
The Murasakian

@murasakiyugata / murasakiyugata.tumblr.com

Feel free to ask me questions! Have a nice day!  (Icon artwork by videntefernandez.)


Powers: (talking about Adrian Andrews) Word around town is she thinks you're the biggest fucking idiot in the world. Phoenix: Oh, damnit! ...But also awesome! Powers: In fact she...and Franziska von Karma... Phoenix: Go on! Powers: ...both think you're a fucking idiot! Phoenix: So they think of me!


Powers: Juan Corrida didn't have a manager of his own. Which means if we're talking about a certain manager with the initials A.A.... Phoenix: Abraham Aincoln! Powers: Yes, exactly. Abraham Aincoln. This is big news! Phoenix: But it seems odd...that woman, Miss Andrews...how could she be the sixteenth president of the United States? He's also dead. None of this adds up! I gotta get to the bottom of this. (pacing and scratching his chin) No, no, this is all wrong!


Gumshoe: You ever seen those, like, those things that seal food in plastic and then they suck all the air out? It's crazy.


Edgeworth: You can't win on your own at the trial tomorrow. Phoenix: What is that supposed to mean? Pearl: He's saying you'll lose, Nick! Phoenix: Thank you, Pearl.


Edgeworth: In order to understand this case, you have to understand a certain truth. You are terrible at your job and I'm amazing.


Edgeworth: It looks like there's still a lot you have yet to learn. Phoenix: A lot I have yet to learn? Me? Edgeworth: Hmph. I bet you don't even know about the double-fisted turn technique while you work on the top of the knob. Phoenix: UM, I KNOW WHAT FROTTING IS! Nearby Detectives: ...... Phoenix: I'VE BEEN DOING MY RESEARCH, EDGEWORTH! I KNOW FROTTING! I'LL GET YA THERE FOR SURE! Police Officer: Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave. Phoenix: WHY?!


Edgeworth: Ms. Impax's death was most certainly suicide. Of that there is no mistake. However, we could not be sure who suicided her.


Edgeworth: This is the suicide report. Part one, anyway. Part two kinda goes off the rails. It's not as strong. Kind of the definitive way of reading them is you just start with one and then skip to three and then you just assume that they got there by - I don't know - space travel.


[Audio: an Ace Attorney parody of The Twelve Days of Christmas. There are a few sound effects from the game. Lyrics, written by @murasakiyugata:

(Crowd murmur) On a day that wasn’t Christmas, I witnessed in my court: 12 false convictions 11 contradictions 10 loud objections 9 quick deflections 8 clues astounding 7 gavels pounding 6 quick time-outs 5 turnabouts (Phoenix: "Take that!") 4 uncovered dealings 3 needless feelings 2 lawyers in love And an updated autopsy report (gavel bang)

ID: a screenshot of the original post, which is the same as the lyrics above except without the sound effects. End description]

This is awesome! I'm honored! :D


(Apollo Justice spoiler)

Phoenix: I think you should try doing a bit more research before you criticize my approach to mentoring, Mr. Edgeworth. If you did, you'd realize that both Merlin and Obi-Wan Kenobi are widely considered some of the most respectable mentors of all time. I'm just doing exactly what they...

Edgeworth: Wright, if you don't tell Apollo and Trucy today, then I will.


It’s like some kind of rule for the anime intros to have a weird phoenix and edgeworth moment

Can we just appreciate the symbolism in each of these?

In the first one, you've got Edgeworth’s footprints being washed away, representing how the person he once was and the ideals he once held have been erased over time. The fact that he’s walking alone symbolizes how closed off he is emotionally to the rest of the world. But then Phoenix shows up out of breath, having finally caught up to him after years of working towards the chance to see him again and remind him who he used to be. The chain representing their connection comes into view, and though Edgeworth tries to pull against it initially, it’s clear that Phoenix isn’t going to give up on him.

