
The Path that Twists and Winds

@assbutt-stealing-thetardis / assbutt-stealing-thetardis.tumblr.com

This RPer took the Roleplay Anti-Hate Pledge. Please read my About Me page for futher information. Of course, you can also send me an ask, enjoy my posts or start an rp with me. Up to you. Current muses: Ninth and Tenth doctors. Dark!ten has also joined the club.

reblog to save a life so i don’t mow a fricker over

reblog bc they used to teach us the opposite in school and manner guides

this is so important though!! when you crouch down, it gives the impression that you’re talking to a small child and immediately infantilizes the disabled person. please treat us with respect!!


like honestly to young lgbt kids struggling to get through their youth i know y’all think the ‘it gets better!’ campaign is bullshit and you’re sick of hearing this but i swear on my life it really, really will. 

being gay or trans in middle and high school fucking sucks. we know. we went through it. this is the stage of your life where people might be incredibly cruel, where you feel hopeless, where you don’t have the finances to get yourself out, where you’re stuck living with homophobic parents, where you feel trapped and like there’s no escape. your feelings are entirely valid because you absolutely are going through a hard time, but i swear it won’t always feel like this.

there will be a day where you turn 18 and can legally leave your abusive parents, there will be a day where you get your first job and can start saving up to move out of your shitty small town, there will be a day where you finally get your green card and leave your terrifyingly homophobic country in search of somewhere safer, there will be a day where you can open the door and see your partner and for the first time you’ll be safe to kiss them and hold them and love them and you will have your own individual experiences with your gender and sexuality that makes you feel like it’s worth it.

please, please don’t give up. you have so much ahead of you. there are so many more people for you to meet, things for you to learn, experiences for you to live through, journeys for you to take, self discoveries to make. you have an ENTIRE life left to live and you are NOT a lost cause. you are a person of true beauty who has so much more to offer the world than any of your bullies ever will.

it gets so, so, so much better. with a support system, resources, self-care techniques, and a community who loves you and cares about your well-being you can make it through this.

Resources for People Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts:

  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (2433) – Can use in US, U.K., Canada and Singapore
  • The Trevor Helpline (For homosexuality questions or problems): 1-800-850-8078
  • National Adolescent Suicide Helpline: 1-800-621-4000
  • 7Cups (confidential online chat)

Finding out you’re pansexual:

when your sexuality surprises you:

when others starts to question wtf is pansexual and wtf it has to do with pans:

pansexual humor


It’s ironic.

When I worked in fast food for minimum wage, they would yell at us and lecture us about “stealing” fries and burgers (while we had to throw out TONS of food every day) as though the giant billion-dollar corporations of McDonald’s and Sonic couldn’t afford to give their employees something to eat (while not even paying us a living wage).

Now I work at an upscale restaurant (it’s fancy, like celebrities eat there fairly often) and not only do I make WAY better money but they give us 2 free meals a day (eaten on the clock) and they’re GOOD. Today I got baked cod, spring rolls, rice pilaf, stir fry, and mashed potatoes and eggplant. Oh, and free espresso and juice. From this restaurant owned by a local man who is in no way a billionaire.

Obviously money is not the issue, valuing your employees as people is.


BB-8 gets a skateboard. BB-SK8

BB-8 gets a date. BB-D8

BB-8 sleeps in. BB-L8

BB-8 rates your blog. BB-R8

BB-8 makes a friend. BB-M8

BB-8 makes predictions. BB-F8

BB-8 doesn’t like it. BB-H8


BB-8 is being patient. BB-W8


You deranged prick. You’ve never loved anyone in your repulsive life.


I fucking love this.  This is perfect.

Why? Because Kilgrave is a complete monster. Everyone knows it, including the narrative of the show. He is stated to be a rapist. Those who survive their encounters with him have PTSD. Some are wrecked beyond their ability to recover, physically or emotionally. He is a destroyer of lives…and the show demonstrates this by taking the toxic trope of the alpha male to its logical extreme.

