
Owl C. Badger, Esq


Geeky, cranky, and probably in need of a nap.

googledocs you are getting awfully uppity for something that can’t differentiate between “its” and “it’s” correctly

oho and now you’re questioning my adverb usage? you? you?

you fucking dare?

you try to change ‘tears’ to ‘years’ for no reason but don’t catch ‘imporint’???

hey quick question gdocs


what the fuck

1. how the fuck did this post become so popular

2. everyone just commenting ‘QUERCHED’ is delightful

3. some people have suggested i use grammarly. this is letting the robots win and also would deprive me of the opportunity to complain about insignificant technical things instead of just wanting to scream over writing all the time

4. i use googledocs because i want access to my writing on multiple platforms and also because fuck microsoft 

5. the difference between [its] and [it’s] is that [it’s] is always used as a shortened form of [it is] and [its] is used as the possessive of [it]. yes, this goes against the usual practice of just tacking on an [‘s] when you want to indicate ownership. yes, english is absolutely a trash language.

btw, gdoc’s most recent transgression:





i’m sorry what kind of AI FUCKERY is going on here that you are trying to ADD IN ADVERBS FOR ME that could ENTIRELY CHANGE THE TONE from a neutral ‘He’d been young’ to something that would put emphasis on just how young he was and how long ago it was you cannot just THROW EXTRA WORDS IN LIKE THAT

‘he’d been so young’ I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU


me @ everyone else using googledocs:



I just listened to a podcast with an A.I. research scientist. She said if you wouldn’t trust autocorrect to be in charge of a decision, then you shouldn’t trust another A.I. with it, so… that’s something to worry about


Grammarly is not better.


the doctor was born to be silly, forced to experience traumatic moments so severe that just one of them would justify a lifetime of therapy

There’s an audio where the Unbound Third Doctor (the late David Warner) is in therapy and every time he goes into that room, it sounds like he’s having more and more of the same conversation with the therapist. Till you pick up on the various differences in the way the room is described. Change of decor that slower goes from drab to more inviting and happy, blank walls and desk that slowly gain picture frames on them. And the. Suddenly, this woman who had mentioned the love of her life died when he missed getting on a refugee transport and never started another relationship for the rest of her life, she’s now casually mentioning how she has grandchildren. And you and she slowly come to the realization that instead of working on therapy and getting himself better, the Doctor was leaving each iteration of the exact same session to go and “fix” parts of his therapists life (making sure her husband got on that transport and survived, for example) to give her a more joy-filled and happy life. All because he couldn’t bear to let himself be open and work on his own trauma. And so this woman is rightfully horrified that her life has been changed so utterly and so intimately by this patient she has only known for a day, that she forces him out and is now stuck with the reality that her children and grandchildren only exist because the Doctor decided to rewrite her timeline. That they weren’t there yesterday, but they’re here now and they’re here to stay. That they think they’ve been around their whole lives, but now this woman knows that when she went to bed last night, she was a childless widow and was content with that life, and when she woke up, she had a decades long marriage, children, and grandchildren where there used to be none. Just imagine that horror.


I lived and worked in a lighthouse at a previous job.  There was a thick line painted in a circle around the shack where the fog signal was kept.  The line represented how close you could get to the fog signal without experiencing physical harm in the form of eardrums shattering or worse.

Even in the house it was LOUD.  Probably the loudest thing I have ever experienced but at a normal, predictable interval.  You would begin to time your sentences with little pauses with the rest of the lighthouse crew so you would talk like this while making your………..HORN…………. tea and then carry on talking because you knew when it would go off.  It rattled the walls and the dishes in our cabinet.

At least one girl had died there. They kept photos of her everywhere “in honor of her sacrifice” because she had decided to take the winter watch alone and died in a storm where bounders the size of mini vans had been lifted out of the ocean and left scattered across the island, to say nothing of the ice chunks.  People weren’t allowed to be alone on the watch after that.

