
It's fine!

@captainaesthetica / captainaesthetica.tumblr.com

it's fine
me: *walks into bar*
me: *immediately puts "on a plain" on the jukebox*

I just (whoops) finished reading this and it’s incredible! lots of great people are in it! I am in it too! spread this like wildfire!

THE REVIEWS ARE IN: we are “(whoops)” and should be “spread […] like wildfire”! GET YOURS NOW! 


what gets lost in the debate over the “accessibility” of writing in social theory (besides the nuance without which one unduly lumps together the “difficulty” of complexity and precision with that of obscurity and sloppiness) is that spontaneously understanding something and understanding something new that one had not known or understood before are literally incompatible.


"It is not upon you alone the dark patches fall, / The dark threw patches down upon me also; / The best I had done seem'd to me blank and suspicious; / My great thoughts, as I supposed them, were they not in reality meagre? / would not people laugh at me?"


I, Ataulfo Contreras, give thanks to the Merciful Lord for saving me from a terrible attack of hiccups that happened with me after I had eaten some spicy food.


Tonight on Chopped

Chef: When I saw the ingredients I thought duh! I will be making a, uh, dirty diaper roulade over a Eucharist crumble, paired with a Sriracha compote and lightly dusted with sidewalk chalk

Tonight on Chopped

Ted: Alright chefs, open your baskets
Ted: Your mandatory ingredients for the dessert round are
Ted: a dirty diaper
Ted: sidewalk chalk
Ted: Sriracha
Ted: Eucharist wafers

Listen I think anyone can be a poet! Everyone can be a poet! It is not the privileged elect who can do it!

But being a poet is really fucking hard, if it means anything other than “I am someone who writes poems,” if there is some desire to do more than write a poem but to go so far as to write a good poem–whatever the fuck that means! it’s fucking complicated but it’s hard. It’s! hard! 

and I resent it when people don’t want to deal with the fact that committing to poetry is REAL fucking hard–and that if you want to improve as a writer and if you want to make genuine art–not to say genuinely political art–you ahve to dig a lot deeper than just shuffling around a limited set of references in the hope that your juggling act will give the appearance of learnedness, which appearance in turn is the basis of “being a poet” rather than the really difficult work of writing and reading poems 

I dunno. Everyone can be a poet. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BE A POET CAN BE A POET. Being a poet is not easy. In fact it is the opposite. It requires thought and time and care and a lot of bullshit. If you think you can be a poet without getting your hands dirty and that it will be fulfilling then you are kidding yourself. Poetry is never fulfilling. You will not be fulfilled. You will just have to abandon everything again and again.

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