
Daldrius Vollmond

@daldrius / daldrius.tumblr.com

I am a writer

#spnconjax THIS IS SO UNREAL https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLa26XFg10x6RefyndbhQGfkw25xq1SU92tVg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xjn47hrbr0ox


OMG!!! This is so unreal!!! I have a HUGE crush on both of them!!! They are so amazing and caring. They like fanboys!!! #spnconjax (at Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrHVE5Hlh44ljJSo5JRKewjei3Dyr7f0HrI_KQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g0sx2i59vh07


How to Banish a Spirit

Negative energies, pesky beings, and malevolent spirits can plague anyone who does spiritual work, or even those who don’t. It’s important to know how to banish a negative entity or to free a loved one from a negative attachment. You can also use this to powerfully shield a dwelling you newly reside in, like a house or apartment.

After following my suggestions, I highly recommend you shield. Here’s a post I made on shielding

Banishing a Negative Spirit

To banish a spirit, you want to take some time to meditate and imagine yourself glowing bright white. Here’s a sort of step by step meditation guide that I use for my own personal practice:

  1. Sit calmly and take a second to breathe. Sometimes dealing with negative spirits can be intimidating and frightening, so you want to calm yourself down. Don’t worry about totally clearing your mind, no matter what state you’re in, this banishing will work. All you need to do is intend for it to work and it will! 
  2. Once calmer and in a state where you can do a small meditation, hold your palms in a way that seems like you could create a ball of energy in them. Imagine a ball of pure, hot, bright white light forming between them. 
  3. You can say an affirmation like “I am pure light and pure love. I have the universe’s protection and, with that, nothing negative can interfere with my actions and intentions. This light that grows from me will banish anything negative or malevolent from my space.” Saying something like this automatically makes it so this banishing will work. The universe won’t let you down. 
  4. Imagine, with your mind’s eye, this ball of light growing and growing, being fueled from a cord of strong energy from the middle of your torso, just above your navel and below your ribs. This is your power center, your solar plexus. This light you are creating is ultimately powerful. You can also call on your spirit guides to help fuel this light, knowing only spirits that come in pure light and love can enter this space to aid you. 

Once you feel this light growing and growing:

  1. Imagine a huge orb of white light growing and expanding. As it does this, all negative energy and spirits are pushed away and are unable to enter anywhere this light passes over.
  2. Imagine the light expanding in the room or space. If there are walls, see it press against the them, sealing itself with a bright white bolt of light on the seams of the walls, floor, and ceiling. 
  3. Keep imagining this expanding and expanding, and you can say an affirmation like “This light is universal love and protection, and will cleanse everywhere it touches from all negativity or malevolent energy. No spirit with ill intentions can survive here, and no spirit can trespass here after the light passes. It is forever protected by the light in my and the light of the whole universe.”
  4. Imagine the light growing as large as you want, definitely throughout the entire house or dwelling you are in. You can travel with your minds eye through each room, seeing it glittering with bright white light, completely freed of negative energy.
  5. If you wish to continue cleansing the space around you, you can expand this light as large as your street, city, country, the world, the universe and it provides healing space in all of these areas. Just to banish a spirit from your dwelling, though, you don’t need to do this. All you need to do is seal this light around your dwelling, knowing that once it has touched the dwelling, it will permanently protect it. 

To protect or cleanse people you know:

Spirits can cling to people and objects, and you can use this technique to cleanse a negative attachment from either.

  1. Stay with the bright light, feeling it radiant and powerful, and imagine the person or object in your mind. 
  2. Swirl this light around and through them or the object. Thoroughly imagine them, and run this light in and around them as much as you feel is needed. This cleanses them from all negative energy inside them, and all negative attachments around them. Most likely, you’ll get a sense if there’s something negative on them and the white energy will wipe it right away as soon as you sense it. Know that you are powerful, because you’re channeling all the light in the universe and that this will work, no matter what. You can do this to objects by slightly adapting the meditation.
  3. If you wish to further protect them, imagine this light clinging to them like a glowing skin tight body suit. It fits exactly around them and protects them with universal light and love. 
  4. Also, if the person is possessed, you can imagine this light like a forceful wave that rushes through them, carrying the negative or unwanted spirit out of their body with it. 