In the second one, you’ve got Phoenix and Edgeworth walking parallel paths. Phoenix’s smiling and sprinting represents his hope for the future and tendency to throw himself into things, while Edgeworth’s slow and morose walk represents the weight of his past and his tendency to be careful and analytical in his methods. Still, their matching charms and the way they smile at each other in the end show that despite their differences, they’re still connected through their friendship.

In the third one, you’ve got...I mean. It’s gay. Let’s be real here, all of these clips are just super gay. It’s not subtle. The overarching symbolism is that these two need to just get married already.


I wrote my first Ace Attorney fanfic! You can read it here. Thanks in advance to everyone who does! Here's a bit of info about it:

Title: Lacking Wisdom Rating: M Word Count: 1,650 Summary: Wright makes an extremely inappropriate suggestion as Prosecutor Edgeworth is driving him home from his wisdom tooth extraction.

And here's the first paragraph:

The renowned prosecutor couldn’t help but find himself slightly disappointed. Wright had returned to the waiting room far more lucid than anticipated. Edgeworth had heard tales of others who had made complete buffoons of themselves in the wake of having their wisdom teeth extracted. Of course, his offer to drive Wright home was - at its heart - a noble one. He wasn’t about to let his friend and colleague bike all the way to his residence while still under the effects of the heavy medication administered before for the procedure. Still, Edgeworth would be lying if he denied his eagerness to watch his rival humiliate himself, just a little. It seemed a proper payment - to walk away with an amusing anecdote to be brought up at an opportune time at the other man’s expense. Perhaps in court.


Can you imagine how terrifying it would be to be Phoenix's college Academic Advisor? Like...

"Hi, Phoenix. Please have a seat. You wanted to speak to me about something?"

"Yes, sir! I've decided to change my major. I'm going to become a lawyer!"

"Now hold on a minute, let's talk about this. Was something about your Art Degree not working out?"

"Oh, no, art is great! But, see, I have this friend I have to help."

"Phoenix, if your friend needs legal help..."

"No, no, it's nothing like that. This is more about...well...I'm really worried about his well-being. I need to make sure he's okay."

"I'm not sure I follow. What does this have to do with changing your major?"

"Well, see, he won't answer any of my letters. But he's a lawyer, so I figure if I face off against him in court, he can't ignore me!"

"Phoenix, I.... Okay, first of all, if your friend doesn't wish to communicate with you anymore, you really shouldn't force the issue. Maybe this is his way of saying your friendship has run its course."

"You don't understand. I think he's in real trouble! He's changed so much since the last time we talked."

"I see. And when was the last time you spoke with him?"

"We were nine."

"......Phoenix, I'm sure this young man has built up his own support network over the years. Friends, family, colleagues. If he's in need of help, there are people he can go to."

"But they don't know him the way I do! I'm the only one who knows what he's really like!"

"Because you knew him when you were nine."


"Phoenix, I must advise against this course of action..."

"But I'm really worried about him!"

"Yeah, so am I."

"I need to know the truth! He just suddenly moved away when we were in fourth grade..."

"I can't possibly imagine why."

"...and now it seems like he's going against everything he once stood for! Look, deep down, I know he needs me to save him. I'm the only one who can!"

"Please don't slam the table. Okay, Phoenix, while I technically can't stop you from switching majors, I am going to strongly encourage that you seek psychiatric help. Now I know a therapist who specializes in yandereology..."

"So you're saying you can change my major for me?"

"Yes, but..."

"Okay, great! Well, I'd better get studying if I'm gonna become a lawyer! Thanks for all your help. Bye!"

"...This is going to weigh on my conscience."


Miles Edgeworth has three settings:

1. "Wright, you are the single most moronic embarrassment to the judicial system I've ever witnessed in all my years as a prosecutor."

2. "Phoenix Wright is an honorable colleague and loyal friend, whose skills and knowledge I can confidently place my faith in."

3. "That man is the light to my darkness, a beacon of truth and nobility that led me to salvation, an ethereal entity whose name I dare not whisper, a..."

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