
Keith Insane

@keith-insane / keith-insane.tumblr.com


It’s important to recognise that Barbie (2023) criticises both the patriarchy AND the matriarchy. Yes, the Ken’s are just accessories to the Barbies. Yes, they don’t have any say in the government they live under. That’s the point, you’re supposed to feel awful, you’re supposed to want the Kens to have their own agency, you’re supposed to want equality. The Barbie movie explicitly states that the way Barbie treats Ken is wrong, so much so that once he finds a safe space for his masculinity and individual identity he’s so excited to share it with the other Kens.

But they go overboard and replace a matriarchy with a patriarchy and now the same issue exists but in reverse. That’s the POINT!! THATS THE POINT!!! Barbie is not anti-men it’s pro equality PLEASE understand this

The Tragedy of
Syd Barrett

I keep seeing references to Syd Barrett, the founder of the 60's British Rock band, Pink Floyd. There's a myth that he took a very high dose of LSD, which supposedly "fried his brain" permanently. They make it sound like he turned into a drooling imbecile who couldn't feed or bathe himself anymore. It's astonishing to me how these ridiculous, fantastical tales gain any traction.

Syd Barrett suffered from Schizophrenia, unfortunately, and this is the one condition where a variety of psychoactive drugs can have unpredictable and negative results. Schizophrenia is a terrible mental illness affecting more than 20 Million people worldwide and about 3.2 Million in the US. It's also been reported that his entire family had some degree of Autism or Ausperger Syndrome. Both of these conditions can cause catatonic episodes where a person seems to just stare into space. It was this particular symptom that fueled the rumors Barrett "overdosed" on phychedelic drugs. Barrett's mental illness is very unfortunate but it is not scientific data related to LSD or other hallucinogenic drugs. Using this logic, it's just as likely that aspirin or vitamin C "fried his brain" instead. Bandmate Roger Waters has said numerous times that Barrett was definitely schizophrenic, and many of his conemporaries are on record saying that some kind of mental breakdown was inevitable, with or without any kind of drug.

There is ZERO evidence that any drug caused Barrett's Schizophrenia or the associated episodes of psychosis. Barret lived until 2006, and was an avid painter and gardener (which is a very big deal in England). He was worth like 1.7 Million Pounds at his death. Can anyone please explain to me how this guy with a brain that was severely damaged due to taking acid, supposedly, can live this idilic life as a painter and maintain a net worth of £1.7 M?

This is an egregious case of exploiting the mentally ill for political gain yet no one ever says a word. Here's an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of a man who suffered from Schizophrenia and Autism, and possibly inspire others with similar issues to go accomplish great things too. However, all we ever hear about Syd Barrett is a really stupid lie, that acid fried his brain. The fucking anti-drug cults and others will use anybody, and will say anything to perpetuate their narcissistic obsession.

Frankly, I'm so sick of these abhorrent people. They are contemptible and have no redeeming value whatsoever. They don't care about anyone or anything, especially you or me or any drug user. This is not about saving lives or improving the health and safety of others. This is about control. These are people who cannot accept that others may enjoy using chemicals for their pleasurable effects. Therefore, they will stop at nothing to impose their strange obsession onto the rest of society.

It's been over 50 years since that laughable rumor got its start and not one person, not Syd Barrett or anyone else, has been an actual victim of this made up, drug-induced catatonia. Not to mention that even if it happened exactly as they scripted it in their dull imaginations, nobody could possibly know what it was because LSD is a Schedule 1 Substance, which means that hardly anything qualifies for research. Trying to find a cause for this strange condition they describe wouldn't have. It is illegal to research LSD for almost anything. These idiots are so zealous about banning everything that they banned their own lie.

“‘Perché non li avete arrestati subito? Perché vi siete resi conto che non è vero che c'è stato lo stupro! Una persona che viene stuprata la mattina, il pomeriggio fa kitesurf e denuncia dopo 8 giorni è strano. Sono quattro coglioni, non quattro stupratori!’ Io ho come l'impressione che non solo Beppe Grillo fino a oggi abbia vissuto in un internet tutto suo dove gli unici commenti erano ‘bene, bravo, bis’ ma che se dovesse mettere piede su tumblr durerebbe quanto un ciuffo di prezzemolo nel frullatore il giorno del bollito in salsa verde.”

