

@notfromheredude / notfromheredude.tumblr.com

Ig/twitter : desreethalia


Use your birthday to figure out your own personal knuckle tattoos!

January: DRUG February: HATE March: DICK April: REAL May: DIRT June: THUG July: CASH August: GIRL September: FIST October: SHIT November: BUTT December: KILL 1st: CITY 2nd: RIOT 3rd: FACE 4th: FEAR 5th: GRIN 6th: WOLF 7th: PISS 8th: RASH 9th: DOGS 10th: TITS 11th: LUBE 12th: SAND 13th: FIRE 14th: KIDS 15th: BIRD 16th: NERD 17th: BOYS 18th: MOMS 19th: DADS 20th: VEIN 21st: WURM 22nd: FART 23rd: TRAP 24th: MOAN 25th: HOLE 26th: KING 27th: FUCK 28th: EYES 29th: LIFE 30th: LOVE 31st: STAB

i got GIRL LOVE and that’s honestly probably the best possible option

lmao i got REAL EYES


“DICK TITS” and that’s probably the best possible outcome






Kill piss

Girl lube wtf






The KKK has issued a reward for the capture of Our Brother Eric Sheppard.

Can we dox the creator of the page? I will happily go bounty hunting.


What the fuck?!

Boost cause these muthafuckas are trippin

But they still wanna hide behind their hoods tho…


Feminism and Social Media Stardom

By Hazel Gianni & Maryem Gad

Social Media is our biggest platform for expression of all sorts. Almost anybody you run into has some sort of account on any social media website and that’s actually pretty crazy when you think about it. Billions of people all over the world have the ability to connect with just a small tap on your screen or click of a button. And to think this was nearly impossible years ago is mind-baffling.   Over the course of these past few years, social media has truly been the key way of bring awareness to things. And as of late, the Feminist movement has had it’s light shone on them. Many women and men all over the world are now aware of what being a Feminist truly means. So many people online have gained much attention via social media for not only their talents they showcase but their feminist empowerment and how well they stand to spread feminism all over the world.    

When did you first consider yourself a feminist? Have you ever been targeted for hate? Des: I probably wasn’t aware that I was a feminist at this time because I was so young, but one time when I was at boxing class a teacher brought us another male student guest (who was obviously better than us) and the teacher asked, “Any of you guys want to go against him?” And I was all like, “What the hell, how about a girl? Can I fight against him?” And the teacher gladly allowed me to. I have to say, I put a hell of a fight haha   Alyssa: I first considered myself a feminist when I realized that men were given a higher position and advantage than women. Things such as a higher pay in job, men signalizing women (especially in a Latin family), how we are looked at to clean and cook for the men and how that’s all we’re good for. I realized we needed feminism when showing nipples is a sign of ‘wanting attention’ when it is simply a body part. I actually have been targeted for hate especially from the people I see on a daily basis but I feel like this is something everybody kind of needs to look a further but more into and understand why feminists are still fighting for this.

  Being a public feminist with such a large following on social media has to be fairly hard, since I’d imagine some people hold you to a higher standard than others. Considering you a role model of sorts. How do you manage to not let that pressure you or lose yourself in this social media world? Des: It really makes me happy to know some people genuinely look up to me because of my beliefs. Some people do paint me as if I’m supposed to be a perfect person, which nobody really is. I mess sup sometimes, everyone does! But it’s not really a big pressure on me, because I say what I wanna say and mean it. Whether it be about women’s equality, racial issues, and self identity/sexual preference (If you have any.) I don’t really get lost in this “social media” world because what I say on here is exactly what I say outside of it.   Is there anything else that you’d like to use your platform for, whether it’s to showcase a talent or bring awareness to certain issues occurring in everyday lives? Des: Yeah, I take social media as an advantage to show my many talents and also call out many problems that happen in our society. Talent wise, I love singing Jazz but I adore singing Rock music. Which for women, the industry doesn’t really take “Rock chicks” seriously. I would love to have the opportunity to change that and give a big middle finger to ones who say women aren’t that good in the Rock industry.   Alyssa: I definitely will use my platform for positivity and good energy. I feel like making people understand things is very important . If it comes down to how you’re supposed to treat others in relationship problems, I feel like it’s good to help others that are going through or went through relatable things as me.   What is one issue that you would like to address personally and fix with the snap of your fingers, if you could? Des: An issue I would love to change is the injustice in the system with the police brutality which go hand in hand with the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which I am happily apart of. Another is how this society and law enforcement sees rape (for both women AND men.)   Alyssa: I would definitely fix societies outlook on some things, like rape for example. They are not getting the full rights and the voice that they deserve. I’d also like to help people who have been hurt before (in any way) learn to regain trust.   What advice would you give little girls and boys still trying to find themselves without losing themselves within social media and the ignorance that can unfortunately surround it? Des: Advice for kids on social media: Even though you can find yourself in it, you can also see not so good things. All you have to do is be real with yourself and be inspired by the many warm hearted people on here spreading positivity and self-love. Educate yourself with serious issues that go on.   Alyssa: I mean, coming from a person who is constantly receiving death threats and hate from peers and people that have claimed to have known me, I would say ignore it. Know your truths. Know who you are and don’t let anybody determine that.   You could find Desree at @desreethalia on Instagram and Alyssa at @AlyssaMSoto on Twitter


Guys lets start romanticizing short boys

Like all those dudes who have to stand on their tippy toes to kiss their girl. All the short boys who get picked up and spun around by their boyfriends. All the short boys who have friends that tower over them. Short boys with small feet and short legs. Dudes with flat chests and narrow shoulders. Skinny short boys. Chubby short boys. Muscular short boys. Short trans men Boys who have to stretch to reach EVERYTHING. Short boys who spend hours trying to find clothes that fit them properly with their unique sizings. Tall boys are considered so sexy and masculine, let’s take a second to love on our short dudes.

R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit
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