
the man, the legend, the shadow

@beggerprince72 / beggerprince72.tumblr.com

Honestly I found this land of misfit toys by accident when I got my first smartphone... and found a place where people could be honest about bipolar and anxiety. In short, I felt like I fit in.I have lead an odd life including being legally dead for almost 17 years. MyMy page is totally random and ADHD... so, just like me lol. Except for some of the cartoons and pics noted otherwise, I don't own the pictures but usually found them using google. When I was new here and did GIF collages from GIF'S found on google, I wasn't trying to make it look like I made them. I even started to post on the bottom... I did not make these. I did not understand that people could use them as reaction GIF'S and it would credit it back to me.

In May of 1863, Jonah Hex shot and killed General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. ("Stonewall!", Jonah Hex 37#, DC Comic Event)


On the May 9, 1991 episode "Three Men and a Comic Book" The Simpsons introduced Radioactive Man, Fallout Boy, Bartman, Comic Book Guy and his store Androids Dungeon. ("Three Men and a Comic Book", The Simpsons, TV, event)


May 9, 1987 last brick bradford Sunday strip was published. (Brick Bradford, Comic Strip, Event)

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