
YouTube Abuse

@unpleasantmyles / unpleasantmyles.tumblr.com

Hello, this blog is no longer active. Tags: youtube / twitter / answered / problematic content / youtube abuse / (masterpost)

I’ve gotten a lot of messages saying that the links in the masterpost aren’t working. I can’t fix it on tumblr, but I managed to paste everything into a wordpress post where the links work. So if you want to click any of the links you should look at that!

Also, I’m not updating the post anymore. I haven’t been for the last year or so.




I’ve started updating the post but I’ve got a lot of messages to go through and it’s taking time. Today I’ve added Austin Jones / AusdudePro to the list. If you have any more links about him, other than the ones I’ve linked, do send them my way! 

(Sorry this has taken so long. I know I said I was going to do this a month ago. But better late than never, right?)



I think the thing that bothers me about the conversation surrounding Shane Dawson’s coming out is that it’s indicative of so much of the way people talk about celebrities and political events now - people are either heroes or villains.

His coming out doesn’t suddenly make him a leader in the movement of equality. It makes him one more celebrity coming out. It’s great for (white cis) bi representation. He still does shitty oppressive stuff on a regular basis that we need to be critical of. We don’t need to glorify him; we don’t need to erase his achievement either.

It was great that he came out, but all he did was come out. He needs to make up for a lot before I, at least, am willing to call him anything more than a problematic celebrity who also happens to be bi.

Building on what Stephen said, I think the positive outcomes from sharing his coming out story will be monumental due to his widespread influence online. However, that influence has led to some of his audience believing that it is okay to make really offensive comments in the name of humour. Be critical of your creators! People are multifaceted.


I know Jess and I have a lot of unread messages on this blog atm, but we’re both super busy and won’t be able to check/respond to them until sometime in June. We apologize for this but for the time being there’s nothing we can do.

Good luck with your school work and anything else happening in your life!




Hi guys! Thank you so much for all the support we've had regarding this blog and the masterpost. We are really glad to be helping the youtube community in whatever way we can. 

Recently it has come to our attention that there are certain people who, in some people's minds, do not belong on the list. We would like to address these issues now.

Firstly, this masterpost is not a sexual abuse masterpost. This is a masterpost to document people who have been accused of manipulative or problematic behaviour. This is in order to let viewers know about creators actions off screen. We recognise that some cases were isolated incidents or that things have changed but we believe that if a victim of this type of behavior is coming to us with a story to share we should try and share it

If one post turned out to be a false claim and the poster comes back to us asking for it to be taken down we will remove a person's name from the list. We are not the police. Although we try and fact-check as much as possible, it is a very hard task and so we are of the opinion to believe the word of the victim over the word of the potential absuer as, even if things turn out to be false, we did no harm by believing someone who might be in need. 

It is at this point that we would like to take the opportunity to say that we get things wrong. And for that we can only apologise. So, please, do not take the masterposts word as gospel. The names of people listed are those who we believe have displayed problematic and manipulative behaviour. It is up to you to read the posts listed and make your own decisions about your own opinions. This is because every case is different and people have different thresholds of tolerance, as it were, to who they will continue to support or not.

We also recognise that, as every case is different, people have an issue with the masterpost not documenting that. So we are working to fix that. Beside every name in the masterpost, there will now be a short 'label' summary about what the person being accused has done. (WIP) The post is in chronological order of when we hear about the accusations. We feel that this is the best order to keep it in and we hope the addition of the summary labels will clear certain things up. 

On a more personal note, we would like to ask that you keep this discussion to the blog ask box and, if necessary, to the email unpleasantmyles@gmail.com. We try and keep the work that we do here separate from our personal lives and find it slightly intruding to get messages about this in our personal inboxes. This blog was created for a reason. We won't deal with things sent to us personally. The discussion should stay here. It does say this in our FAQ but to reiterate, we never answer questions publicly (unless specifically asked to). 

That's all for this post. Once again, thank you so much for the support and to the other people helping to better the youtube community. 

