
Hot mess

@sebastian-moran-has-arrived / sebastian-moran-has-arrived.tumblr.com

This is supposed to be a rp account but it's become a mess. Name's Seb, bisexual, trans masc, pronouns are he/him they/them. My flight rising is NoriakiKujo, and message me if you want to add me on Discord.

thanks for the light

I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')

(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)


Drabble prompt: Zosan, one (awkwardly, though that probably goes without saying) bringing flowers for the other


Brilliant. I love it. ___

“Robin prefers peonies,” Sanji says.

“I know.” Zoro doesn’t look up as he gathers up the sunflower stems.

“Nami likes — hey,” Sanji says as Zoro shoves the bundle of sunflowers into his chest.

“They’re not for Nami,” Zoro says, turning to pay the straight-faced vendor. “They’re for you. Dumbass,” he adds as he moves on down the market stalls.

Sanji looks down into the bright yellow blossoms. The green stalks are sturdy in his grasp, like something he can depend on.

Luffy fetches up at Sanji’s elbow. “Who are those for?”

Sanji swallows back the thing in his throat. “Nobody.”

Anonymous asked:

Like, Sanji was literally born and raised his whole life on the sea, he was a pirate before anyone in the crew (like you cannot tell me the Baratie wasn't a pirate ship, I will not allow it) so sometimes he'll do something So Pirate like and the crew is like "wha-" and Zoro is the only one who kind of understands cause he had to find so many pirates he himself picked up some of the stuff. Like I'm imagining Sanji being superstitious about something stupid, I don't know like, put a potted plant on each door to avoid bad weather and Zoro being like "sounds about right" and buying So Many potted plants 🖋️

omg I have had a draft about this for a whileee thank you for bringing it up lol

I also think that after him and Zeff survive that island his ptsd kind of develops into compulsory habits. Zeff continues all his pirate superstitions because it's muscle memory and everything, but he makes the mistake of saying something like 'don't do that or we'll capsize.' And Sanji takes it as a genuine threat. He heard plenty of sailor superstitions before he met Zeff but he never thought much about them. After Zeff tells him that though he makes sure to always follow them and the other stuff Zeff taught him.

He gets embarrassed when he first joins the Straw Hats because while Luffy, Nami and Zoro are aware of some those sayings and superstitions they've never really bothered to follow them. Well, Luffy follows the ones he thinks are fun, but Nami doesn't believe in that stuff, and Zoro thinks it's all bullshit. So it feels weird for Sanji to be the only one religiously following them.

Everyone accepts it as one of Sanji's little quirks over time. Zoro makes sure to give him mad shit for it, but he'll still toss coin to the sea for him or knock on wood. And he even becomes Sanji's rule enforcer when he's not around. One of the crew will accidentally break a rule and he's immediately like 'you can't do that 🫵🏼'.

La Sora - "Gem of the Grand Line"

--A ZoSan Restaurant on the All Blue--

I wanted to draw Sanji a restaurant on the All Blue. I knew I wanted it big, and I wanted to have Zoro living with him. But when I started thinking about what he would want, I realized I wanted to make sure it was also a home that all the Straw Hats could return to year after year. So it got MUCH bigger and there's hints to all the crew as well as people close to Sanji and Zoro. I had a lot of fun, I challenge everyone to find all the references!


What is One Piece even about🙄

Guys i draw yalls requests n then forget to upload them😭😭 I hope ppl who requested these will see this💔

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