
Notes on 8th and 12th house ~

Neptune is about letting go, Pluto is about control.

Pisces is about secrets, Scorpio is about (your hidden) power.

The 12th house is between life and death.

As the most distant planet is our solar system, Pluto is elusive, mysterious and often misunderstood.


synastry + composite notes 2

  • the house your juno falls in in another person’s chart is the part of their life you are most strongly committed to
  • where your jupiter falls is where you are their biggest cheerleader..where your saturn falls is where you expect them to grow up and improve
  • other people’s planets falling in your ninth house show what they have to teach you, what they might know better than you
  • heavy fifth house emphasis, especially with personal planets in house overlays, point to shorter affairs, unless supported by aspects from saturn or juno
  • composites or synastry lacking major jupiter or saturn aspects make the relationship feel temporary and lacking in direction or purpose
  • someone’s personal planets conjunct (with a 0-2 degree orb) your sun/moon midpoint can indicate them representing what you consider the two halves of yourself combined…the balance between masculine and feminine in your eyes
  • someone’s planets in your 1st house / conjunct your ascendant will help you assert yourself and make you act like whatever that planet represents
  • your ceres conjunct your partner’s sun, moon, venus, ascendant, or fourth house cusp indicates your role as nurturer / care-taker in their life
  • tight venus-uranus aspects in synastry is an indicator of love at first sight
  • tight uranus aspects to the sun, ascendant, or venus in the composite can indicate a relationship that started very quickly - and has the potential to be on-and-off

♡ Aphrodite and Vulcan’s relationship was undermined by her affair with Ares, so Libra cheated on her Taurus lover with Aries 

♡ Zeus fathered Athena and Apollo with Hera, so Sagittarius and Cancer are the parents of Aries and Leo  ♡ Poseidon was Zeus’s brother, and Demeter was his sister, so Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces are siblings  ♡ Maia and Zeus gave birth to Hermes, so Gemini is the child of Virgo and Sagittarius

♡ Gaia is the great grandmother of Hebe, so Aquarius is the great grand daughter of Taurus. Their lineage traces back even further because Ouranous and Gaia were the primordial deities, so Taurus and Aquarius were together in the very beginning, however other stories attribute this to the coils of Ananke and Chronus, the highest octave of Capricorn and Aquarius ♡Hermes seduced Aphrodite, so Taurus and Gemini, and Virgo and Libra are old lovers ♡Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, so Cancer and Leo are two sides of the same self 

♡ Persephone was the daughter of Demeter and her brother Zeuswho later fell in love with Hades, so Virgo and Sagittarius hid their secret Scorpio child in the underworld, it can cause Scorpio to become very self-involved and possessed  ♡ The parent of Pan is unclear and presents 3 holy trinity possibilities in Hermes, Zeus, and Dionysus, so the Capricorn inner child can have an obscured and mysterious background with the sense that they were born into the wrong family ♡ Chronus swallowed all of his children except for Zeus, so Sagittarius is the child of the Capricorn inner parent left with a father complex

- there are variations of these stories you guys may know different or better :)


timing of marriage in astrology

i recently learned about a predictive method for timing marriage. look at the planets that rule your 2nd, 7th, and 11th house. if these planets are all simultaneously transiting through either of these houses, this is a time when marriage is very likely.

for example: if you have capricorn on the cusp of the 2nd house, your 2nd house is ruled by saturn. with gemini on the cusp of the 7th house, this house is ruled by mercury. and if the 11th house is in scorpio, its ruler is pluto. if saturn and pluto are both transiting the 2nd house for a couple of years, for example, and then the fast-moving mercury travels through the 2nd, 7th, or 11th house, this can trigger a marriage timing.


Tarot Tips

🃏 Find The Empress in your deck. The card behind her will reveal what you need to do to nurture and care for yourself. 

🃏 When in conflict or competition with someone, look for 5 of Wands. The card behind it will reveal the solution to the problem.

🃏 If you see the same card over and over again in readings, it is a sign and you must pay attention to its message for you.

🃏 For a better understanding of each card, observe it closely and form your own interpretation that follows its themes. It will help you interpret readings better.

🃏 To find out what is making you feel stuck or delayed, look to The Hanged Man. The card underneath him will show what is holding you back. The card in front of him will show you how to overcome it.

🃏 When shuffling your cards, if any card drops out of your grasp, take it as a sign and read the card. 

🃏 You do not need crystals with you to do proper readings, but a good way to cleanse your deck is to place a clear quartz on the top of your deck before each reading. Keep in mind; there’s a variety of ways you can cleanse your deck.

🃏 Often when The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is trying to tell you that you know the answers and that you should listen to your inner voice.

🃏 There is no wrong way to shuffle or cleanse your deck. Do what feels right for you!


✨👼 angel numbers 👼✨

the meanings behind those synchronistic #’s you keep seeing!! the universe loves to fuck us up with it’s numerical messages. 💝

1111, 111, 11:11 - a reminder that you create your own reality so be aware of your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and intentions. you’re on the path of manifesting your truest self and beginning a spiritual awakening! make a wish bitch! 

2222, 222, 2:22 - miracles are coming your way, seek balance, prepare for a fresh beginning. something you’ve been wanting is about to manifest, make sure it’s really what you want! you might also be manifesting a soulmate or twin flame at this time. 

