
My Gender Is Silly Goose



Sometimes self-care is, actually, NOT getting onto the computer and little treats and watching youtube videos. Sometimes those things are self-care, but sometimes they're also avoidant behaviors.

Sometimes self care is waking up and just. Fucking getting in the car. And driving to the bank. And the store. And buying the cat litter. And changing the cat boxes you've been avoiding because your brains been stuck in a hole. And picking up the trash you've been piling up. And getting a load into the wash. And mowing the lawn before the village council sends you a formal complaint and potential-fines warning.

Like its hard and annoying to do because it sucks. It sucks so much. But if I don't start working on this pile of bullshit I've let build up because it stinks and i was stuck in deer-in-headlights mode, I risk letting it turn into fuckery. I do not have the patience for fuckery that I once - foolishly! - thought I had.

This mentality helped me so much. Framing my "chores" and mundane tasks as self care and something I can do for myself, really helped me. On a good day I feel like I can genuinely enjoy basic to-dos because I get something nice for myself afterwards, even if that nice thing is just a better living environment. And sometimes it's still too hard, and that's okay too.

Anonymous asked:

Have you ever cried or been significantly upset at the death of a celebrity?

  • Yes (which one?), because I cared about them or their work
  • Yes, for practical reasons (ex. it was a politician with good political views)
  • Yes, but not because I cared about them (ex. their cause of death was a trigger for you)
  • No, but I would if certain famous people were to die
  • No, and I wouldn't even if a celebrity I liked died
  • No, because there are no celebrities I like/care about
  • Other (put in tags)

Hey, are you aware of the fact that many people in Gaza have resorted to cutting pieces of their tents for scraps for pads? Which as you can imagine isn't the safest option but their only option in most cases. This also applies to those going through postpartum bleeding from giving birth. If you want to or can help:

The Pious Projects - they distribute feminine hygiene kits for people in Gaza! I suggest checking it out yourself but there's various amounts you can give from $5-$1,000 to help make and distribute these kits! They cost around $25 for each kit, but every bit helps. Make sure to share the link even if you can't currently help donate today!


I’m going to scream. Pushback on the narrative that climate breakdown can be averted by individual decisions centres around the fact that NORMAL PEOPLE do not contribute to a significant amount of carbon emissions cos the average NORMAL PERSON emits 7 tons of CO2 a year. Not Taylor fucking Swift who has emitted over 8000 tons of emissions this year SO FAR. Her CO2 emissions from private jet use alone are equivalent to that of TWO THOUSAND normal people. We absolutely should be blaming individuals if those particular individuals are emitting two thousand people’s worth of emissions.

“We should be addressing structural issues” my brother in Christ widespread private jet use is a structural issue. Celebrity culture and the extravagant lifestyle that comes with it is a structural issue. These are whole industries that are massively impacting climate breakdown but because Taylor happens to be the most egregious case her stans want to pretend it’s not a problem. Stan culture really is a disease


love that he keeps doing this. genuinely my favorite fucking bit

he has had like ten “final movies” and everytime i get sad about it. and then he makes another one. fucking love this guy

One day there will genuinely be his final movie and no one will believe him

My siblings and I have collectively agreed that he won't actually retire until he's dead and buried.

Even then we aren't fully sure.


I am not going to lie to you. When Russell told me that we were putting a ramp in the TARDIS, I cried. I did. He actually told me about a fan who had contacted him, who was a wheelchair user, and said how much he admired Russell’s work. He said, “Even though I can’t get in the TARDIS, because it’s not wheelchair accessible, I just love it.” And Russell was like, “So, we change that instantly. We change that.” When he told me that story, that really hit me straight in the heart. I know what that will mean for the disabled community, and many disabled Whovians who haven’t had that. -Ruth Madeley

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