Zebediah Kilgrave fits the mode of the alpha male amazingly well. He’s rich. He’s physically attractive. He has a Tragic Past in that he has been poor and unloved. Most of all, whatever he wants people to do, they do. They cannot help but obey. This is his defining characteristic. You want to do this, he tells people. You love Chinese food. You want to invite me in. You want to play your cello for me–or donate both kidneys. You want to commit murder. You want to kill your parents and smile.

And he stalks, emotionally abuses and rapes the heroine…while he frames his behavior as loving and romantic. It does not occur to him that taking away a person’s will and compelling them to eat what he wants, wear what he wants, move as he wants, and fuck as he wants are all violations. The last example is literal rape; the rest is psychological.

More often than not, the rich alpha male with the Tragic Past who falls for the seemingly ordinary person (who is, of course, actually extraordinary) will be treated as the romantic hero. Look at Hannibal. Look at the Fifty Shades series. What does it say when so many romances in books, movies and TV present controlling the other’s behavior, manipulating their thinking, and relentlessly pursuing someone who clearly wants either a break or to flee outright as protective, guiding and passionate?  What does that do to the audience’s perception of what love is supposed to be like? How much toxic entitlement do those stories reinforce?

Aside from his mind control being literal instead of figurative, Zebediah Kilgrave is not unusual. He is an example of a common type in fiction   The only unusual thing about  Kilgrave is that–for once–such toxic behavior is not normalized, and the narrative presents him as the destructive, damaging, manipulative monster that he is.  

This is the first time that I can recall not only having the narrative agree with me that a person like Kilgrave is primordial slime, but also having it point out that the media reinforces the image of control, manipulation and emotional abuse as loving. Entitled assholes like Kilgrave are scum…but they are not operating in a vacuum.



“Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione,” he said. “Only one out of three, I’m afraid. I have not been helping Black get into the castle and I certainly don’t want Harry dead…” An odd shiver passed over his face. “But I won’t deny that I am a werewolf.“ 

- Remus Lupin, Prisoner of Azkaban, p.253

“Snape was just a fuckboy who was bitter he got friendzoned,” says the fan who romanticizes the Marauders and conveniently forgets that the only character to ever act entitled to Lily’s romantic attention was James Potter, who bullied Snape from the start simply because Snape was Lily’s friend and male. Like, if anyone was a fuckboy…

Except that Snape is the one who felt entitled to Lily’s attention. Did James pursue her a little too aggressively? Yes, but he behaved like a pretty typical teenage boy with a crush. When Lily rejects him James brushes it off and keeps trying to get him to liker her, Snape’s the one who gets upset and lashes out at her. Also, by literally everyone else Snape and James are described as having the same sort of relationship as Harry and Malfoy but we only ever see the relationship from Snape’s point of view because James is dead. Do you think Harry is a bully too?

So here’s the thing. Literally nothing you just said is supported in canon.

James was more than “a little too aggressive” in his pursuit of Lily. He relentlessly bullied her best friend, and at one point even tried to use this as leverage to get Lily to date him (he’d stop the torment, if Lily would agree to a date). Lily herself calls him out on how he is a bully, saying he walks down corridors, hexing anyone who annoys him just because he can. When they get together in 7th year, it’s because he supposedly has stopped his bullying ways, but continues to bully Severus in secret behind her back. That is canon. That is said by Sirius and Remus, after Harry saw “Snape’s worst memory” and was appalled at how fucking horrid his father was.

And, why is it that James constantly bullies Severus?

JK herself said: “James always suspected Snape harboured deeper feelings for Lily, which was a factor in James’ behaviour towards Snape.“ 

So. Because Severus Snape was Lily Evans’ best friend, and a guy, James worried that he was a rival for her affections, and from day one targeted him for bullying. Because how dare Severus even think he has the right to talk to her, when obviously James is the one she should pay attention to.

