
It's all about time.

@jacinpain / jacinpain.tumblr.com

Jac // Previously tantchenb and geschister // This blog is about my life, my love to tv-shows and sometimes just about things I like. It's basically just like every other blog.

And if you are interested, my roommate Simone is getting married, and I know it’s very last minute, but there will be food and drinks, and I think dancing. I still haven’t fully read the invitation, but I… I thought we could go together, on a date, in case that wasn’t clear. — Mika “I don’t make the first move anymore” Yasuda


Okay, I have to say something to you that is not very comfortable for me to say… which is that I like you, and I don’t mean that as a boss or a friend. I like you like you, and if you’re not interested, that’s okay. I will simply walk away and possibly never step foot in this bar again due to my previously mentioned discomfort, but at least I asked… and if you are interested, my roommate Simone is getting married, and I know it’s very last minute, but there will be food and drinks, and I think dancing. I still haven’t fully read the invitation, but I… Uh, Yasuda… I thought we could go together on a date in case that wasn’t clear. Taryn Helm & Mika Yasuda - Greys Anatomy 19x18


I showed my attending surgeons, hell, I showed myself who I can be when I’m not working three jobs and buried in debt. I slept eight full hours, three nights in a row, and I-I feel like a superhero who has unknowingly had kryptonite in my shoe for years. And then, someone took it out, and I can freaking fly.


Ich vermisse dich

Hallo Bär,

ich weiß nun, was ich daran mag dich zu vermissen.

Ich denke nicht, dass es das Vermissen an sich ist. Es ist die Gewissheit, dass du wieder kommst. Dass ich dich ganz bald wieder im Arm halten kann und im Arm gehalten werde. Dass ich deine Wärme spüren und deinen Geruch riechen kann.

Sonst wäre ich nicht froh darüber. Wenn ich wüsste, dass ich dich nicht wieder bekommen könnte und deine Nähe nicht mehr spüren dürfte, wäre es eine ganz schreckliche Art zu vermissen.

Aber in der Gewissheit all dessen, mag ich es sehr dich zu vermissen. Ich weiß, du wirst wieder kommen und die Freude darüber überwiegt den Gedanken, dass du gerade nicht bei mir bist und gerade, für diesen Moment, nicht dein Leben mit mir teilst und auch an meinem Leben gerade nicht teilnimmst.

Ich vermisse dich.


And every time I am in cologne, I think of you and the time we had. And it makes me sad. I wish I could spend one more day at your apartment again. With you. Just you and me. We could make it work. I miss you.

Wow... It's been a while since I came on here to write about stuff that's going on in my life.

Let's see. I'm back with my girlfriend and we're talking about marriage and kids again.

BUT: even though I'm not in Cologne rn or even thinking about going there, she (the one this post is about) is on my mind again. I don't know why. I don't even wanna be with her. I got a wonderful girlfriend.

I guess I just wanna hang with her and ask her what went wrong and what I didn't get at that time, six years ago. I just wanna know, so I could eventually get better at social interaction. Ask what could have been, if I ever got what she wanted. Cause I obviously didn't get anything. I was so naive and dumb.

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