To end the banishing: 

  1. If you wish, you can repeat the above affirmations about how this light is permanent protection and that nothing negative can exist in the spaces you just cleansed. 
  2. Slowly imagine the light traveling back in your abdomen, feeling a strong and warm center there, a protection that is always with you. 
  3. Begin to come back to your body (if you imagined yourself elsewhere, imagine yourself where your body is and in the same pose). 
  4. Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes, opening your eyes when you’re ready. I advise sitting for a little after, and not doing any extreme exertion for around a half an hour. 

Please don’t hesitate to message me with any questions!

Image source here


Types of Divination Masterpost


Abacomancy: by dust or sand

Acultomancy: by needles

Aeromancy: by atmospheric conditions

Agalmatomancy: by statues

Aichmomancy: by sharp objects

Alectormancy: by rooster sacrifice

Aleuromancy: by flour

Alomancy: by salt

Alphitomancy: by barley

Alveromancy: by sound

Ambulomancy: by walking

Anemoscopy: by wind

Anthomancy: by flowers

Anthracomancy: by burning coals

Anthropomancy: by human sacrifice

Anthroposcopy: by physical appearance

Apantomancy: by chance encounters with animals

Arachomancy: by spiders

Archnomancy: by sacred relics

Ariolation: by altars

Arithmancy: by assigning numerical value to a word or phrase

Armomancy: by one’s own shoulders

Aruspicina: by studying entrails

Aspidomancy: by sitting in a drawn circle

Astrapomancy: by lightning

Astrology: by celestial bodies

Auramancy: by auras

Axiomancy: bu axes


Batraquomancy: by frogs

Belomancy: by arrows

Beltonism: by water current

Botanomancy: by burning sage or figs

Brontomancy: by thunder

Bumpology: by bumps on the skin


Canomancy: by dogs

Capnomancy: by smoke

Carromancy: by melting wax

Cephaleonomancy: by boiling a donkey’s head

Ceraunoscopy: by thunder and lightning

Ceromancy: by dripping wax in water

Chalcomancy: by striking gongs

Chaomancy: by aerial visions

Chartomancy: by things on paper

- Cartomancy: by cards

- Taromancy: by tarot

- Bibliomancy: by the Bible

- Stichomancy: by books

- Aleuromancy: by fortune cookies

- Stoicheomancy: by the Iliad and the Odyssey

Choriomancy: by pig bladders

Chresmomancy: by the ravings of lunatics

Clamancy: by cries heard in crowds or at night

Cledonism: by chance events or overheard words

Cleidomancy: by keys

Cleromancy: by casting

- Astragalomancy: by dice

- Domino Divination: by dominos

- Favomancy: by beans

- Runecasting: by runes

Cometomancy: by comet tails

Colormancy: by colors

Conchomancy: by shells

Cottabomancy: by wine in a brass bowl

Cromnyomancy: by onion sprouts

Cryptomancy: by omens

Cryomancy: by ice

Cyathomancy: by cups

Cycolicomancy: by swirling water in a cup

Cyclomancy: by wheels


Dactyliomancy: by finger rings

Dactylomancy: by finger movements

Daphnomancy: by burning laurel wreaths

Demonomancy: by demons

Dendromancy: by trees

Dictiomancy: by randomly opening a dictionary

Dowsing: by diving rod

Dracomancy: by dragons

Dririmancy: by dripping blood

Drimimancy: by body fluids


Electromancy: by electricity

Eleomancy: by oil

Entomomancy: by insects

Eromancy: by water vessels exposed to air

Extispicy: by the remains of sacrificed animals


Fructomancy: by fruits


Gastromancy: by guttural sounds

Geomancy: by earth

Geloscopy: by laughter

Gematria: by the Hebrew alphabet

Genethlialogy: by birth date

Graphology: by studying handwriting

Gyromancy: by dizziness


Hagiomancy: by saints

Hematomancy: by blood

Hepatoscopy: by liver

Hydratomancy: by rainwater

Hyomancy: by wild hogs

Hypnomancy: by sleep


Ichthyomancy: by footprints

Idolomancy: by idols

Iridology: by eye colors


Knissomancy: by incense


Labiomancy: by lips

Lampadomancy: by flame

Letnomancy: by secrets

Lithomancy: by gems or stones

Logarithmancy: by logarithms

Lychnomancy: by candles


Macharomancy: by swords or knives

Macromancy: by large objects

