
Un titre



GUYS the 80s are back!!!!

Star Wars, high waisted jeans, over sized sweaters, flannels, horrible republican government, conflict with Russia, the ever impending threat of Nuclear Anihilation, scrunchies,

synthpop, bomber jackets, a tyrannical mad woman runs the uk, incompetent child runs the us, the entire worlds in an economic crisis, doctor who

is this we didn’t start the fire


Top 10 Reasons to know Sign Langauge:

1. You can communicate through windows 2. Sign language is a 3-D Language 3. You can sign with your mouth full 4. Hearing parents can communicate with their Deaf child 5. You can sign underwater 6. Sign Language is a neat way to express yourself 7. You can communicate across a room or via mirror without shouting 8. Sign language is beautiful 9. You can make friends with Deaf people 10. Sign language brings together Hearing & Deaf people

Also if you really want to learn most deaf people are so happy that you are interested in learning and will be super patient and work with you. 

And it’s a really great thing to be able to do for any job because imagine having to go everywhere with someone that can translate for you or with paper to write or trying to read lips and just going to grab a cup of coffee and Hey, the barista knows sign language. They aren’t great but you get to speak with them and order your coffee in the way that’s natural to you like that would just make your day. Or a teacher that can talk and sign so classes don’t have to divide?? Or a therapist that can sign?? Hearing people signing 2k15 honestly.


this is the hot dog man of destiny

once every 15.5 years this man will fend off all darkness for you

reblog in 12 seconds or you will never feel happiness again

holy fuck….. guys reblog for good luck!!!!!!!!!! after i reblogged this i got a cheque in the mail for $59028498 trust me it works!!!!!!!!


Just because I'm amused


Being in a mid-2000s High School Health class and they show you this on DVD


Didn’t that turn out to be a load of bullshit that no-one can replicate the results of to this day?

Yep! His results were faked, and the entire film was basically anti-McDonald’s scaremongering, “poor people are stupid” and “fat people don’t get any sex”. It’s also thanks to this asshat that McDonald’s can’t advertise fuckin’ Happy Meals anymore and had to get rid of all their characters and their super size option, particularly because he claimed without evidence that they have a kid-fattening agenda, don’t list their nutritional info anywhere and have a mission statement from their CEO to make people sick and unhealthy from eating there for every single meal. On top of this, he actually tried to claim in a bonus experiment that McDonald’s fries aren’t actually fries because they don’t rot when left in an airtight container for a long time but all the burgers do–which is thanks to the oil and salt they’re loaded with, not some big conspiracy where the fries, which are processed and supplied by McCain in Canada, aren’t actually goddamn chopped potatoes–and equated the containers to a human stomach. Yes, cause the human stomach is an airtight container that food sits in for months, right? Spurlock, did veganism turn your brain completely off or something? Hell, the fucker even tried to claim credit for McDonald’s having salads, falsely stating at one point they didn’t have any before he “exposed” their EVIL PLANS.

Yeah, that’s another thing to remember, he’s apparently a vegan. He didn’t let anyone know he’s one, of course, he only mentioned his girlfriend is one, because it would’ve made his vomiting after a single McDonald’s meal, something literally no one else on the planet has done, seem less ZOMG SCARY.

Want a good film of this nature? Try Tom Naughton’s Fat Head instead, a film where a guy actively proves Spurlock wrong by actually losing weight while eating nothing but fast food for a month. He accomplishes this by NOT fucking gorging himself on the unhealthiest food choices, eating more meals than he claims or cutting out his usual physical activity. While he’s at it, he also exposes exactly why Spurlock is a total fraud. In the process, he gets actual doctors and nutrition experts to help him explain why everything you know about healthy eating is probably wrong or half-true, inform us about good and bad cholesterol, expose the real reasons behind the so-called “obesity epidemic” and point out why fat =/= unhealthy by default. Yeah, Naughton encourages viewers to try the paleo diet in the end, but at least it comes off more as a suggestion and doesn’t demonize anyone in the process.

Wow, everything I know is now a lie.

Also, to elaborate on this, Spurlock claimed that he was eating 5,000 calories a day, and yet when a Swedish university tried this very experiment with several different students, no one (I repeat, no one) could even come close to replicating the results.

So yeah, Spurlock basically lied to prove a point, who would have guessed

he was also apparently vegan for years before doing this, so of course his body would have a bad reaction to all that red meat.

Well, I played the fool quite nicely. Everyone in high school immediately knew my age when I told them eating the fries in tge school cafe was dangerous.


Hello everyone.

So today I have sad news to bring to you, I’ve been plagied.

I had some messages there telling me if I made a game that I released lastly, knowing I didn’t I asked no and wanted to know why many people asked me this, then they gave me a link to the Facebook page of the company :

I looked on it, and directly saw the icon that is, quasi my little pigeons I animate bouncing, then I was like “ mmm … maybe they were inspired but they could ask for permission because it’s way too similar for my taste, it’s really like my animations”  then I saw the videos and it was terrible.

You may already what I animate, but when I saw the video of the gameplay, I had no words.

All of my motions, bouncing animals, Dancing frames are exactly the sames !!

They totally copied my art !!!

So I contacted them, I wanted to be sure, they replied me that it’s for game and that my art is for animation so it’s not the same. Sigh 

So I told my friends about it, many tried tu put messages to discuss with them, no success. Some even were blocked when they put proof of my work.

I’m lost, I didn’t sleep last night because of this, I contacted lawyers and got some explanation, so it’s still going but I have to deal with it and I wanted you to know my current situation.

I share this with you because I’m an artist, this kind of thing happen to us WAY too often and I want to act, for me, for you, for any artists on the internet!

It have to stop!

I have so many proofs on my blog, but also you know me and my art well. 

I can’t let this pass and stay there.

Please be aware of this and tell people that it’s total plagiat of my art.

Thank you.




i had no idea they were so frickin huge


I love them so much because they’re about as sharp as a baseball and their anatomy is ridiculous to the point of them literally being classified as plankton for years because they just sort of get blown around by the ocean and look confused, but because they lay more eggs than ANY OTHER VERTEBRATE IN EXISTENCE, evolution can’t stop them

Why is no big predator coming and gnawing on them?

Their biggest defense is that they’re massive and have super tough skin, but they do get hunted by sharks or sea lions sometimes and they just sort of float there like ‘oh bother’ as it happens

Even funnier, because they eat nothing but jellyfish they’re really low in nutritional value anyway, so they basically survive by being not worth eating because they’re like a big floating rice cracker wrapped in leather.

So basically the only reason natural selection hasn’t taken care if them is because they are the most useless fish

yes, they’ve perfected uselessness to the point of being unstoppable

a true inspiration

You never know! They could be the Feebas or Magikarp of the animal kingdom!


to: dr-oscar@uclahealth.net

subject: what the fuck

attachment: diseased_dick_3.png

The one person in the world that actually wants guys' dick pics

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