
So there's this thing, right?

@feenathecute / feenathecute.tumblr.com

Hi! You can call me Feena. I'm 26, white, bi, and disabled. I love art, and I would kill for my friends. Please consider becoming one. (They/Them)

Torn between 'are the straights okay' and also 'this is the funniest shit I've seen on a mug ever.'


nobody talks about it but like the fact that glasses exist is literally insane

put fucking melted sand in front of your eyeballs and now stuff stops being blurry??? and someone figured this out fuckin hundreds of years ago?

Glass technology evolved because of wine.

Wine used to be stored in clay pots for drinking but then people started blowing glass and realized how pretty wine was in a clear glass bottles. They also realized that glass bottles with curves magnified the image and after decades of experementation they started grinding glass with curves and sand to get that magnification. This is also where the telescope and magnifying glass came from. Eventually after telescopes and looking to the heavens were all the rage people started hand crafting reading glasses which gave their wearers an extra decade of reading with bad eyes. By the mid 1700’s they were common and Ben Franklin figured out how to combine two different magnifications into one lense. By 1900 it was incredibly common to have eyeglasses and actual perscriptions were being developed. Post WWII saw a boom in lense technology filtering down from industrial applications making it cheaper and more affordable. Now days you can typically walk into a dollar store and buy a pair of reading glasses all thanks to some glass blower a thousand years ago that liked to look at his wine.


All of human history comes down to alcohol and horses


this is exactly the Zukka + Aang dynamic

Aang: hold up guys, you're going to the cave of two lovers?

Sokka, holding a picnic basket: ...yes

Aang: oh awesome I've been meaning to go back, hang on I'll get my stuff, we can go see those badgermoles you like Sokka, and now that I can earth- and firebend none of us will need to kiss to see or get out haha

Zuko, wiping off his strawberry lib balm: oh. great.


so yeah… I meant first panel as a bonus doodle I meant to add to a reply to some wonderful asks in my inbox but than things escalated…

(and now I need to go back to my inbox and try really hard answering while not feeling bad for not answering earlier/with doodle/something >.< I’m so sorry! All those super nice messages are making my day. I’m just bad at idk? socializing and also estimating how much I can realistically doodle)


today i am thinking about what we leave behind. in the store, on all of the bath mats, someone has drawn a heart or left a handprint. in the pen aisle, each page of the test paper is covered in names and little drawings and fuck covid and over and over again - hello hello hello hi hello. on the street i live, three houses have perfect hopscotch lanes carefully transcribed with rules and everything - jump here! now do a spin! graffiti of a deer on the side of a building, names scrawled into setting concrete. initials carved into park bench seats. In the bathroom, in silver sharpie - i hope you’re okay out there. i love you, you’re beautiful, keep trying. geocached tubes of trinkets, jackets left out in case somebody needs it. a note on my windshield - closed your door it was a little open have a great day and stay safe! my friends and i, fully grown adults, build a sandcastle on the edge of the ocean. 

inside of returned schoolbooks. inside of little secret pockets. hi hello hello hello. what a beautiful calling. you and i are in different times, and will never meet, but here is the greeting i’d owe you. if you never get to see this person, what do you say? hello! i love you. be good out there. be safe.


The most baffling part of the Avatar fandom is that Korra can literally

Be forcibly restrained and poisoned:


Break her legs:

Possibly die for a minute (or, at the very least, become comatose):

Use a wheelchair:

Be sent away for healing:

Have a complete mental/emotional breakdown:

Go through physical therapy:

And become repeatedly triggered via PTSD:

And still fans are like:


Korra went through a period of physical disability and REMAINS neurodivergent - that level of trauma and PTSD doesn’t ‘resolve,’ it’s something she’s adapted to, learned to cope with. One of my biggest fears in season 4 was that they’d find some magical in-universe way to ‘fix’ her, and the fact that they didn’t is something I remain eternally grateful for.


hey do you guys know about the uncomfortably horny BDSM song cut from Disney’s Aladdin


no but I wanna

it’s called “Humiliate The Boy” and it’s just line after line of Jafar making it Weird™️

including the very real lyrics “oh, we’ll emasculate him slowly/all the better to enjoy/how delicious to humiliate the boy”

Disney why

Disney I can’t kinkshame fast enough to keep up with this shit

after learning Ursula’s character design was based on a (truly splendid) drag queen, I just sort of got lazy with assuming she would always be the most salacious disney villain. 

but apparently Jafar is a dom with a thing for twinks & humiliation play so what do i know

I don’t think I’d call Ursula especially salacious–she makes jokes implying that men only want sex, and she moves like a theatre major at the grocery store with their friends, but I wouldn’t describe her as horny.

I guess Frollo has a whole song about how horny he is, and both Gaston and Jafar also have “marry the heroine but in an evil way” as motives. 

Ursula is comfortable in her sexuality. Frollo is horny on main but trying to deny it. Gaston and, apparently, Jafar are horny period, with Gaston being mysoginistc and Jafar having a humiliation kink

Oh dear

ok someone do an alignment chart

I made an alignment chart because I needed something to occupy my time. no one but frollo is on the “conflicted” bar because no other disney villain is anything but 100% comfortable with their sexuality and that’s that about that. gaston is evilly sexy, not evilly horny, because the only person gaston is horny for is gaston.

also, did we NOT already know jafar was kinky? was the slave girl outfit and hypnokink not a huge giveaway?

I love tumblr coz where else would I read a serious analysis of Disney villains in terms of them being sexy/kinky/horny while listening to a very disturbing kinky Jafar song

someone replace “but conflicted” with “but a creep” and add scar and hades


You do not want there to be a gay gene, and if there is one you do not want people to discover it. Please learn from disability activists.



[Person 1: WALL-E and EVE are both nonbinary.

Person 2: What are you talking about? Keep your... Liberal politics out of my kid’s movie. WALL-E’s a boy and EVE is a girl.

Person 1: But they’re... they’re robots. They don’t have genitals.

Person 2: Yeah but like WALL-E is square and does construction and EVE is like feminine and sexy looking.

Person 1: So, gender is a matter of presentation and expression, not a matter of biology.

Person 2: No! Gender’s just about your genitals.

Person 1: Then, WALL-E’s nonbinary. He doesn’t have genitals.

Person 2: No, WALL-E’s a boy.

Person 1: Then gender is a matter of expression an-

Person 2: No! Gender is just biological!

Person 1: Then WALL-E doesn’t have a gender

Person 2: No! He’s a boy robot!

Person 1: Look I don’t have anything going on. I can do this all day.]


unimaginative and foolish people: why would wheelchairs exist in fantasy worlds! it doesn’t make any sense!


Sometimes mobility aids in fantasy fiction can be simple, utilitarian and grounded in reality. Othertimes they can be a throne sat stop four reanimated goat legs powered by arkane magic.

Both is good.

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