Maculomancy: by spots on the skin

Margaritomancy: by bouncing pearls

Mathemancy: by mathematics

Mazomancy: by breast feeding

Megapolisomancy: by large cities

Metagnomy: by magic

Meteormancy: by meteors

Metoposcopy: by forehead lines

Micromancy: by small objects

Molybdomancy: by molten metals

Moromancy: by foolishness


Necromancy: by speaking to the dead

Necyomancy: by summoning damned souls

Nephomancy: by clouds

Notarikon: by initials

Numerology: by numbers

Numismatomancy: by coins


Oculomancy: by eyes

Odontomancy: by teeth

Oenomancy: by wine

Ololygmancy: by the howling of dogs

Omphalomancy: by navels

Oneiromancy: by dreams

Onomancy: by letters in a name

Onychomancy: by fingernails or toenails

Oomancy: by eggs

Oromancy: by mountains

Oryctomancy: by minerals

Osteomancy: by bones

Ouija: by Ouija boards


Pallomancy: by pendulums

Palmistry: by the palms of hands

Papyromancy: by folding paper

Pegomancy: by fountains

Pessomancy: by pebbles

Phobomancy: by feelings of fear

Photomancy: by fields of light

Phrenology: by the configuration of one’s brain

Phyllomancy: by leaves

- Sycomancy: by fig leaves

- Tasseography: by tea leaves

Phyllorhodomancy: by rose petals

Physiognomy: by faces

Phytognomy: by the appearance of plants

Pneumancy: by blowing

Poe Divination: by throwing stones on the floor

Portenta: by natural phenomena

Pseudomancy: by false means

Ptarmoscopy: by sneezes

Pyromancy: by fire


Retromancy: by looking over one’s shoulder

Rhabdomancy: by rods or sticks

Rhapsodomancy: by poetry

Roadomancy: by constellations


Scarpomancy: by old shoes

Scatomancy: by excrement

Sciomancy: by shadows or spirits

Scrying: by gazing

- Crystal gazing: by reflective objects

- Gastromancy: by crystal ball

- Hydromancy: by water

- Catroptromancy: by mirrors

Selenomancy: by the moon

Shufflemancy: by electronic playlist

Sideromancy: by burning straw with an iron

Skatharomancy: by beetle tracks

Solaromancy: by the sun

Somatomancy: by the human form

- Cephalomancy: by skulls

- Podomancy: by the sole’s of one’s feet

- Rumpology: by buttocks

Spasmatomancy: by convulsions

Spodomancy: by soot

- Libanomancy: by incense ash

- Tephramancy: by tree bark ash

Stareomancy: by the four elements

Stercomancy: by seeds in bird excrement

Stolisomancy: by fashion

Styramancy: by patterns in chewing gum

Symbolomancy: by things found on the road


Technomancy: by technology

Theriomancy: by animal behaviors

Thumomancy: by one’s own soul

Topomancy: by geography or geological formations

Transataomancy: by things accidentally seen of heard

Trochomancy: by wheel ruts

Turifumy: by shapes in smoke

Tyromancy: by cheese


Umbilicomancy: by umbilical cords

Umbromancy: by shade

Uranomancy: by the sky

Uromancy: by urine

Urticariaomancy: by itches


Videomancy: by films


Xenomancy: by strangers

Xylomancy: by the shape or texture of wood


Zygomancy: by weights

What a list! I am definitely going to pick out the ones that seem the most interesting and appealing to me to learn. 


The fact that you can divine by cheese makes me happy.


🌊 Types of Mermaids 🌊

please be respectful of cultural boundaries when working with mermaids from various cultures and traditions, and be mindful not to intrude.

🌊 Rusalkas - slavic in origin, disturbed spirits of the “unclean dead”, ghosts of women who died violent deaths, with a penchant for drowning young men. they live only in rivers and lakes, and are known to have green hair like aquatic plants, only appearing in the night. 

🌊 Melusina - a mermaid that walks among humans, but returns to their two-tailed form during baths and when they bathe their children. often a water spirit of a nearby lake or river. french origin. 

🌊 Siren - greek mythology. servants and companions of persephone, whom searched for her when she was abducted. they are known to sometimes have the body of a bird, and for their song, which lured sailors to their doom. cannibalism implied folklore. have the power of prophecy. 