~ Jess and Johanna


This was sent to us anonymously about Ryan O’Connor:

First of all, I have to tell my story anonymously for personal and professional reasons. I knew from very early on that the person in question was an ‘unpleasant’ one, to say the least, but could never pinpoint the reason I continuously forgave him for his behaviour and actions. Almost two years after seeing him last, reports of similar behaviour emerged on my news feed that rang alarm bells. After reading the stories of other girls and talking to those who had been treated similarly by the same person, I finally understood why I once found myself stuck in a manipulative ‘relationship’ with a disturbed Ryan O’Connor.

Like other women, I deleted all messages from him to clear him a long time ago, but I do keep diaries, in which I wrote almost everything that went on, in the goriest of details.

I met Ryan in our first year of University. As a fresher I was keen to find people I had things in common with and potentially meet ‘friends for life’. From the early days, I felt that I got on well with Ryan. He seemed mature, but shy and sensitive, funny, clever, interested in culture and I always admired his passion for creating film. As I knew the area, I took him to the city and showed him the best parts. I loved watching him taking gorgeous photos while we were out and I loved looking at his vast collection of photographs he’d taken in the past that he’s stuck all over his walls in his bedroom. I thought we hit it off. I thought wrong, obviously.

To me, there was this undeniable sexual tension that I felt embarrassed to admit to, very early on in the ‘relationship’ (at this point I’d like to point out that there was never an official relationship between us, but there doesn’t seem to be a word that describes the ‘situation’ better). At 21, I was no stranger to the odd one night stand or casual sex, but I did not predict the strange uncontrollable situation I would find myself in with Ryan.

A few days after our first sexual encounter, he gave me this sob story about his ‘ex’ confessing her love for him, still, and that he didn’t know what to do about it. Despite this he still showed affection towards me while muttering the words ‘friends don’t do this’. I wrote in my diary “I know I’m going to get hurt” and I was right, but he just kept luring me in. About a week or two later he started lying about where he was and what he was doing and the sweet, gentle affection had stopped. I didn’t know what was going on. He told me more stories about his ‘ex’ (which may be true, but who knows what was genuine and what wasn’t?). Despite this, he kept inviting me to see him and spend time with him, and for some reason that my diary can’t even tell me, I went.

This situation went on and on for months which was made twice as difficult since he’d moved into the same flat as me due to circumstances involving a flatmate of mine and his old flatmates. He treated me like shit, hardly spoke to me or show any interest in me and then boom, out of nowhere he would be all over me, when it suited him. I knew it wasn’t healthy but I couldn’t understand why I just kept going back. It wasn’t like me. I’d been in casual relationships before but had never felt so attached and uncomfortable as this. I began to feel incredibly low and self conscious and so embarrassed about the situation that I couldn’t even admit it to myself in my diaries. I no longer trusted my own judgement and labelled myself useless with men. I’d lost a lot of self confidence and found myself trapped.

About 6 months after we met, Ryan was still playing the “I hate you but I think you’re hot’ game, but I was trying desperately hard to stay away, which is difficult when I lived with him. I knew it wasn’t possible to ignore him so I tried to be a good friend. I helped him with his videos for Youtube, which was starting to kick off, going from around 600 subscribers to about 2,000 by the end of the academic year (if I remember correctly, could be more). I featured in a few, which I enjoyed doing. But by this point he was just using me for what he wanted and left. For me, it all came crashing to an emotional, but relieving end when he brought a relatively famous female Youtuber to the flat, without introducing her to anyone or telling anyone she was coming. They had sex so incredibly loudly, in the middle of the afternoon that it made everyone feel uncomfortable. It turned my stomach and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I knew then that I had to end the situation between us. I left to go home for the weekend and felt refreshed by the time I got back a few days later.

From then on there is no mention of Ryan in my diary, except for an 8 hour stay in A&E, when I took him in my car. I’d like to point out that he was fine. During this time he was nothing but kind and thankful to me. I didn’t let this draw me back in as I’d written in my diary that I was ‘happy to help him out but he is still a prize A dick’. He left the first year early in the April and didn’t come back. I was happy to see him go but since we’d been civil with each other for a while by this point I did hug him goodbye.

