
..and we are the words, "I love you."

@vaginal-erection / vaginal-erection.tumblr.com

Erick. Male. 23. SoCal. Aerospace Technician. Car enthusiast. Anime tiddie enthusiast. Mazda Rx8 R3 driver. sa22c driver. General piece of shit. Time attack cars give me a hard on. League: nge bnet: nge#11766 final fantasy: Ryuko Tsugumi, on Siren server

Arcane animators self referencing!

This animator got to use his son for young Ekko's reference and it's so damn sweet!!

Imagine acting up this incredibly heart-wrenching scene in your lounge to a rolled up sock on a bag... They gave it their all too!

This scene's acting fidelity is incredible! Especially the shakiness of Ekko's movement to punch Jinx...

Anonymous asked:

Hey man, are you ok? The post your gf made about sending positive vibes sounds like you’re not doing too well. I hope you’re ok, and if you’re not I hope you are soon 💛

I went to do a procedure at the doctors today, before that I fasted for 2 days straight, no foods, no soups, no nothin. and I am SCARED of medical things. but now I am back and I am weak. You have 20 hours before I regain my power.


Different priorities 

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