🌊 Merrow - irish mermaid. known to have green hair and webbed fingers. particular noted love of music and their red cap, which when stolen, they will live with the thief until they find it, and then return to the water, leaving even a whole family behind. 

🌊 Ben-varrey - from the isle of man, known to bless those that are kind to them with prosperity, gifts, and even the location of treasure. 

🌊 Aicaya -  Caribbean mermaid, humans who become mermaids when they are shunned from their community and go to live in the sea. 

🌊 Amabie - japanese merpeople, with birdlike torsos and three legs and scales. they are gifted with prophecy, usually foretelling abundant harvests or epidemics 

🌊 Ningyo - “human faced fish” known to have golden scales, that brings bad weather and misfortune when caught, but when their flesh is eaten the consumer is granted youth and beauty, even agelessness. 

🌊 Finman / Finwife - magical shapeshifters that disguise themselves as sea creatures or plants to lure humans, unlike most mermaids they kidnap people from the shores to be their spouses or servants. they have a greed for jewelry and coins, particularly silver, and prefer humans over other finfolk. 

🌊 Sirena Chilota - considered the more friendly mermaids, caring for all fish life and rescuing drowned sailors to restore life to them. known for their human-like beauty and youth, according to legend they are the child of a human and a “king of seas”, tears are a powerful substance. from chilote mythology. 

🌊 Cecealia - sometimes known as “sea witches”, they are half human and half octopus. origins in native american and japanese mythology. 

🌊 Sirena / Siyokoy - the philippine version of mermaid and merman respectively. also called “magindara”, they are known to protect the waters from raiders, and protect the boy moon from sea monsters. Siyokoys can sometimes have legs however, covered with scales and webbed feet

🌊 Sea Mither - scottish/orcadian mythology, a spirit that personifies the sea during spring and summer, battles along scottish isles using storms to bring the summer about. a mother figure to all aquatic life. 

🌊 Ceasg - a fresh-water mermaid, specifically half-salmon, said to grant three wishes if captured. sometimes called maighdean na tuinne (maid of the wave) or maighdean mhara (maid of the sea). scottish. 

🌊 Selkie - though somewhat different from the typical mermaid, as they are not cold-blooded, have the body of a seal in the water and are human on land. in legends their skins are often stolen and they are kept by fishermen as spouses, or become lovers to fishermen’s wives who shed tears into the sea.  


100 Witch Tips 

(To honour 1,000+ followers.)