One day a dead moose washed up on shore and it took my entire crew all day but we managed to rig up a line to hang it up to dry because we thought having a moose skeleton in the house would really spice the living room up a bit.  It did.  Weird shit happens when six of you are left alone, like ALONE ALONE, no cell reception, no wifi, just a radio to contact the real world and not a lot of reason to do that.  People don’t go on lighthouse jobs if they want to stay connected, I’ve found.

That said Id do it all again, I really do treasure those days


you know you could’ve just said “no they don’t have wifi” and that would’ve answered the question

But then you wouldnt have known about the moose


Eternal Flame Falls sounds like the coolest concept for a fantasy book. A path you follow down into a ravine until you find an ever-burning flame inside of a waterfall? That’s fuckin metal! But it’s not in a fantasy book it’s like an hour away from my house I can literally go see it any time! I remember it like once a month and lose my shit over it every time

Look at this. Tell me this isn’t the basis for a cool religion in an epic fantasy novel.

OP whats it called? Do you know how it works??

It’s called Eternal Flame Falls, in Orchard Park in western New York. 400 feet below the surface is a 400-million-year old shale formation that contains natural gas, and the grotto contains a leak where that gas is escaping.  The flame can and does go out, but the gas can be re-lit with a lighter like a gas stove. It’s super, super cool from both an aesthetic and a geologic perspective!


hilarious drama going on on reddit, the least respectable social media site i use. someone goes to r/legaladvice with a question about a shitty interaction with a cop. pretty normal post.

some users replied with regular advice, but one r/legaladvice moderator came in saying it was OP's fault, defending the cop. when OP requested they "please read the post", they equipped their next reply with their little mod hat and told them that showing attitude would result in a ban.

after receiving hundreds of downvotes (and many replies, all of which were removed and banned), the r/legaladvice mod nuked the thread in a fit of anger.

so you'd think it'd stop there, right? well, that's where you're wrong.

there's another subreddit called r/bestoflegaladvice, where the more interesting r/legaladvice threads are reposted for audiences to take the piss out of. and of course, a mod throwing a tantrum and nuking a thread because they were asked to read would make that cut. so it was reposted! and of course, everyone started rightfully calling the mod a bootlicker.

people then started pointing out that the r/legaladvice mod team has cops on it, at which point, part two of the drama starts: some people are mods of both r/legaladvice AND r/bestoflegaladvice, and they get really mad when you call them cops (derogatory).

so of course, they take the best course of action, which is to angrily reply to comments calling them cops and then use mod powers to delete the comments they don't like, insisting that only ONE r/legaladvice mod is a cop, so it's totally fine!

the r/bestoflegaladvice thread was then deleted and locked by mods, presumably for "republicizing deleted comments".

the same thread was then reposted to r/bestoflegaladvice. again, the thread fills with people calling the r/legaladvice mods cops.

this thread was also deleted and locked by r/bestoflegaladvice mods.

but it doesn't end there! because there's ANOTHER subreddit called r/subredditdrama, where the juiciest drama from all manner of subreddits gets reposted. and you'll never believe what's gone on long enough to count as drama.

here, free from the shackles of reddit's legaladvice world, users were free to dunk on the mods as much as they want.

the r/subredditdrama thread was eventually deleted as well (but not locked) just because they don't accept links to nuked threads since the original can't be read, but thankfully, everything had been archived by that point.

and just because the streisand effect should never go unrealized, i'm reposting it here, to tumblr. who knows, maybe someone will bother to screencap this and put it on r/curatedtumblr, and it will eventually live on in reddit again.

as for OP, they reposted their situation to r/nostupidquestions and later posted this update:

moral of the story: never go to reddit for legal advice, because the legal advice subreddit is run by ONE cop.

new theory unlocked


hey op i fulfilled the prophecy and put this on r/curatedtumblr last night. multiple people started @-ing (u/-ing?) the mod in question and i just got this message from the freaking u/redditcareresources account

besties i really don't think that copmod is coping well


"It hurt to lose to Ronald Reagan. But after the election, I tried to make the transition as smooth as possible. Later, from my experience in trying to brief him on matters of supreme importance, I was very disturbed at his lack of interest. The issues were the 15 or 20 most important subjects that I as President could possibly pass on to him. His only reaction of substance was to express admiration for the political circumstances in South Korea that let President Park close all the colleges and draft all the demonstrators. That was the only issue on which he came alive."

