
hi i'm lizzie

@feminismandfangirlfluff / feminismandfangirlfluff.tumblr.com

just your usual basic brown girl with a hint of hipster trash

teacher: write a 5 page essay analyzing this me: it’s not that deep 🏊🏼

I swear to god they’re so dramatic. Even in art history they read into what an apple or fly means like BICH maybe they’re just in the painting chilling. Y DOES IT NEED A MEANING

Yo, makes me laugh that you say this. Because you’re actually right

At the time artists started painting still life (early renaissance), painters didn’t bother with meanings at all. It was a technical exercise. Seeing how good their techniques were

But painting is expensive as fuck and you gotta pay for pigments and shit, so you had to be able to sell your shitty still life, to the people who pay for your pigments and shit. But they didn’t want still life paintings, because it was… just food….. They wanted Jesus and bible scenes and such. Not apples and shit. Because rich people loved religion. And were pretentious as fuck. Why have an apple painting at home when you can have men freaking out over zombie Jesus

So artists were like ok, see, you don’t get it. The apple refers to the original sin, and all the fruits represent your wealth and such. But the skull’s there to remind you that your wealth doesn’t matter, you’ll die someday anyway

Because that was a popular thing at the time, being rich but having symbolic stuff that remind you that you’ll die someday despite being rich. Rich people were weird. And pretentious

So painters BULLSHITTED all that symbolic stuff around the things they put in their still life paintings to make the boring painting exercises appealing to the gullible (and pretentious) rich people that commissioned them. And rich people gobbled it aaaalllllll up

And that’s how we still have still life paintings from most famous renaissance artists today and that they’re in such good condition, because still life paintings became THE shit amongst rich people and they bought them and kept them at home. Instead of remaining stuck in a dusty, shitty painting workshop, to be forgotten beneath tons of other stuff and rot

And there was this whole lexicon and symbolism dictionary created around still life paintings at the time, like each object was meant to represent something and there began to be conventions and stuff

But they only ever were technical painting exercises

It never was that deep


I love this post bc I majored in Art History I was always saying, “Maybe they just liked pears” and shit and my professors were always so mad at me.


Muhammad Ali requested that his star not to be put on the sidewalk, because he didn’t want people to walk on him. They honored his request.


It was done because he didn’t want people stepping on the prophet’s name. This was not an act of vanity.


“Kimiko Nishimoto learned how to use a camera for the first time at the age of 71 and even furthered her skills by taking courses on digital editing to manipulate her images. While she mostly focuses on still life and nature photography, she has a series of hilarious self-portraits involving random costumes and staged falls.” (x)


a serious inspiration 


Later in life goals


Black women something amazing

Okay, but what professor was such an asshole that they wouldn’t let a woman in labor do a makeup exam? You know someone said some shit and she felt like she HAD to do that exam, labor or no.


OK true story from one of my professors:

She got pregnant while getting her PhD. Not planned, but it would work out that she would do her lit review (where she had a massive list of books she had to spend two hours talking about) a month before her baby was due. Plenty of time, right?

Well, her daughter came a month early. On the day that she scheduled her lit review. So she’s in labor with a baby that’s four weeks early, she calls up her male professors that are going to be doing her lit review, and they say that squeezing a human being out of your vagina isn’t a good enough reason to cancel. She can’t reschedule, they’ll just fail her. And my professor will have none of that. They agree to have the lit review at the hospital, but they kick out all nurses and doctors because you can’t have anyone else in the room. (like the nurses are really going to be secret undercover English professors who will whisper to her answers about Virginia Woolf). So for two hours while my professor was in labor, these male professors are hounding her about early 20th century British literature and the nurses are just about losing it and as soon as it’s finish they rush back in to make sure everything is okay. And the best part of it is that my professor was so focused, so determined to pass and not let her 5 years of work end in a failure, that she says she didn’t feel any pain for those two hours. WHILE IN LABOR.

Fucking men. Seriously.



What does it say about our values when we slander someone for speaking freely against discrimination? In the midst of all that, the #VeteransForKaepernick hashtag is a thankful breath of sanity.


Carlotta Cardana The Red Road: Picturing Modern Native American Indigenous Identity    

*signal boost for indigenous solidarity #nodapl  see more details on how to help here

support an Indigenous photographer here, working hard to document the Great Sioux Nation’s protests in North Dakota. 

Photo #2: Ula and Tim Tyler. This Eastern Shoshone couple have been married for 54 years and experienced reservation life before there was electricity or running water.

Photo #4: Ishkoten Dougi. Ishkoten is an artist from the Isleta Pueblo Indian Reservation in New Mexico. He is portrayed in his studio, surrounded by his artwork that represents some of the atrocities inflicted on Native Americans.

Photo #5: Evereta and her Mustang. When Evereta Thinn, 30, entered college as the only Native American in her English 101 class, it was at that moment she realized that she needed to speak up and not be that stereotypical “shy” Indian who keeps to herself. She works as an administrator at the school district on the Navajo Nation and aspires to start a language and cultural immersion school for the Diné (Navajo) people.

Photo #8: Fast Eddie (left), a pow wow dancer, is pictured with social media celebrity, Two Braids.

Photo #10:   Jarrod after the rodeo. Jarrod Ferris, Eastern Shoshone and Arapaho from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, has been bull riding since age 6. He hopes to one day win the title as world champion so that he can buy his mom a new house.

*Photo #13: Crisosto Apache, from the Mescalero Apache tribe of New Mexico, is an activist for LGBT rights in the Native community. He explains that there is no word for “gay” in any Native American language, but is referred to as being “two spirited.”

Photo #14: Maka in his classroom. After traveling the world and teaching English in Japan, Maka Clifford, from Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, realized his calling was going back to the Reservation to teach his own people and inspire young kids to explore life off the reservation.

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