The only character we see not respect Lily’s rejection is James Potter. This is canon. He doesn’t ever take “no” for an answer. He refuses to. He resorts to lying to her in order to finally get her to date him.

Severus Snape, for one, never tried to be anything more to Lily than her friend. We are given no evidence to the contrary. And when she breaks off their friendship, he leaves her alone. We see him bargain for her life, we see him mourn her, but we see nothing to suggest he ever talked to her again after she ended their friendship. He respected her decision, and backed off.

You also seem to misunderstand the comparison between Harry and Draco. Harry is Severus and Draco is James. It’s another case of a rich, self-entitled jerk bullying someone from an abusive home, just because he feels slighted.


I almost scrolled past this, but I won’t because it’s exactly the kind of Snape apologia and vilification of James that really bothers me in the HP fandom.

1- There is absolutely no evidence in canon that James ‘relentlessly’ pursued Lily. That is fanon. Sure fanon has that trope about James repetitively asking Lily out and almost stalking her. In canon we only see James ever ask Lily out ONCE. In Snape’s worst memory. The rest of the time we see Snape having to tell Lily that James fancies her and there is no evidence she even knew about it before that, then we have Lily actively defend the maradaurs to Snape asking him why he was so obessed with them :

(DH, The Prince’s tale, p540 bloomsburry edition )

“… thought we were supposed to be friends?” Snape was saying. “Best friends?” “We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging around with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him Sev? He’s creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?” Lily ha reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all -” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny -” “What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?” demanded Snape. His colour rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed to hold in his resentment. “What’s Potter to do with anything?” said Lily. “They sneak out at night. There’s something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?” “He’s ill,” said Lily. “They say he’s ill -” “Every month at the full moon?” said Snape. “I know your theory,” said Lily, and she sounded cold “Why are you so obsessed with them, anyway? Why do you care what they’re doing at night?” “I’m just trying to show you they’re not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are.” The intensity of his gaze made her blush; “They don’t use Dark Magic, though”.

Now, what does this scene tells you. First for someone who supposedly didn’t give as good as he got and was only the helpless victim of James, we learn that : 1- Lily doesn’t understand why he is so obsessed with them and can’t see the resemblance between the marauders and the very real, blood supremacist, dark magic using bullies that Snape was hanging out with and found funny. 2- Snape was very clearly trying to out Remus and actively trying to prove his case; so please do tell me, if this isn’t reason enough for James to hate Snape then what is? Not only did Snape actively try back when he was 15, but he DID out Remus years later because he couldn’t let go of the past when Remus was being nothing but cordial with him.

2- Which brings me to my next point, the idea that Snape was an innocent victim and not a bully himself is utter bullshit.

Let’s look at another excerpt from the books shall we:

(DH, The Prince’s tale, p542, Blommsburry edition)

“I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just -” “Slipped out?” There was no pity in Lily’s voice. “It’s too late. I’ve made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends – you see, you don’t even deny it! You don’t even deny that’s what you’re all aiming to be! You can’t wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?” He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking. “I can’t pretend any more. You’ve chosen your way, I’ve chosen mine.” “No – listen, I didn’t mean -” “- to call me a Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?”

Now what does this tells us? This tells us that unlike what the Snape apologists often love to pretend, Snape wasn’t an inactive by stander in the wannabe-death eaters sessions of muggleborns bullying. He actively took part in it, he actively threw slurs at them. Lily herself mention that and Snape doesn’t deny any of it.

Not only that but we also know that Snape invented Levicorpus, which we later see James use, how do you think James learned it if not because he had it used against him? We even see Snape use Sectusempra on James; Sectusempra, aka the spell capable of cutting someone open and leave them to bleed to death. This is the kind of experimentation Snape did with Dark Magic, so spare me if I don’t buy the “poor innocent Snape” narrative. He was a bully at school, going after muggleborn with his band of magical equivalent to the Hitler youth. But aside from that, please do tell me more about how Snape was innocent and never gave as much as he got when even LILY calls him out on his bullying of Muggleborns and admitted herself that she couldn’t excuse him anymore.

