
A World In Rhetoric

@always-die-alone / always-die-alone.tumblr.com

The one thing worse than death is to avert your eyes from it. Look straight at the people you kill. Don't take your eyes off them for a second. And don't ever forget them, because I promise that they won't forget you. body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/games/gam-14/gam1394.cur), progress !important;}

how many “friend-zoned” guys does it take to change a light bulb? None they’ll just compliment it and get pissed when it won’t screw. 

this is the best joke ever


haha…fuck you - sincerely every friendzoned guy ever

You wish - sincerely the women who are by no means obligated to sleep with you.


Not every guy wants to get in a girl's pants, just kissing and maybe occasional butt touches

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