
take in the view

@amazing-anteater / amazing-anteater.tumblr.com

tired chick just trying to enjoy life

sometimes i feel ugly and sad then im like wait. thats my mum and dad! flecks of my grandparents too… remnants of every being of my lineage… hundreds of crossed paths paved in cosmic randomness all of which i carry in this very face. and then beauty standards feel far too silly 


Remember that text post from a few years back that was about how eventually this website would turn on John Mulaney the minute he did anything that showed he was a human person instead of the idealized pedestal we put him on. 

It’s happening now and I’m just seeing some awful takes about what’s going on with him and it’s like: guys you aren’t entitled to know what’s going on with his private life, and it’s very entitled to feel personally betrayed about a relationship you are not a part of. Just leave the man alone. Leave everyone alone for fucks sake. 

You would not believe the reactions on tiktok. “Thinking about him rebounding is making me physically ill,” “Ugh, you can’t trust any man,” *deletes a John Mulaney slide from a powerpoint titled Men I Trust*


this pandemic will end and you’ll claim the window seat in your favorite cafe, stand in a crowd at a concert, visit a museum and make crappy art in the park. sometimes things feel like they’ll go on forever, sometimes bad things feel heavier than good things, sometimes life feels like it’s slowing down and all you’re doing is waiting for the full stop— but just because this hopelessness is all that you’re feeling right now, doesn’t mean that it’s all there is. there’s always more and you will experience that, and you will feel alive again.


hey fully vaxxed (american) people ur still gonna like. wear a mask right. on account of there’s no visual indicator that ur vaccinated. and on account of u wanna give service workers and nonvaxxed people peace of mind when ur interacting with them. and on account of vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective. and on account of so many antimaskers and antivaxxers are gonna lie and say they’re vaccinated so they can not wear one and then ur at an even higher risk. yknow. on account of vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective.


I don’t know if anyone needs to hear this but “we all respond to trauma in different ways, not just pretty palatable ways” and “we are accountable for our own actions, even actions born from trauma” are not contradictory statements


Don't get sucked into the "if they really cared I wouldn't have to say something" spiral. No matter how close you are with someone, it's unfair to expect them to know things you haven't actually communicated.


No but moralizing about how you don’t deserve the vaccine yet is greatly reducing vaccination numbers it’s not your job to worry about if you’re “stealing” a vaccine from someone else there is a National supply and when it’s your turn it’s your turn. Refusing to get vaccinated is not going to magically vaccinate a bed bound rural person. It’s just going to get vaccine doses thrown in the garbage. God.

Every vaccine dose ups our herd immunity.  Every vaccine dose potentially frees up treatment for other people who might need it.  Get the vaccine!  There’s no “selfish” reason to protect yourself and everyone else from a deadly virus.

Reblogging because pretty much everyone I know under 50 with a preexisting condition who’s been offered a vaccine has spent ages wringing their hands over whether to refuse “until later”, so it can go to someone who “needs it more”. AND I’M INCLUDING MYSELF. After weeks of telling people to just get the vaccine when it’s offered, I had that exact same knee-jerk reaction when my appointment came up! (I did ultimately go to that appointment and get vaccinated, of course.) It’s a very common response, but we need to remember that passing up a dose wastes it; it doesn’t free it up for another person.


My hypothesis is that in like 10 years gen z is gonna have a big cult boom the way the boomers did in the 70s


It’s already happening on tik tok. There’s a fun new thing going round that’s citing common symptoms of depression and anxiety as signs you’re about to have your awakening and that you are actually an alien and the reason you don’t feel right is because you’re home sick for your own galaxy. So that’s fun.


agreed, and i don't mean this in a "haha gen z is so dumb they're gonna join a tiktok cult lmao" i mean that conditions are perfect for the formation of cults right now.

  • high unemployment and a lot of underpaying, pointless jobs = people are looking for things to do with their life, a purpose
  • skyrocketing cost of living = most young people will not be able to live on their own, meaning some will end up in a group living situation with people interested in recruiting them
  • it's a time of great cultural and political upheaval, nothing feels real, people are desperate for meaning and human connection. cults promise that
  • there is a new wave of acceptance and understanding for ways of life outside the norm, which is great! ...except for when cult leaders tell you abusive and controlling practices are just their culture, their religion, their lifestyle, their beliefs, their tradition, and if you disrespect it you are the problem
  • social media influencers have already shown us how easy it is to build a cult of personality and attract people from anywhere in the world who are interested in the exact brand you are selling
  • spirtuality is having a boom, as are things like astrology, crystals, tarot, meditation, energy... those things aren't bad on their own but they are often used as tools of cult spaces
  • wellness. i think a lot of people are already in wellness cults. you can make people do a lot of things in the name of "wellness" and a big factor of maintaining a cult is keeping members in a state of decreased cognition..... like say, with regular fasting
  • i think people are just unaware in general of how cults function, especially because the satanic panic was a big stupid false alarm that convinced the youths that dungeons and dragons or doom were gateways to cults, which are scary evil child murdering, satan-worshipping gangs. people don't know how to spot them in real life.

"Don't idolize content creators"


"It's okay to feel hurt when someone you looked up to let you down, especially if you deeply enjoyed their content"

are sayings that absolutely can and should coexist.


Sometimes I wonder, if I were a marrigable character in a video game, would people actually be like yeah I wanna woo this idiot or would I be on those memes people make about what your fave says about you and next to my image it says "go to therapy"

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