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hey kids there is a website called outline.com that will let you read from pretty much any news site with a paywall for free


outline.com is amazing - it hasn’t failed yet on any site that I’ve tried it on.


👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾

Pass along and use the shit out of them

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On this day, 13 May 1985, Philadelphia police attacked the home of Black liberation and environmentalist group MOVE with automatic weapons, then dropped a bomb on it, killing 5 adults and 6 children, destroying 61 homes in the predominantly Black neighbourhood, and making 250 people homeless. Almost 500 police officers fired over 10,000 rounds of ammunition into the house, which was filled with women and children, while other officers blew holes in the walls with explosives. The police commissioner then ordered the house to be bombed, which they did using an improvised device made from C4 given to them by the FBI. Only two people survived the blast and ensuing fire: Ramona Africa, and Michael Ward, aged 13. While no officials were prosecuted, Ramona Africa was subsequently jailed for 7 years on riot and conspiracy charges. The incident occurred during the tenure of Philadelphia’s first Black mayor, a Democrat named Wilson Goode. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1424778457707300/?type=3


In a memo explaining the deployment to Portland, acting Department of Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf repeats the phrase “violent anarchists” 72 times, using this phrase to designate a total of several thousand people. In many cases, he brands a group of hundreds “violent anarchists” on account of the alleged actions of just a couple individuals. Of course, secretary Wolf and his cronies have no way of knowing the politics of every person involved in the protests. Rather, their goal is to carry out classic totalitarian propaganda: in repeating this phrase endlessly, they seek to invent an enemy to justify a militarized takeover.

This is the same Chad Wolf who crafted a protocol for the Department of Homeland Security to separate the children of immigrants from their parents. Donald Trump bypassed the Republican-dominated Senate to make him head of Homeland Security without due process by declaring him "Acting Secretary," a newspeak move straight out of 1984, knowing that not even the bootlicking authoritarians of the Republican Party could be counted on to confirm him for the post.

Incidentally, Republicans used to pretend to be skeptical of invasive action from the Federal government. But now that the Federal government is controlled by a despot from their party, they are eager to see Federal forces poke their noses everywhere.

What's going on with DHS focusing their rhetoric on "violent anarchists"? Basically, this is Counterinsurgency 101. How do you divide the Black Lives Matter movement? First, split it up along racial lines: "White anarchists are infiltrating the movement." If that works, isolate and demonize the target: "Violent anarchists have taken over the movement."

Then go in for the kill. Repeat. Divide and conquer.

To everyone waiting until November for a referendum on whether you want to be ruled by a tyrant—get in the streets right now. That's where the future is being decided.

Remember—they only let you vote in the first place because there was a revolution.

#Portland #PortlandProtests

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