phantocam <- Cosplay Blog


Finished the Web shooters last night! I’m totally in it for those moments you feel like Peter Parker making web shooters… one day the real thing will happen!

————— Cosplay blog: @phantocam


Here’s to NYCC hype!

I’m having pretty bad luck and missed my flight, so I’ll be not attending Friday. :/

I’m stuck in Korea for the night, but I hope to see the big Apple soon!

I added Shoulder and helmet lights this time!

Bodysuit and helmet are from Heroestime, and I made everything else myself!


Cosplay Blog - @phantocam


So I made Genji…

Helmet and bodysuit is from Heroestime.com, I plan to remake the helmet, or alter it a bit to make the face come off by magnets.

Everything is foam, Velcro and acrylic. Some vinyl metal finish was added to the chest. Christmas lights are used in the chest, and yet to be added to helmet or shoulders.

It’s fun to wear!! I’m excited for NYCC! See you there!

I’ll have a long flight from Tokyo!


@phantocam -cosplay blog


Some low key sad trash Civil War hobo… And kinda punk version idk… Finished my arm! Everything is made of Foam and plastic reflective sheets… I don’t think it is vinyl, but it is not fabric.

Cosplay blog- @phantocam


Today was cool!

I’ll keep this short because I’m super tired, and still jet lagged…

But I got to go to the Seattle office today for Indeed! It was really fancy in there, and everyone is so nice! I was glad to come and meet everyone that I did so far.

I was able to get some stuff done for this week but will be able to shadow other QA and another team for practices and learning! I’m excited!

Sadly I didn’t see Deadpool yet, and plans changed today, but I’ll be seeing it tomorrow night maybe?

When I got home, one of my Chappie figures came! I was so excited!! Sadly one of the thumbs on the left side was missing completely! :C ThreezeroHK was so nice though and already responded to my sadness and they told me to mail them and they will fix it~ I’m so happy they are an amazing company~

It’s such a cool figure!

Now it’s time to sleep and ride the bus again. Seattle buses suck so much, and I miss the train every day I’m here…and Japan…


Just posting my Genos only photos! I think I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I’m getting my yellow contacts next week, and then going to work on my eyeliner!

Cosplay blog - @phantocam


Today was pretty cool! Happy Valentines Day!

I had a late start today and decided to catch up again on sleep, so I left pretty late.

Today since I was not collecting chocolate, I had a few missions to accomplish. I posted more Genos photos because my missions today were to get a better black and white shirt and then get actual eyeliner, not using my eyebrow pencils on my eyes haha!

So today I decided to head out to get these things. I went to Uniqlo to get the shirts, it was a pretty good deal, since it was 3 for 1500¥ or 590¥ a shirt. So I ended up getting three, but they are nice t-shirts. I also saw a Star Wars force awakens bag for 400¥ so I got that too so that I could carry things easier and it was black with x-wings on it! I kind of want to turn it into a low profile backpack… But maybe I’ll get another one so I don’t ruin it.

After that I decided to head to Shibuya for the eyeliner, since I was thinking to go to Shin-Okubo, (Korean-pop town kinda) but I also wanted to get Taiyaki maybe and look at other Shibuya places, so I chose to go there instead, but I wanted to see Akihabara too, since I haven’t been there in a while.

I got to ride the train all the way to Akihabara on the other side of Tokyo, and went exploring at my favorite stores. Not too much new stuff, but I also talked myself out of a lot of things so I am pretty proud of myself! I did end up buying one thing, but it is progress. : >

After checking the usual Animate and Akihabara Central, I headed to Shibuya on the long train. I listened to a lot of music on the way since it was a 20 minute train ride to Shibuya. Surprisingly the train was not crowded like during the work week. It was interesting… I guess everyone had somebody to spend today with so they were out and about.

Arriving at Shibuya, I headed to the makeup store I know called Its Demo! It was cool there since they have a Pikachu and Alice in Wonderland brand of makeup. It was really neat there and I found eyeliner there called “One Day Tattoo” it was pretty good from what I tried.

After getting this I decided to head to some stores to see if they had anything for my Genos cosplay other than my two shirts. So I found a sleeveless hoodie for 340¥ so that was a good buy, the store had a lot of cool styles, but I will have to come back when I have money… I looked like a fool buying a 340¥ shirt when people were dropping about 20000¥ before me.. Oh well. Haha!

After getting these things, I decided to head back home and get my usual ramen dinners at the market. I got home and made dinner and tried on my eyeliner and Genos costume with my new shirts. I also included the belt I got yesterday because of course Genos would wear a belt with Saitama on it!

And that was really it! Other than that I’m preparing for a long work week compared to last week! Here we go!


Genos is complete! Today was funny!

I woke up pretty late because why not sleep in on a Saturday? Then around 1 I started working to finish Genos. I was hoping that when I finished and headed to Shibuya that there would be a cosplay meet up in Sunshine City, but sadly I walked by the park and only regular park people were there. PARK PEOPLE.

Idk why that’s funny…

I was wearing my makeup and my Genos contacts (I need to get the yellow ones, when j get paid.) and then got a lot of stares and surprises however I was surprised at how many people were just like “meh ok whatever” rather than like “ahhhh!” Or “Nani kore???”

When I got to PARCO in Shibuya I was so excited to get to the One Punch Man store! I really was still hoping for puppets…

When I got there I asked if it was okay for me to cosplay and take photos, and the two cashier ladies were laughing and said it was fine. The funny thing is I’m not sure they realized I meant me actually putting on my cosplay, because they started to get excited and amazed when u brought arm parts out of my shopping bag haha!

I asked the cashier lady and she was so nice and helped me take all the photos of me at the store! I love them all! I was able to get out of my cosplay in the bathroom because I was sweating from walking so much and then from the heat of all the layers. It was intense!

I kept my contacts and makeup on on the way home since I forgot to bring the contact case and solution so I could take it out.

On the way home I got some Dagashi at the Animate because they had a Dagashi Kashi booth there and I got excited since I like the anime so much. I will wait for a Hotaru plush perhaps….

When I got home I realized I should take out the trash. And I piled up all the ramen bowls I’ve eaten bedsides today…. I guess I really like this flavor!

I got some Taiyaki and Azuki Dango on the way home and was prepared for a buffet of sweets and food.

I did my laundry for the first time being at the apartment! There was a 24 hour laundromat by my house about 6 blocks down, so I walked there and decided to get it done.

They include soap and dryer sheets in the gashapon machine which was cool! Only 100¥ for soap. I was able to play a new game I got on sale online Shin Megami Tensei IV, since Final is coming out, and I want to try and play it.

I tried some Fashion Genos for the last bit of the day and I will see what happens tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day to my Japan Timezone people!

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