So I never understand why I found myself stuck in such a destructive relationship that made me feel lower than I ever had about myself before. After reading Pimbolammy’s confession I understood why. The thought that he was manipulating me never crossed my mind until I recently looked back at my diary entry. It all makes sense to my now, but what doesn’t, is why he continued to treat other ladies in a similar way, except by this year he had an internet persona with which he would lure girls in. There seems to be many of us that have been hurt by Ryan O’Connor, and i think it was wise of him to remove himself from social media because if anyone has any sense they would avoid him like the plague. I’ll be the first to admit that his films are clever and that he is talented, but I’m afraid that his personality and manipulative ways tarnish that.


gather round the campfire kids, it’s time for a story about jake macelfresh aka frontporchstepofficial ! for what seems to be about 2 or 3 years now, jake has been soliciting nudes from underage girls as well as attempting to sext them, kiss them, touch their butt/breasts, and spreading these girls nudes when they realize they don’t want him anymore. the stories speak for themselves- just check out these links and you’ll find tons of links to different stories that people have compiled.

http://sadspecimen.tumblr.com/post/102577894998/what-does-that-mean-soliciting-nudes-from-under clearly he has no issue giving out his number/texting teenage girls 

you may sit here and victim blame and say “oh but she consented!!!”. no. it is 100% on the TWENTY THREE year old man to say no in these cases. you can say “he’s innocent until proven guilty!!” like what, do you want video proof of jake copping a feel at warped tour? are you going to sit here and dismiss these girls accounts of what happened just to defend him?

let’s be real, if this was any random guy, tumblr would be all over “taking him down” and such. just because he’s semi famous doesn’t mean he’s untouchable. it doesn’t mean these stories are automatically false. some of these women are scared to come off anonymous and they’re scared of HIM. so don’t sit here and perpetuate rape culture by blaming the victims or chalking this up to “crazy fans who want attention” because that’s the opposite of what this clearly is. do no support front porch step.

if anyone has anything they’d like me to add to this post, please feel free to message me.

This is very shocking and hard to believe, but you never know how people are. I met him twice and he doesn’t seem like the type of person to do this kind of stuff. Not defending him in any way. I get people can manipulate others and it sucks a lot.

but there are more posts than this with screenshots of texts, dms, everything. his ex girlfriend has spoken against this, and there are texts in this post. AND there’s a nude of him he sent to a 13 year old girl that has his tattoo in it so it’s obvious it’s him. if that’s not enough proof for anyone then idk what is.

Any chance you could add this guy to the masterpost?

Thank you for the mention! I'm adding all the links I can find about this to the masterpost now! If anything I'm writing there is wrong or you find something missing, do let us know!

- Johanna


NewMediaRockstars (NMR) has published a great article summarizing community frustration with Conard’s Annie-related YouTube activity. 

Maybe the most interesting bit of new info in this article: when PR reps from Fullscreen (Conard’s network) sent their story tip to NMR a few days ago, their list of partnered YouTubers doing Annie covers DID NOT include Conard. NMR’s hypothesis:

If Ward’s video take down and failure to include Conard’s video in the e-mail sent to us/other outlets are a reaction to people drawing attention back to the accusations against him, this may indicate more trouble to come for the former YouTube star as he tries to find his way back into people’s subscription boxes. And he may not be the last.

This is IMPORTANT. Fullscreen dropping Conard from their network (as Collective Digital did with Sam Pepper) could go a long way in decreasing his impact on the YouTube community.

You can make your discomfort/frustration/outrage known to the people currently monetizing Luke Conard’s return to YouTube by contacting Fullscreen via Twitter or their website.

Also, consider contacting the Annie people and their affiliated companies: Village Roadshow and Sony.


We were asked to publish this anonymously:

