
glass world

@leafsea / leafsea.tumblr.com

nikki. writer/artist. ig: @leaf.sea

idk if this will help anyone but I starting taking a crapload of different vitamins and supplements and i think it’s curing me of my anxiety

Anonymous asked:

How's life?🥂🙇🏾‍♂️

things are looking up!! (i think)

Anonymous asked:

just wanted to say you are so pretty, i've followed you for years and your posts are always comforting for me. i hope life is being kind to you, i appreciate your words and your art

aw, thanks for sticking around!! thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot to me 🩷



i. i once dreamt of a house filled with purple mist:

i moved through the rooms using the walls to guide me,

until a gust from an open window blew all the mist away

ii. as much as i wish not to partake, i partake

it is not so easy to escape the world

be useful, they say: exist with the others

i can't convince them, and i don't want to,

that i am human

iii. i still want something, after all this time:

to return to where i belong

wherever that is wherever that is

iv. the house from my dreams— turns out it was just a normal house,

but i liked it better when i couldn't see anything

Source: leafsea
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