
Infinity on High


I'm Ashley. I graduated from UMaine spring '15 and now I'm in Anchorage working on my master's degree in Anthropology. I'm not completely sure where I'm going with life. You're welcome to join me as I figure it out. Oh, and I kind of like Fall Out Boy.

i havent shaved my legs in a really long time and while i was babysitting my skirt edged up a bit and the seven year old i was watching said “ew you should shave that hairs not supposed to be there” and i said “well if its not supposed to be there then why does it grow there?” and he was really silent for a long time and then finally said “lets watch sonic the hedgehog”

tumors grow, are they supposed to be there?

its called “evolution”, just because its there doesnt mean its useful or wanted.

this sjust in obmama creates new law demanding that all men shave off their nipples “just cut them right off jusut fucking do it they dont do anyhting” he was quoted as screaming off the white house roof this morning


The arm was designed and built just for Isabella by Team Unlimbited volunteer Stephen Davies. On average, prosthetics cost more than $10,000. However, an e-Nable limb ranges from $50 to $150 in price, which means more people can get prosthetic devices!

This is huge

:) :) :) :) :)

File under: when modern advances in technology don’t scare me at all

Hufflepuff aesthetic: sitting after a long day; pulling your blanket back on when it falls off in the night; broken cinnamon sticks; jumpers that are too big; putting on warm socks; your pet resting their head on your lap; butterfly kisses; extra creamy hot chocolate; humming in the morning;
Gryffindor aesthetic: being breathless after running; spinning fast on office chairs; untying your hair; having dirty feet; finishing big breakfast; holding hands; fire crackling; having red lips from berries; burning the tips of your fingers on hot drinks; brushing your hands through fur;
Slytherin aesthetic: making perfect paper creases; sucking on ice; rooms with high ceilings; looking up at the stars; getting up for a drink of water at night; brushing your hair behind your ears; heels clicking on polished floors; dancing home alone; driving fast; jumping high on trampolines; charcoal on fingers; blasting music on headphones; being light-headed after a sleep in;
Ravenclaw aesthetic: covering your eyes with your hair; cold wind on your face; brushed teeth; finishing a long book series; wearing extravagant clothes at home for no reason; sipping lemonade through straws; multi-tasking; hot showers; staying up late; quiet music; the taste of mint; perfectly sharpened pencils;
The Pope: Climate change is a real and present danger.
Republicans: Alright Mr. Pontihat, why don't you leave science to the scientists.
97% of Scientists: Climate change is a real and present danger.
Republicans: God said Adam and Eve not Adam and Barometer.
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