
nothing but lies

@trailxng-blog / trailxng-blog.tumblr.com

( AMBROISA ) daughter of a wealthy horseman & hedge knight [ the woods is a more honest companion than any man you will ever meet ]


it’s not that i lost muse for her, it’s just that i feel like she’s probably considered a sue.

& with a full time job + part time job i don’t really have the energy to overhaul her.

granted i’ve only had 1 ship with her, though i see so much complaints about female ocs wanting the d that it’s super disheartening. she has great friendships, great enemy dynamics too----i’d like to venture into that ‘real of forbidden things’ aka romance, but i just feel like that’s not possible w/out being pegged as a sue hungry for the d. which, well, sucks b/c as much as i love all the brotps she has, things do get hella repetitive.

she’s also a genuinely nice person (most of the time), so i feel like that’s another thing that’d make her be pegged as a sue. granted she has plenty of flaws, but kindness seems to be also in the realm of ‘do not dos’ for ocs as well.

overall i’m just really, really tired & feel like she’s just another run of the mill female oc that most are sick and tired of seeing.

so, with that, i’m out for now. cheers to all that have been so kind!


               ❝ I don’t even know whose BLOOD this is, ❞ his words were solemn as he attempted to wash the crimson from his hands. Though he was a man of war, having he blood of another stain his hands was far from appealing. Perhaps in his younger days, the earlier times of battle where it was all fresh & new, where nothing else mattered but VICTORY. But now, with age, he was beginning to realize that it was not just a man’s life he had taken, but a husband’s, a father’s, a brother’s or a son’s.  

open to everyone.

❝  None of it is yours, is it----?  ❞ Sad as it was, that was most important. Being

a soldier----a killer----required a certain kind of selfishness. ❝ Though perhaps

it is easier to not know whose it is----when imagination does not make itself

particularly powerful, that is.  ❞ Ambroisa offered him a clean, damp rag. 

There was a smattering of blood on her cheeks that she wiped off with the 

back of her hand. 


“Essos,” she repeated with a small smile, admiring the blade revealed. Arya only nodded. “It’s important for a lady to know how to protect herself.”


❝  Bugger being a lady---- it’s overrated. ❞ She shrugs----perhaps she can

come off as a lady at times, but anyone that caught her in the barn knew she

swore like a pirate and drank like a man dying of thirst. ❝  Men are a copper a

dozen. My parents used to say that. I think they’re right.  ❞ 


“You can do what you wish. I was merely attempting to warn you so that you may escape the fate given to others who thought solely on profit. The world has changed since the days of Robert’s Rebellion. However, I will no longer burden you with my cautions. Do as you wish – while you still are able.”


❝  As if anyone could catch me----  ❞ Growing up with her mother had certain

perks & if she ever has need for it, she knows how to disappear. Start anew.

Take on as many names & masks as necessary----that’s just how the world 

works. ❝  But what of you, then? Are you a Lannister supporter now intending

to kill me?  ❞ 


psa to starfighter blogs;;

following you on here so i can stalk you on ethosi

it’s a sideblog oops


“Be careful, some may view that as treason. Either side may view your business as an insult against them. They would rather have nothing than see something being sold to their enemy. You best keep your lips tight to conceal your ideas.”


❝ Is that so? My father did well for himself through both Robert’s

Rebellion & this one as well. Leave it to a man to tell a woman to

conceal her ideas.  ❞ She paused, eyebrows raised.  ❝  I can take

care of  myself.  ❞


Send me a ❖ and my muse will kiss yours


     “I am fine. - A few scrapes on her hands, nothing more serious than      that. But when she looks up, the relief that might have filled her face      falters at the sight of the bleeding gash. “Not so bad? How can you      be sure, it is an awful lot of blood! We ought to find you a Maester, or      something for a bandage at least…!” 


❝ I can sew myself up----I’ve done it many times before.  ❞ She 

smiles a little, waving a hand as if to dismiss the very idea. ❝  A 

Maester would do the same----t’is like patching a pair of breeches,

nothing more.  ❞ 

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