Hi! I know I'm late on the Youtube abuser movement but I just saw your list and I'd like to add another name for you. In December 2012 I was visiting a friend in Brisbane during my school holiday. At this time Reece Mastin was touring with The Janoskians, and since I was in town I thought I'd attend the concert. The Janoskians were also holding a meet and greet at the gardens near City Central, my friends and I obviously attended.
At this time I was a very dedicated fan of the Janoskians and was very keen on going. My friend had a bit of a movie moment and one of the groups managers called her out of the crowd to acquire her number. I was in absolute disbelief. The member of the group in question was James Yammouni (spelling) who was 16/17 at the time. I couldn't believe our luck.
James continued to call and text my friend during the day, and eventually asked us to meet them at their hotel proceeding the concert. He has asked for photos of us to "show to security" although was simply checking if we were all attractive enough to meet them.
At this stage my friends and I were 14, one being only 13. We eventually met them at the hotel. James had the company of an older member of the group, Luke. As soon as we arrived at their room they took away our phones and set into getting us drunk. Being impressionable young girls we simply went along with it.
As the night progressed I noticed that James was beginning to make sexual advances on my friend, who was obviously very uncomfortable. She was being pressured into consenting to these actions although she wasn't happy with it happening. This continues for some time. The other member, Luke, opened up about pressuring and scamming a young 13 year old girl for naked pictures during this time. He was 17.
Around 1am they begin to usher us out of the room. We were confused as they had said we would be able to stay overnight. They sat us out on the street for half an hour. James then took two other girls back up to the room. Leaving me and one other down on the street alone. As I had given them my phone earlier that night I wasn't able to call for anyone. The other girl went back up with another band from the tour and I was left alone on the city street at 1:30am.
Luckily, some girls came to meet a friend who had stayed at the hotel with another member. I told them the situation and they contacted their friend who in turn spoke to the member she was with. The communication continued until it finally reached my friends. They were brought down to the street and one of the other members payed for a cab and sent us off, knowing we had nowhere to go that night.
So here we are. 13 and 14 year old girls out at 1:45am on the streets of Brisbane while intoxicated. We ended up being taken in by a complete stranger who may as well been a rapist, we got VERY lucky that night. The aftermath of this was the members of the Janoskians blackmailing us to get rid of any evidence we may have had from the night, fearing it may be leaked online. They cut all communication with us, even changing their numbers. I know for a fact that during that night my friend was alone with James and being pressured into intercourse and was touched inappropriately without consent. I could comment on so many things about that night but I'd be going forever, so if you have any questions you can ask. I can provide a photo from the meet and greet and a video of us in the cab heading to the hotel as evidence, but that's about all. I know that The Janoskians have a reputation of doing things like this so if this goes public I would like to encourage other girls to step forward. Thanks for reading through my experience and I would love if you could publicise it anonymously. Good work on the list you have compiled!

BEAU BROOKS / Janoskians JAI BROOKS / Janoskians LUKE BROOKS / Janoskians DANIEL SAHYOUNIE / Janoskians JAMES YAMMOUNI / Janoskians 

have now been added to the masterpost. Also a link to a blog with a lot more anonymous stories about these people.

As I've understood more people have come forward to talk about their experience with these people earlier, but have taken a step back when people didn't listen and believe them.

If you know anything more about this or if I've gotten anything wrong, do send us a message!

- Johanna


HELP WANTED to expand UnsubscribeTogether.com!

Stefan Hayden, the awesome person behind Unsubscribe Together, is interested in expanding the platform to similarly address both racism, and YouTubers who publicly support accused YT abusers. To do this, though, they need a masterlist – or masterlists – maintained in a similar style to unpleasantmyles’s masterlist on accused YTers.

The motivation for expanding the platform would be the same as it is now: mass movements to unsubscribe from channels that support toxic shit like racism and abuse “take a stand on what is acceptable behavior” by working to remove those channels’ voices and power.

If you have any questions about this, or are interested in helping Stefan with this project, please contact them directly on Twitter or Tumblr. Also, if you know of any existing blogs or masterposts that already form this kind of database, I’m sure that’d be super helpful!

– tori xx


It’s aromantic awareness week!

What does it mean to be aromantic?

Not experiencing romantic attraction!

But how do I know if I experience it or not?

This can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure what it means to you. It might be the case that you confuse romantic and platonic affection personally, and that’s okay! You might be aromantic if:

  • You infrequently find yourself wanting a romantic relationship
  • You find romance in general repulsing
  • You have no desire to show romantic affection towards someone (this does not have to include having sex!)
  • You have no desire to have someone else show you romantic affection.

I think i’m aromantic, but I still feel sexual attraction. Is this normal?

Absolutely! Asexuality and aromantism are never exclusive. You can be one or the other, or both. 

What are those other romantic orientations?

  • Demiromantic - only experiences romantic attraction after an emotional bond has formed
  • Grey-aromantic - rarely experiences romantic attraction 
  • Quoiromantic - has trouble discerning the differences between romantic and platonic affection (also known as wtfromantic)
  • akoiromantic - experiences romantic attraction but is uncomfortable with those feelings being reciprocated 
  • cupioromantic -experiences no romantic attraction but desires romantic relationships

There are more than these that are listed! Don’t be afraid if your romantic orientation doesn’t fit into a box or label!

