
make memes not war

@yerizu / yerizu.tumblr.com

she/he/they pronouns are aight i don't really mind | may contain animanga at times

now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck


the thing about edgy serial killer songs is that sometimes they slap sorry

scissor sisters: oh, i could bury you alive, but you might crawl out with a knife and kill me when i'm sleeping, that's why i can't decide whether you should live or die ^_^

me, every time, without fail:


u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me


I think most people would benefit from reflecting on how this might be true for them

Sometimes people bitch about media, both fiction and nonfiction, that they think "humanizes" bad people, especially bigots fascists Nazis et cetera. And I'm just like. Hey. Hey. The problem is. They ARE human. HUMANS did that. Your next door neighbor could do that. Your grandma could do that. You could do that.

"No I'm a good person" why? Because you've gotten lucky and not seen propaganda yet that perfectly hit your buttons? Because you had people to correct you when you fucked up? Idk man I don't think we're all so different from the bad people. We're all just people.

Reminding ourselves of our shared humanity with terrible people does NOT serve to justify their actions. It serves to remind us that the seeds of what happened to them could get into us as well, or might already have. It reminds us to be vigilant and interrogate the hatred inside us.

If you convince yourself that you're just an Inherently Good Person who would never believe hateful things well. Now any little hateful thing that makes its way inside you undetected is never going to be interrogated. It will be left to grow undisturbed.

If you remember that those things can get into anyone, you know to look out for them, and weed them out when they appear, and take the criticism when others point them out in you. So remember, that could have been you. If you forget, maybe it will be.


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Block these sites in your uBlock Origin so you won't see that shit in your searches


The extension in the screenshot is uBlacklist and it's quite easy to use, both manually from the control panel to add the sites with the asterisk, or when in a search results page and clicking the "block this site" option. It's how I've gotten rid of random Pinterest site results, too.

They also provide subscription lists that keep up sites such as these and others on their github:


Saw a video of a tradwife being like “idk why women wanted to work” and I just- WOMEN HAVE ALWAYS WORKED. What do you think ladies in waiting, maids, servants, school teachers and factory workers were doing? Women worked on farms and in fields for centuries. Rich, royal and noble women were not the majority of the population. 70-80% of medieval europe’s population were peasants and those women did not just stay home and mind the house. They worked in fields (for the lord who owned the property, peasants only had like a small strip of land they could farm for themselves. Everything else belonged to the nobility) took care of babies (who upon becoming children also began to work). We have never not worked. The happy homemaker phenomenon of the late 20th century was not the norm for the majority of human history and the feminist movements of the 60s and 70s were not just about letting women get jobs, but for us to also be fairly compensated and to let us in to male dominated fields. These are problems we still face today. Women have always worked, we’ve just never been fairly compensated.

this reminds me of a fascist on twitter who posted a "this is what they took from you" tweet but the image was a like early 1900s ballroom with rich people dancing? so no. statistically "they" didn't "take" this from you. most of yall wouldve been laboring in the fields and factories to create everything in this ballroom. and not dancing in it.


Sun Tzu is so fucking funny to me because for his time he was legitimately a brilliant tactician but a bunch of his insight is shit like "if you think you might lose, avoid doing that", "being outnumbered is bad generally", and "consider lying."


My personal favourite is his lengthy lecture on the subject of Supplies Being Very Important I Cannot Stress Enough The Importance Of Protecting Your Supply Lines But Also Supply Lines Are Expensive As Shit So Steal The Enemy’s Supplies At Every Opportunity. 


One of the more important things to consider about any historical work is the audience it was published for. The Art Of War was aimed at fancy nobles high on philosophy with little practical military experience who were nonetheless leading armies.


step one to overcoming social anxiety is to realize that most people kind of suck and their opinion of you is literally worthless


obsessed with the way my robotics team lead talks

she’s reinventing hieroglyphics


She’s the only person who truly understands how emojis were meant to be used.


something i've learned about character design is if y try to make a character sexy they're going to look like they were made to be sexy (fail) kind of like when u attempt to dress up a dish u know lacks real substance and flavor but when u just focus on making a solid character design you will unlock attractions you didnt even realize were possible to have. whys the mailman kinda

“I move through life like I’m trying to avoid a stranger’s vacation photo.”

— Space Struck, “The Terre Haute Planetarium Rejected My Proposal’ by Paige Lewis (via decreation)


he's built like an unsecured ikea bookshelf and brother, am i a toddler

is it too much to ask for

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