“Severus Snape, for one, never tried to be anything more to Lily than her friend. We are given no evidence to the contrary. And when she breaks off their friendship, he leaves her alone. We see him bargain for her life, we see him mourn her, but we see nothing to suggest he ever talked to her again after she ended their friendship. He respected her decision, and backed off.”

Excuse me? We should admire him because he backed off after HE threw a slur at her and still tried to talk to her when she didn’t want to, even saying he would sleep in front of the common room if she refused to have that talk?

And above all, we should think Snape is such a great guy because he bargained for her life? WHAT? Snape - may I remind you - was the reason why her life was even in danger to start with! Snape is the one who sold a BABY’S LIFE to Voldemort without second thoughts and only backed off when he realized that the baby in question was Lily’s. And not only that but he only partly backed off because he didn’t give a shit about what would happen to Harry and James, AKA the man she loved and HER SON. Dumbledore himself called him out on it:

“You disgust me,” said Dumbledore, and Harry had never heard so much contempt in his voice. Snape seemed to shrink a little. “You do not care, then about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?”

I genuinely cannot believe my eyes that some people are trying to paint this as a selfless act on Snape’s part. If it had been Neville he would have let him die without blinking, just like he was ready to let Harry die, a ONE YEAR OLD BOY and the son of the woman he claimed to love. I do not doubt that he loved her, but his love was entirely and completely selfish and none of what he did was for her. He did what he did for himself and to feel better about what he had caused. Snape was not a good person. Snape was bad guy who did the right thing for the wrong reasons. All his life he remained the same bitter bullying douchebag, he bullied kids as a gorwn ass man, he never got over it unlike James.

The point of Snape isn’t “good is not nice”, the point of Snape is “you don’t have to be a good person to do the right thing”. “Good is not nice” is in fact the point of James. Was James an immature “toerag” (as Lily colourfully put it) when he was 15? Sure he was, but his heart was always at the right place which is something we cannot say of Snape. And he grew out of it, which is another thing we cannot say of Snape.

The fact that James bullied Snape isn’t the only thing we know of him. We also know that James welcomed Sirius in his home when the later had nowhere to go, we know that James accepted Remus for who he was and became an Animagus to help him, we know that James befriended three outcasts without caring about how uncool they were, from what family they came from or what disease they had to deal with, we know that James was ALWAYS disgusted with pure blood supremacy as evidenced by his reaction when Snape calls Lily the m-blood in front of him. We know that when Snape was busy joining the Death Eaters fresh out of school, James was joining the Order and fighting against Voldemort from the start (a war that as a pure blood he could have stayed entirely out of). We know he defied Voldemort three times and lived to tell the tale, we know that he died throwing himself between Voldemort and his wife and child without even a wand to try to give them time to escape. James was a good person who wasn’t always nice and grew out of his bullying way.

Every characters aside from Snape always describe the Marauders as this generation Fred and George (who by the way also did a number of questionable things, such as shoving Montague in the vanishing cabinet, feeding Dudley their toffees or turning Neville into a bird). Were they always nice? No. Did they bully Snape?  Yes. Where they still good people? Yes. James included.

Snape wasn’t a good person, he never was, he never grew out of his petty high school quarrels, James did. Both were assholes when they were teenagers. One grew out of it, the other didn’t. It’s as simple as that.