(via kon-igi)

Concordo e aggiungo qualche dato. In Italia, in media, denunciano meno del 15% delle vittime di violenza sessuale (dati istat rapporto sdgs 2018) grazie anche all’orribile clima derivato dal “victim blaming”. Nello specifico vengono contestate le tempistiche in cui viene denunciato un gravissimo trauma e reato per il quale molte persone non hanno modo di riprendersi e/o di elaborare quanto successo. In questo caso un uomo estremamente noto e visibile ha usato tutto il suo potere e il suo privilegio per sminuire e denigrare una persona che ha denunciato suo figlio. Viene puntato il dito contro una ragazza colpevole di aver fatto kitesurf chiedendole per l’ennesima volta di essere costantemente vigile e responsabile per il proprio corpo: secondo questo principio le responsabilità e le calunnie ricadono perennemente addosso alle vittime e mai verso i carnefici. Non avresti dovuto sorridere, non dovevi vestirti così, saresti dovuta rimanere sobria, non dovevi uscire da sola con il buio, in fondo in fondo si sa che a voi donne piace essere trattate così, non dovevi andare a quella festa, perchè non hai urlato? perchè non ti sei difesa? e via dicendo: questa si chiama “cultura dello stupro”.

Così si normalizza lo stupro, si chiede una condotta impeccabile e moralmente inattaccabile alle vittime mentre si butta tutto in caciara parlando di ragazzate quando arriva il turno dei carnefici. Finisco ri-segnalando una serie tv incentrata su questi argomenti.  Si tratta di “I may destroy you” scritta e interpretata da una magistrale Michaela Coel.


Back in the fall of 1971, three interviewers from a poetry magazine were given the opportunity to interview Pink Floyd in a hotel room in New York. Upon arriving, the Floyd asked the interviewers to be the judges of an ‘American Accent Contest’ they were having. The boys took turns calling room service to order: 

Nick: “Ahhh wannuh a cheeezzzburrrgurrrr wit’ awwwl duh trimmins an’ a chacklit mulkshake!” (Giggles erupt.)

Roger: “Oh, that was perfectly ridiculous, Nick… Listen and learn…” said Haughty Roger. Mr. The Wall dialed the room service number…

“Yeahhhh, hey babe, look, dis izz rum twennytreeohtree eggin… Lemme git a tuner saludd samwitch an’ summ frahhhs annna lodge pottuhh kawfeee…Oh, ann extree kawfeee cups fuh ma frenns.”

“This game had all four of them in hysterics. Richard tried, but couldn’t pull his off because he would start laughing as soon as he got 4 or 5 syllables into a practice run.”

(David didn’t take part in the contest)

-Binky Philips, 1971




1.) Dave has amazing Mork-From-Ork Finger-Point powers and is levitating Roger’s guitar. “OOOOoooooooo…Nanoo Nanoo!”

2.) Roger is levitating his guitar cuz he’s…I dunno…Roger Waters!

3.) Dave just tossed, with one hand, a guitar at Roger.

4.) Roger’s attempting Guitar-Juggling.


Because this is apparently stick up for wolves day.

Wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone has changed the ecosystem *significantly*.

One remarkable thing that was not predicted that demonstrates how interlinked these things are:

Wolf eat elk.

Elk eat fewer willows.

Willows become healthier.

Number of beavers increase.

Number of songbirds increase.

Overall health of streams increases.

Number of fish increases.

Water table stabilizes.

This is called a “trophic cascade” and we normally see them as bad things. But a positive trophic cascade is an amazing thing, and apparently nobody predicted this one.

What they didn’t predict was that wolf predation would keep elk on the move so they wouldn’t overgraze a specific area.

When the elk overgrazed the willows, they removed the best source of food for beavers during the winter.

Once that stopped happening, the beaver population rebounded and it turns out beavers are pretty good for the entire ecosystem.


When your heart falls in love, it doesn't matter how much nor what you do to move on with your life, at some point your heart will find a way to bring you back to its one true love, and you will fall again like the very first time.Your heart knows, and your heart will let you know.

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