
belief in thought

@emaginarium-blog / emaginarium-blog.tumblr.com

Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one. — Terry Pratchett
brandon. twenty-three. apostate.

okay, biting the bullet.

i can now be found here. it's noooot an rp blog. please don't feel obligated to follow me there. if you want to write with me, or follow my writing/characters/whatever, you can find all that here.

gonna delete this later so yeah


i'm pretty sure i got tagged by nosferatoos. not gonna tag anyone since i'm kinda jumping around but feel free to do it (and tag me in it cuz i love looking at people's desktops i'm such a weirdo)


Ann Friedman's Disapproval Matrix for handling criticism is a thing of genius, not to mention essential internet-age literacy. She explains:

Critics: These are smart people who know something about your field. They are taking a hard look at your work and are not loving it. You’ll probably want to listen to what they have to say, and make some adjustments to your work based on their thoughtful comments.
Lovers: These people are invested in you and are also giving you negative but rational feedback because they want you to improve. Listen to them, too.
Frenemies: Ooooh, this quadrant is tricky. These people really know how to hurt you, because they know you personally or know your work pretty well. But at the end of the day, their criticism is not actually about your work—it’s about you personally. And they aren’t actually interested in a productive conversation that will result in you becoming better at what you do. They just wanna undermine you. Dishonorable mention goes to The Hater Within, aka the irrational voice inside you that says you suck, which usually falls into this quadrant. Tell all of these fools to sit down and shut up.
Haters: This is your garden-variety, often anonymous troll who wants to tear down everything about you for no rational reason. Folks in this quadrant are easy to write off because they’re counterproductive and you don’t even know them. Ignore! Engaging won’t make you any better at what you do. And then rest easy, because having haters is proof your work is finding a wide audience and is sparking conversation. Own it.
The general rule of thumb? When you receive negative feedback that falls into one of the top two quadrants—from experts or people who care about you who are engaging with and rationally critiquing your work—you should probably take their comments to heart. When you receive negative feedback that falls into the bottom two quadrants, you should just let it roll off your back and just keep doin’ you.
[1:10:33 PM] sam wilson: i'm about to read
[1:10:34 PM] sam wilson: STORM #1
[1:10:55 PM] trev: IS THAT A NEW SERIES
[1:11:01 PM] sam wilson: YES THAT'S WHY IT'S 3!
[1:11:02 PM] sam wilson: #1
[1:11:04 PM] sam wilson: *
[1:11:25 PM] trev: WELL IDK IT COULD BE AN OLD SERIES UR JUST READING NOW don't fucking sass me brandon hersey

“Allison had never done a nude or sex scene before ours, so she was quite nervous, and I believe we connected on that level because this was all new for me, too. My wife is an actor, so she totally gets it. We don’t miss an episode of Masters of Sex and that doesn’t mean she’s entirely comfortable watching the physical stuff. But it’s OK—she just looks away.”


And aside from my issues with the story in an actual story telling sense, in that Thor is not a legacy or a title in the sense of Captain America or Hawkeye or even Iron Man and therefore, no one can be Thor but Thor, what I really dislike about this move from Marvel is that it’s in no way progressive.

They’ve rather handily come up with a gimmick that allows them to release a lot of big press about being progressive, pat themselves on the back about being progressive, without actually having to commit to being progressive in terms of their representation of women and their support of their female characters.

This replacement Thor has an expiration date.

She’s not going to be around now permanently. Thunderstrike didn’t last forever, and while he has a few devoted fans, it’s gone down as one of those Thor story arcs everyone likes to forget about. Actual Thor Odinson has been an integral part of the Marvel universe since his creation. They can’t get rid of him. 

He is going to get Mjolnir and his powers back. And when that happens, it’s goodbye replacement Thor.

She has a built in device that allows them to return to the status quo.

Along with that, they are literally taking a woman, stripping her of her identity, giving her a man’s name and a man’s powers to borrow. She has no powers of her own. 

Please explain to me how that is in any way creating a new female superhero. 

They’ve tried to insist that she’s not just a female knock off of a male superhero, but she literally has the male superhero’s name and powers that were taken from him as a punishment and given to her.

Marvel has a lot of female characters that they flat out just do not promote or ignore who are amazing in their own right, with their own powers, with their own identity.

If they were actually committed to building and rallying behind amazing women and to really represent us, they would actually market the hell out of those characters. They would have went on the View and hyped Ms. Marvel and how Kamala Khan is showing what it’s like to be a teenage Muslim girl in America while struggling with superhero identity. They would have promoted Storm’s solo book that is finally being released. They would actually have America Chavez IN A FUCKING BOOK as opposed to floating in the ether somewhere. 

They would push and push and push these female characters and put amazing creative teams behind them and actually stick with them. 

But they don’t. They cancelled female lead Journey into Mystery and Fearless Defenders, and Fearless Defenders featured a racially diverse cast with canon bisexual and lesbian characters. And while I am still hunting for the post I saw to corroborate the numbers, apparently JiM’s sales were comparable with Remender’s Captain America book. One was written by a woman starring a woman. One was written by a white guy starring a white guy. JiM’s reviews are universally better than Captain America’s. JiM was cancelled. Captain America was not. In fact, they’ve handed over even more books to Remender.


How progressive.

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