3333, 333, 3:33 -  reconnect your mind body and spirit. you are being protected by the universe/ your guides/your angels/whatever you believe in. use your gifts/talents & focus your purpose. the ascended masters are with you. make a fucking decision. 

4444, 444, 4:44 - honor your body. you may have just met someone who’s a part of your soul family. you are being fully supported in your journey, you’re going through a spiritual ascension, listen to your intuition, trust in the process, your at harmony w/ the universe!

5555, 555, 5:55 - remember that your life has worth and significance. prepare for major change! trust your choices and make them for the right reason. be open & stay positive. 

6666, 666 - be conscious of the ripple affect your words & actions create, realign them with the universe. dream big babe & transform your life through positive thinking. this is a wakeup call to check your attitude! 

7777, 777 - you’re becoming your best self! congratulation, you’re also flowing in perfect harmony with the universe. if you’ve been reading a lot about spirituality, now is the time to put all that info to use. live a spiritual life!

8888, 888 - giving giving giving and receiving x10! you have knowledge and talents to share. find your greatest sense of purpose through giving the universe will reward you! your mindset of abundance is manifesting opportunities!

9999, 999 - closure & release. you need to let go of something in order to invite abundance into your life. justice is coming to help your ass. if you’ve had an ex on your mind, leave them behind and let karma do it’s shit! also, embrace who you are and abandon any superficial labels. 

1010, 10:10 - shit is working out in your highest good & you’re moving towards a new life path. a spiritual awakening is bringing you closer to the divine. take action towards the success you desire, your goals are being supported. 

1212, 12:12 - your dreams are being manifested right now! your wish has been received, all you have to do is stay positive. remember that your thoughts have power. you’re in the middle of a spiritual awakening! 

1234, 12:34 - the releasing of physical, spiritual, or emotional baggage! the universe is decluttering your life to give you spiritual clarity. you’re being lead to your soul purpose! you are a part of something greater now. 

reblog w/ your favorite angel number(s) and what they mean to you. I love hearing synchronicity stories! 💖💖💖


‪i wonder what version of me exists in your mind


🕊👼🏼 types of angels 👼🏼🕊

seraph: stays up too late every night, stubborn & strong minded, playfully sarcastic, pretty voices, every piece of clothing they own is either black white or grey, succeeds at anything they try, reads a lot, makes others envious without trying, often told they’re intimidating, ink stained hands, gets asked what’s wrong when nothing’s wrong, listens to music on high volume, over sized t-shirts

cherub: small but powerful, slightly short temper, loud laughter, hates confrontation, defends anyone who needs it no matter what, underestimated at times, lover of anything pink, doesn’t like to be alone, gets excited when they see dogs, always seems optimistic but struggles to smile sometimes, loves spring and watching flowers grow, short attention span, hates arguments and loud voices

throne: can seem awkward but is just quiet and shy, blushes easily, has a soft smile, nostalgia, hangs polaroids on their walls, listens to classical music, morning person, enjoys nature walks, collects little memorable things, a comforting aura hangs around them, listens to records instead of cds, charm bracelets, reads & writes poetry, calls everyone angel, smiles at random strangers on the street when they pass, doesn’t open up easily

dominion: old souls, enjoys their alone time, mom friends but tries to hide it, worries too much, very neat, nice handwriting, likes to stay on schedule and routine, the one everyone comes to for advice, can seem serious but is actually very funny, passes classes without studying, gets happy when they see babies & children, nervous before things but when they happen they do perfectly, gardens and knits, treats their friends like family

virtue: disappears from time to time and no one knows where they go, messy but can always find things, would die for any animal, wants to be reborn as a star, forgets things constantly, knows every constellation, always gives others compliments no matter if it’s a stranger or not, loves rainy days, deep thoughts @ 3 am, lives chaotically but still eats healthy, does assignments the day before, asks a lot of questions but they’re just curious about everything, wants to know the meaning of life

power: red lipstick & leather, likes night more than day, strongly independent, can get quite fearsome when angry, quiet voices, blunt and always tells it like it is, forgives but never forgets, loyal to people they love until they die, can’t stand seeing others hurt, teaches self love to others, deserves the world

principality: loves being outside more than inside, has a knack for gardening and growing things, picks fresh fruit, always bare footed, plays in the puddles when it rains, stops to feed stray cats & dogs, visits art museums any time they can, wiser than they look, great at philosophy and teaching things to others, naturally creative and brilliant, extremely inspirational even if they don’t know it

archangel: can look intimidating and hard to approach but is actually kindhearted and friendly, fierce and relentless when it comes to something they care about, complex and difficult personalities, leaders, good with their words and always know what to say, incredibly loyal, understanding and empathetic of anything others are going through, can be unpredictable at times


things that exist but you can’t see:

  • people thinking about you and smiling
  • flowers growing in your heart
  • the moon’s affection for you
  • how much you’ve healed already
  • a lovely future written in the stars
“Go and love someone exactly as they are. And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered.”

— Wes Angelozzi (via purplebuddhaquotes)


‪Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Go your own way. Create your own life. Be yourself.‬

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