  1. Listening to your own intuition will always be useful. Learn to trust it.
  2. Put almonds in your pockets for good luck. 
  3. Lemongrass essential oil kills fruit flies.
  4. Use a charged crystal on top of your Wifi router, or anything that needs a boost.
  5. Salt in a hula hoop for casting circles.
  6. Evernote and Google docs are amazing for online Grimoires. 
  7. Snow-globes can be used in place of crystal balls.
  8. Don’t leave any naturally coloured quartz (amethyst, rose) in the sun, it’ll fade. Unless you want it to fade.
  9. You can use crayons in place of candles.
  10. Meditation!
  11. Be careful of setting stuff on fire, move all flammable objects before lighting something.
  12. Clear quartz can absorb negativity.
  13. Be specific when asking questions/doing spells.
  14. You can turn songs into spells, it helps a lot when you’re just starting.
  15. You can make cheap runes with a sharpie, clear nail polish, and rocks.
  16. Thrift stores ARE YOUR FRIEND!
  17. Rosemary can be used in place of any herb.
  18. Clear Quartz can be used in place of any stone.
  19. http://biddytarot.com is a good place to read in-depth Tarot meanings, really helps if you’re starting out.
  20. Suck on a peppermint when you’re studying something you need to remember, then again when you need to remember the thing. 
  21. Incense ashes = black salt.
  22. Cleanse by moon, charge by sun.
  23. Wear colours that correspond to your intent for that day, subtle and effective.
  24. Got a needle and thread? You got a pendulum.
  25. Just about any cards can be used for divination. Playing cards, pokemon cards, etc.
  26. You can find images of the Rider-Waite deck online and print them onto cardstock.
  27. Craft stores usually have REALLY CHEAP jars.
  28. Music is magical, use that to your advantage. 
  29. LOCKETS!
  30. Just about any mirror/reflective surface can be used for scrying, don’t let Etsy fool you with those 50$ mirrors.
  31. White candles can be used in place of any candle.
  32. There are also candle apps!
  33. Birthday candles!
  34. CANDLES!
  35. If you bake, draw sigils in the batter/dough before baking.
  36. Stir liquids clockwise for a luck/health boost, and counter-clockwise for banishing and ridding of negativity.
  37. If you need to subtly cleanse, sage and saltwater in a spray bottle. Be mindful of plants and pets.
  38. Sage can smell like weed sometimes, keep that in mind.
  39. Peach and Avocado pits ward off negativity. 
  40. If you don’t like working with blood, Halloween blood and pomegranate/cherry juices are great.
  41. LIBRARIES!!!!!!
  42. Keep a notebook with you constantly in case you need to write something down.
  43. Write wishes on bay leaves, then burn them to make them come true.
  44. Cleanse yourself in the wind.
  45. To get candle wax out of a jar, pour some boiling water in it then leave it for a while, the wax should be floating on top. Be careful!
  46. Selenite and Amethyst are good for dreams. 
  47. Pressing flowers really is useful. 
  48. You can make your own tea blends pretty easily, just be careful about knowing what is/isn’t edible.
  49. Set a sigil as your phone background, then plug it in to charge it. 
  50. Write sigils with makeup while you’re doing it.
  51. Warding will be your best friend.
  52. Use common sense!
  53. If you want to grow herbs out of cans be sure you poke holes in the bottom so excess water can run out.
  54.  If you can’t throw salt everywhere, make a salt water spray instead.
  55. You can draw over sigils with glow in the dark paint to see charging effects.
  56. Use plastic ziploc bags in place of jars; cheaper!
  57. Coffee filters can be used as herb bags.
  58. If a spell calls for an ingredient that happens to be in a tea you own, cut open your own tea bags. 
  59. You can make altar/shrine books.
  60. Colour correspondences for sigils.
  61. You can do virtual altars via pinterest, video games, etc. 
  62. You can glue envelopes into your BOS to hold things like sigils, recipes, etc.
  63. Brick dust works the same as black salt.
  64. Make a google doc/keep a notepad with you for ideas throughout your day. 
  65. Instead of burying jars in the ground, use non-bleached toilet paper tubes.
  66. You can buy one big pot and plant many herbs in it.
  67. Chew mint gum during money spells.
  68. Write sigils on your nails using nail polsh pens
  69. Rice water is used for prosperity and success spells.
  70. If you have a computer, you can make your background your altar.
  71. Have an altar by a window, so your items are always cleansed/charged.
  72. Uncooked spaghetti makes lighting candles a lot easier.
  73. Use oil diffusers if you can’t burn incense.
  74. Wicca is NOT the only path!
  75. Glass can be substituted for quartz.
  76. Dedicate a stuffed animal to your deity to bond with them.
  77. A good blood substitute = crushed iron tablets.
  78. Attach crystals to the cork tops of your jars as an energy channel to charge jar spells.
  79. You do NOT have to do magick everyday, it shouldn’t be a chore or something you dread doing.
  80. Brackish water (salt and fresh water) is good for cursing.
  81. Don’t eat things that aren’t edible, and don’t sniff things that aren’t sniffable.
  82. When enchanting your car, draw sigils on the wheels so they charge when they turn.
  83. Don’t make offerings that degrade the environment!
  84. More jar alternatives: bowls of ice, unbleached paper, bell peppers.
  85. Don’t bury jars, please.
  86. Just don’t do it.
  87. White sage is endangered in America, grow your own.
  88. Breathe.
  89. Compile a list of songs that have names corresponding to herbs and ingredients to put in a spell playlist.
  90. Do not substitute fantasy for fact. 
  91. Don’t do spells on someone that goes against their free will.
  92. Empath tip: Carry blue goldstone.
  93. Salt cleanse yourself with any salty snack, crisps, pretzels, etc.
  94. Frankincense is an insect repellent 
  95. Put mint in shoes for luck (and an air freshener!) 
  96. Garage sales are amazing.
  97. Place a candle in the window to welcome sunlight. 
  98. Bells can be used for cleansing, too.
  99. Witch Hazel is a natural toner, good for your skin, and is used for protection!
  100. Rain washes away bad vibes, negativity, and cleanses.

I’ve dreams of being proclaimed fairest of them all.



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