Who’s that cute pony?

That is Archer, an aromantic genderpunk non-binary pony who wants to spread some aro awareness. Ce uses ce/cer/cem pronouns.

Can I draw cem??

Go right ahead!

Let me translate what “I’m really sorry that happened but I’m not going to choose sides” means. “I’m really sorry that happened, I am going to keep hanging out with your abuser, and I feel bad and weird about it, so, could you, like, absolve me of that in the name of fairness? I’d really like to keep seeing myself as a good person.” “I know your life is in ruins, but why should that change anything about my life? How is that fair?” “I know I’m supposed to say something supportive, but I don’t actually believe you about what happened.” “I believe you about what happened, but I liked my ignorance about what happened so much that I’d like your collusion in pretending that my friendship with your abuser can continue normally even though I now know that they abuse people.” “I feel guilty about not helping you enough before, and I feel guilty about not really wanting to make changes now, so here is this tired and generic phrase that allows us to pretend that this is about fairness.” It’s self-serving bullshit, in other words. Saying that to a victim is you trying to justify your decision or make yourself feel better directly at the victim’s expense. Stop it. Make your choices, process all of the weird feelings that come up when you find out that your friend hurts other people on your own, without the abuse victim as your audience/feelingshelper. Don’t ask abuse victims for their blessing to keep your monthly “Abuser Bowling Night” going or do your processing of your feelings on their time. And if you don’t believe that the abuse happened, do everyone in the world a favor, and stop meeting the victim out for coffee or pretending to be their friend.

Hi Johanna, Joe and Jess! I have been informed of this post on your blog in which you include me, and others, on a list of "YouTube Abusers". I have read the post about me, and am asking to be removed from your blog. You guys need to have some sort of way to validate the claims in your post, because you are borderline committing slander and defamation. The submission on myself, for instance, is a complete fabrication and omits a large portion of the story. [1]


This is the first out of 6 messages King Russell has sent this blog, asking us to remove the link to a post about him.

King Russell / Kinglsey / ItsKingsleyBitch used to be listed in the masterpost. And underneath a link to a girl’s blog where she’d made a post about her experiences with him. 

To summarise: At college her roommate was friends with Kingsley. And she was bullied by both her roommate and him. She didn’t know he was a youtuber at the time. He stalked her tumblr and the roommate and him made fun of her on facebook. She eventually screencapped some of the hateful messages on facebook, made a police report, and was allowed to move dorms. Though even after this he kept stalking her tumblr.

But he has asked us to remove the link to her post due to lack of proof. (The police probably still have the report she made. And a lot of the time in cases like this we don’t have proof.) He also feels the situation isn’t on the same level as sexual abuse on YouTube.

She has now asked us to remove the link to her blog for personal safety.

I’m posting this with her permission. And as I’ve said he is no longer listed in the masterpost.

- Johanna

Anonymous asked:

who is cutris lepore and what did he do? ive never heard about him before

he’s on a bunch of vine and shit that gets spread around tumblr even though he’s the kind of person we should not be endorsing in the slightest but hey! who cares about aiding a rapist get more famous so he can continue to get people to send death threats to his victim because someones safety doesn’t matter as much as that 6 second vine does.

stop fucking reblogging curtis lepore.


can you guys please reblog this??? and make a conscious effort to NOT reblog a rapist because i see him on my dashboard all the time and i’m so sick of it



I've updated the icon for this blog. We are still here and it's still the same blog, it didn't go anywhere. 

The previous icon was a photo of Ryan O'Connor and Myles' faces. (Because originally that's why I created this blog, shipping them as a joke.) However an anonymous source has come forward telling us that Ryan has shown manipulative behavior. 

He has very recently deleted his social media accounts (youtube, twitter, instagram) except for tumblr where he wrote this.

And before you ask. No, no one has come forward talking about this. And this is all I know.

- Johanna

Also: The url, unpleasantmyles, was a combination of their usernames, but we can't change it since so many have linked to the masterpost already.

_ EDIT: Two more anonymous people have contacted us, saying that they've experienced similar things. 

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