

@bofurs-wife / bofurs-wife.tumblr.com

37, completely derailed by Good Omens. Loves me some LotR, Hobbit, D&D, yadda yadda. Jeweler by trade. I do stupid fanart sometimes and moon over cosplay. I'm always more than happy to yak about nerdiness, cosplay, or the weather. Say hi! I don't bite. Unless you're made of bacon. Then all bets are off. ...

this was a long undertaking but i’m beyond excited to post what i believe is the most comprehensive daemon-finding quiz to date, featuring 34 categories of animals and 285 total possible outcomes! from insects to owls to seals to wild cats, you’re sure to find a unique result that fits your personality.

tag or comment what your daemon would be! :) mine’s a cocker spaniel!

EDIT: the quiz has two parts, the category which this post links to (34 options), and then the specific animal within that category (5-15 options) which you’re linked to once you get your result!


Hey mother nature i love you and shit but like….what the fuck my good bitch


Okay. I’m Canadian so I know a shit ton about staying warm if you’re new to the cold there here are some tips!(add more if you know more!)

1. Wear grippy shoes, nothing is worse than snowmelt freezing on your skin.

2.Do not wear jeans as your outter layer. wet denim is the most body heat siphoning mother fucker known to man or god

3. Have a warm drink with you. It will help. Even just some hot soup broth or boiled water will help keep you warm.

4. Wear a moisture wicking layer close to your skin so you don’t get cold from your own sweat. You will sweat. That is fine and expected.

5. If you start feeling too warm even though you were cold and like you have to take your clothes of DO NOT. Call 911. You are suffering from hypothermia.

6. Bring a blanket and a heat source that needs no electricity with you in your vehicle. You do not want to be stranded with no heat in the case that something happens.

7. If you are struggling on ice as you’re walking, stop. Get your balance and penguin shuffle to a less slippery patch of ground. There’s usually less ice on one side of the walk and it’s better to walk in the snow next to the sidewalk than it is to eat dirt when ya slip

8. STAY THE ABSOLUTE FUCK AWAY FROM FROZEN BODIES OF WATER. Ponds are deceptive as shit even with the “solid blue tried and true” thing. Go around.

9. Keep kids warm. They run at a higher body temperature and will feel the effects of the cold worse than you.

10. Huddling is your best friend. Even if you don’t know the person, remember you’re both cold, especially if they don’t have the right clothing for the weather.

11. Pay attention to windchill. That is how cold it feels. Dress appropriately please. I know it’s tempting to dress for style, but there’s nothing stylish about losing your toes to frostbite

12. Don’t touch metal if you can avoid it. It will sap your heat and likely freeze to anything wet. Like tongues. Don’t fucking lick a pole.

13. If someone licks something metal, pour warm water over their tongue to get them free. If they yank, they will bleed. A lot.

14. Keep your ears, noes, fingers, and toes warm. You’re extremities will get cold first and are the most likely parts of your body to get frostbite.

15. If you see someone who may not have a place to be in the cold, offer to help them find a local shelter or library. The elements, especially the cold, are some of the largest threats to those who cannot avoid them.

16. If you find yourself stuck outside for a long time, sleep during the day when it is warmest, and avoid sleeping on the ground. Stay awake as much as you can at night so you have a better chance of staying warm.

Also, look out for your local animals.   Cats will sleep on car wheels where you can’t see them - it’s elevated, rubber is warmer than the ground, and it’s a little hideyhole where they feel safe.  Check your wheel wells and under your car before you go driving off, you might save a tiny life.

You can also, if you’re so inclined, make a little winter shelter for cats and small animals fairly easily and cheaply.

[Here] is a great (if lengthy) text guide to building shelters for local cats. [Here] is a video from the Ontario SPCA. [Here] is an even simpler (ad possibly cheaper) version of basically the same thing.  As long as you smooth out the opening (so the lil guys don’t injure themselves on it), insulate, and line it, and then put it somewhere where it’s not going to get flooded or the animal snowed in, you’re grand. It might not seem like much in the face of subzero temperatures, but it’s damn well better than nothing.

Everyone, look through the notes for other information too!


For the love of all that's hole-y remove your metal facial/body jewelry if it will be in an exposed place. Think of what happens when your tongue freezes to something, then apply that to your ears/nose/eyebrows/whatever. Better to just pop 'em out and back in when you get where you're going.


My sociology professor had a really good metaphor for privilege today. She didn’t talk about race or gender or orientation or class, she talked about being left-handed.

A left-handed person walks into most classrooms and immediately is made aware of their left-handedness - they have to sit in a left-handed seat, which restricts their choices of where to sit. If there are not enough left-handed seats, they will have to sit in a right-handed seat and be continuously aware of their left-handedness. (There are other examples like left-handed scissors or baseball mitts as well.)

Meanwhile, right-handed people have much more choice about where to sit, and almost never have to think about their right-handedness.

Does this mean right-handed people are bad? No.

Does it mean that we should replace all right-handed desks with left-handed desks? No.

But could we maybe use different desk styles that can accommodate everyone and makes it so nobody has limited options or constant awareness that they are different? Yes.

Now think of this as a metaphor. For social class. For race. For ethnicity. For gender. For orientation. For anything else that sets us apart.


Because I posted it about 90 seconds ago, calm down.

if you lived your life never realizing until now some desks are in fact designed to be right handed then bonus revelation to how privilege works

We’re also more likely to die in industrial accidents because all the machines have been built for right handers. Use that in your metephor as you will.


As someone raised by lefties, I concur that this metaphor is Accurate. (I also have a second-hand piece of heavy equipment set up for left hand use and I secretly revel in the fact. It has nearly degloved me already)


what quasi-medieval fantasy gets wrong is that it doesn’t make politics stupid enough

it’s all blood and guts this, lust that, scheming wizards and perfidious dukes, blah blah blah

for every character that gets murdered by magic or dragon burps or daggers to the heart there should be two dying of things like “ate too many lampreys” or “was too socially awkward to excuse himself to pee” or like, arresting geese and making them stand trial for being public nuisances

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