

@thecrashman / thecrashman.tumblr.com

Hi, call me whatever you'd like.  I post things and stuff.

I want to say Hyness is still an Ancient, because I love the idea of Magolor stumbling onto a statue of an Ancient, seeing their stripey ears, and then knitting himself a little stripey-eared hood to help sell the "I'm from Halcandra!" idea. Its adorably scheme-y!


Bwahaha! Lucky for your idea, I was just practicing sketching the Jamba cult last night, priming me to make this silliness! XD


“The Barbarian and the Troll” is a new Nickelodeon show which is generally cute but like most human achievements will probably never be as funny as this one scene ever again.

bringing this back sadly this show is like impossible to find now


from the creators of kids bop meet adult bop where we take regular songs and make it have as many curse words as possible

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Banana phone


your mom isn’t evil she’s just been in a reactive fear state ever since you hit the developmental stage where the worst traumas of her life took place, if you went into task manager you’d see how much processing power that eats

and you’re not the IT guy.

you can’t be. you are running a bootlegged operating system on scavenged hardware with zero ad-blockers or virus protection when it comes to her and she has administrative access privileges to all of your networks.

you can’t help her.

she is going to have to either contact a professional or research it on her own.


I think Tumblr’s understanding of the Star Wars prequels is possibly the starkest illustration I’ve ever seen of the distinction between “this is a narrative which can be constructed from elements that are present in the text” and “this is a narrative which the text in fact presents”. It’s like the “describe your favourite film badly” meme in reverse: the account we’re offering contains 100% of the same pieces as the films and 0% of the same substance.

Like, there’s nothing wrong with straddling that line – it’s a vital part of transformative media – but I think a lot of folks who’ve decided to actually watch the films based on how they’ve seen them described on this site are going to have Words for us when they’re done.

Are we really at a point that the prequels are known for anything but their bad reputation? Not a rhetorical question, I wouldn’t know where the culture is right now. I can’t imagine digesting the discussion around the prequels without the context of how hated they were for years, it just seems impossible to separate!


I think a combo of prequel watchers growing into adults and the sequel trilogy's problems have lead to the rebirth of the prequel era. For a lot of people nowadays, the prequels are their first exposure to Star Wars, and we're starting to see nostalgia for that era. Nobody's saying the movies are perfect, but the good parts are given genuine appreciation and the bad parts are more shitpost fodder than genuine vitriol.

We also have the sequels as a counterpoint now. The prequels are pure auteur vision done with . . . questionable execution. The sequels are the opposite: all polish, no vision, made by directors playing tug of war. I can see why, compared to that, people see the little diamonds under a lot of rough and connect the dots to make their "perfect" prequel trilogy.


the what

*coughs* Friendly doll person here.

So Mattel came out with different Barbie body types a couple years ago, right? There’s your normal body, but there’s also Curvy, Petite, and Tall now.

Around the same time, they came out with the Made to Move body, which has a ton more articulation than your normal Barbie.

Customizers love the Made to Move body, because hey, a lot more fun positions to put a doll in for photographing. But now Mattel has started making the Made to Move dolls with the additional body types from above. We’ve gotten a Curvy Made to Move doll so far, afaik.

This Queen Elizabeth doll, though? Is the first time there’s been a Petite Made to Move body released by Mattel. So customizers were buying it up not out of any care about Queen Elizabeth — but they were buying it to pop her head right off and use the new body for other dolls!

The thing i like the most about tumblr is learning tiny details about communities i would otherwise not even be aware of. thank you for this info


this post is pissing me off thats way more than 64 megabytes a ps1 memory card is around 1 megabyte and thats way more than 64 memory cards

there are 1mb ps1 memory cards (i have one myself), but all the ones in this image (assuming they're the same as the ones on top) are 128kb. 25 stacks * 20 cards = 500 cards * 128kb = 64,000kb or approx. 64mb. the wild thing tho is that even if they were 1mb each, they'd still only have half a gig combined.


Wario is a vampire’s worst fucking nightmare

• Garlic breath

• No neck to bite into

• Not polite enough to invite anyone inside

• Effectively immortal

• Roman Catholic


I am dying for tiktok witches to give me all the details on the governments secret coven of spellcasters employed to make sure that white people burning fruit can’t hurt any politicians with their psychic beams


Fantastic Beasts 3


The thing is. I would eat the grapes. I would eat the pomegranate seeds. I would eat the Turkish delights. It doesn’t matter what the stakes are if you put a little plate of snacks out in front of me I’ll eat them.

If you sent me to an evil fantasy realm and told me that if I ate anything I would die a painful terrible death then set a charcuterie board down in front of me that would be it for me. Like it wouldn’t even be like a torturous internal struggle to not eat the cheese. I wouldn’t even need to be that hungry.

@thecrashman​ remember that conversation about you and faerie?


Not a moment’s hesitation.

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