

@celebrityministry / celebrityministry.tumblr.com

ISAIAH 55: 8-11
Anonymous asked:

“Who cares about ASAP?” your fave does, and that's why she’s married to him and pregnant again. As a former TB fan, I think you need to come to the realization that you have a Parasocial Relationship with Chris and Rihanna. You're using blasphemy to justify it; you're a mature woman with a life, and you're trying to pray these two individuals together again to live through them. They were abusive to one another, and Chris is a functioning Sex and Drug addict. Have you forgotten he has an arrest warrant in the UK? His record is worse than Rocky’s. Why would you even still like someone like that for her? Pray for their well-being and seek a therapist. Chris is going to end up in prison by the end of the year, mark my words, where he can finally detox and get help for good. Save your sanity, and pray this connection from them away. Free yourself from them, especially Chris The Devil Brown, in which he calls himself. God can help you if you seek it, stop being a fan of men like Chris. You'll cry tears of joy and being free from them, especially him. Truly wish you well.

Ignorance just shows up unprovoked. But at least I now know y’all still checking for me. God bless

Anonymous asked:

Y’all can feel however y’all want about asap but I need everyone to stop acting like him and Chris were bffs. Rih was cool with rocky before any of them. She put him on her tour, was in his video, went to all his shows and used his lyrics in her IG captions. She was the first big celeb to support him, rocky has said this. Rocky was a rebound who turned into more it happens. Trashing and taking down on him is not going to change the fact that he’s the father of her kids.

I’m not sure WHO said anything about Asap but who even cares about him? I’m on a prayer assignment about something totally different and the fact that you don’t respect has nothing to do with this page! Be blessed

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