
It's good fun. For a hermit.

@absentmusings / absentmusings.tumblr.com

Alyssa // 22
Native Oregonian, graphic-designer, gamer. You'll find that this blog contains an abundance of David Tennant, the Last of Us, Marvel, Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec, Sherlock, SPN, anything Cornetto trilogy, and other nonsensical things I enjoy. I'm always happy to receive messages, and my ask box is always open for chatting, questions, etc. (:
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When a game has “And you.” in the special thanks section of the credits.


"We started drifting into the bowl cut era," Evans said, referencing his 7th grade picture. "And the clear braces were something special. Can you see this fantastic bead necklace that I have on? For some reason I buttoned the top button [of my denim shirt]. It’s so unacceptable," he continued. "I blame my parents completely. They knew every day this kid was walking out the door and they said, ‘Good luck!’"


It’s sort of like a Salem witch trial. If you survive this horrific, physical torture, that means you’re a witch, so we kill you. If you don’t survive it, if you died, uh oh! I guess you’re not a witch. I think the show puts a spotlight on those contradictions, and refuses to give you the typical sense of justice in the genre of fantasy or in storytelling in general, you know? And it’s frustrating and fascinating and horrifying. People love the brutal honesty of the show that is uncompromising.

—Pedro Pascal on the absurdity of a trial by combat. (x)

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