-- Former President Jimmy Carter, on losing the 1980 election and the transition leading to the inauguration of Ronald Reagan, interview with TIME Magazine, October 11, 1982.


he aint dead yet op

he may be 99, but let the man live for christs sake!

also, he needs to live to at least see trump lose one more time


This comes up over and over again: an outgoing Democrat tries to share deeply important information with their Republican successor, who can't be bothered and couldn't care less. They just want to know how they can abuse their new power to hurt people.

It's such a clear pattern, going back almost 45 years, and it's had disastrous consequences for America and the world.

And yet, here we are, again.


as an autistic jew, passover is objectively the best holiday because it’s a dinner party with a script that everyone has to follow


as another autistic jew, passover is objectively the worst holiday because i can’t eat any of my normal foods and that’s horrible


As a 3rd autistic jew, I agree with both, but *Also* passover is the best holiday because as long as I can reapply a special interest to the pesach story I can talk about it whenever

But its the Worst holiday because there is mandatory cleaning with a deadline before


As a 4th autistic jew I think there are merits to many of these points but wanted to bring up that the food is basically the same every year, which is really nice and predictable

But passover also sucks because you’re expected to read with people watching you


4 Jews, 6 opinions. You did it, y’all! You brought that old Jewish joke to life! <3


one of the funniest things about cooper howard is he let the wool be pulled over his eyes for years by vault tech (lost acting roles over supporting them, did commercials for them) all because his wife said so (he really really loved his wife) but the second he found out his dog wouldn’t be allowed in the vaults he was like wait a damn minute hold up hold on hell NO!!!! and committed espionage to listen in on a top secret meeting between the most powerful people in the world. he could allow corrupt capitalist doomsday fear tactics because his girl said so but not liking dogs is where he drew the damn line


just found the most fascinating anti-ai person who is only anti-ai because they make and sell the software that spambots USED to use to flood the internet with low quality SEO-bait garbage and chatgpt is putting them out of business. what a fascinating category of human to be. i had never even considered that someone had to be actually making the spambots and that they have feelings too.


that's who they're talking about when people go "AI is taking away jobs from humans!!"


My top surgeon said since I'm so crazy betitted, my scar is likely going to be in one piece across my whole chest, so I'm going to talk to him about getting my scar done in a sort of V shape, almost like I've been autopsied, but from under my armpit. No idea if it's possible, but it would be really funny. And yes I'm being serious. This isn't a bit. If I'm not gonna have nipples, I might as well go full silly.

"Transgender? This is from when the aliens took me. I'm an LGBabducTee."

Transmeds in my inbox already saying I don't deserve life-saving surgery because I'm "not taking it seriously".

I'm so serious about autopsy tits it's unreal. Dead serious.

You do you, OP!


A non zero percentage of university administrators are frustrated that they haven't had their own monetizable Kent State Shooting because students are revenue units, staff are costs, and education is a silly thing to worry about when the campus revenue looks even better this season after the unpaid student athletes raked in so much money.


Too tired to draw but I still need everyone to be aware of this bizarre interaction I had at work this morning

Worth mentioning is that I'm in Iceland and the store I work at only accepts icelandic króna so like even euros wouldn't have worked in this case

On the one hand I refuse to defend Americans and this behavior is kind of embarrassing but on the other hand dumbasses enraging Europeans by not caring even a little bit about their funny little currencies is absolutely hilarious so I’m conflicted here


I think I've decided it's time to topple the dollar as a world standard

I propose we switch to Chilean Peso

I think we should go back to harvesting seashells

I can't do this anymore I am seriously at my limit here


Idk I'm in full support of forcing the English to accept my green construction paper

Could you do me a quick favour and point out where England is on this map?


I'd bet Krónas to doughnuts that the British Museum's been through your place at least twice.

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