1d12 Cataclysmic Events

Roll 1d12 for a random apocalyptic event:

  1. Towering magic war golems and arcane bombs leave the world an unstable wasteland. Civilization clings to life in small oasis’s, hidden valleys of green, and walled cities. The wastelands between settlements are savage deserts, warped petrified forests, and poisoned lakes. Strange creatures thrive and mutate in the residual magics that linger in the destruction, making the wilds a dangerous place filled with alien horrors.
  2. The moon hatches. As shards of lunar rock crash down all over the material plane, a beast falls into the ocean. Tidal waves destroy coastal cities, and soon after the gigantic creature (potentially larger than a city) carries that destruction inland. A threat similar to godzilla (but even bigger) threatens all life on the material plane.
  3. The god of death is no more, and everyone forgets how to die. Instead of death, mortals linger on the material plane because there is no god to show them the way to the after life. Those who’s bodies haven’t sustained significant trauma remain as sentient undead in their decaying bodies. Over time they deteriorate and become mindless zombies. Those whose death leave an uninhabitable body become ghosts and wraiths. Undeath is everywhere, and all eventually turn on the mortals that still survive. An undead apocalypse ensues.
  4. Magic fails. Magic users become few and far between, and advanced magical societies collapse as arcane infrastructures, such as floating cities, magically directed water streams, and other reliance on magic and magical items from day to day cease to function. Magic items can only be created by finding and breaking down old magic relics to use the magical dust Residuum. (can be more devastating if the world was previously a magicpunk setting where large magical cities populate the map)
  5. The earth crumbles, and soon nothing is left of the world except for floating islands and small continents. Only a fraction of the surface is left and those that survive must adapt to a life in the sky over a bottomless abyss.
  6. The good gods win, and the 9 hells and other evil planes are torn asunder…only to have their remains collide with the material world. Now the home of humans, elves, and dwarves resembles that of heavy metal cover art. Though the dark gods have perished, their armies now enslave the mortal races of the material plane. Dark cathedrals and fortresses, as well as strange warped structures of torture and blood litter the world. The leaderless demons and devils form kingdoms and tribes, maiming, killing, plundering, and destroying as they please.
  7. The oceans rise until only the land at the highest elevations is above sea level. Now mountain peaks are the only solid ground left. Most that survive now live (and die) on the sea. Mortals scramble to create makeshift boats, flotillas, and floating cities as they battle tsunamis and storms, and the denizens of the ocean that now find the land dwellers as easy pickings on the sea.
  8. The gods have forsaken the mortals. As they retreat, all prayers are left unanswered. Those gifted with divine magical prowess are left empty handed and the presence of clerics and paladins becomes almost unknown. Famine and draught have become the norm. The planet slowly dies until those that still survive are left in barren wastes held together by their will (or a powerful leader’s will) to live.
  9. The earth cracked, and beneath our feet they swarmed over us. Some force from the underdark has dug tunnels under much of the surface dweller’s kingdoms, and begin waging war by collapse cities from underneath and surfacing in the center of unprepared populaces. This threat could be something like drow, or perhaps in this world orc and goblins lived solely underground until they’re ready to wage war on the surface world. An example of this are the Locus from the Gears of War series.
  10. A mighty, magical empire rises as a dictator too powerful to challenge claims city after city, kingdom after kingdom. This villain rules with absolute power, and his soldiers are all magically manipulated to lose their sympathy and swear loyalty to this dark emperor. Bonus points if the emperor is a buff, skeleton faced lich with a group of quirky lead henchmen.
  11. The sun explodes, plunging the world into darkness. As the Evernight begins, the creatures of the night reign. Vampire and werewolf populations explode in number, and the citizens of the underdark surface into the now-safe darkness of the above world. Forests die and are replaced with dark, twisted growths from the underdark. Enclaves of holy light become hidden settlements for humans, elves, dwarves, and the other creatures of the light, forever under assault from the oppressing darkness.
  12. Aliens have landed. In sleek, undulating spacecraft, the Illithid have begun their assault on earth as they conquer their way along the stars. Their advanced magic-tech ships ravage the land, destroying country capitals and military fortresses. The mortals of the material plane are either eaten or enslaved until only secret havens remain to live in hiding or attempt guerrilla strikes in vain acts of rebellion.

Art: taenaron

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