
Don't give up, skeleton!

@tatzelwyrm / tatzelwyrm.tumblr.com

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please stop reblogging sylvia plath poetry 

For ppl asking why she’s an anti black, anti Semite. She has used the n word and compared her depression to the holocaust

Even not counting her poetry her private journals are full of disgusting, overblown antisemitism. She didn’t just use Jewish people for her metaphors, she outright hated them irl and yet decided to use their suffering for her own gain

okay, I’m Jewish and I appreciate this sentiment. and if someone wants to cut out Sylvia Plath, go for it, I get it.

But. by this logic we’d also need to stop reblogging TS Eliot, Oscar Wilde, and Shakespeare quotes. Virginia Woolf wrote anti-semetic things in her private journals, too. If you only want to read classic poets who liked Jews and black people, that’s fine, but like. good luck? Sylvia Plath isn’t an exception.

idk. Tumblr’s attitude of “consume nothing problematic” just doesn’t work if you’re part of a group that most culture-creators over the last few centuries have hated by default. For people actually in those groups, it’s not like the only two choices are 1) worship authors who hate you or 2) completely cut the majority of literature out of your life. You learn to read critically and acknowledge flaws where you find them.

anyway, as a Jewish woman, I would much rather see a version of this post that said “please read Sylvia Plath poetry critically because she’s anti black and antisemetic” than just “stop reblogging Sylvia Plath poetry.”

IMO, reblog Sylvia Plath all you want, just not unthinkingly.

I’m reblogging this now because I’m seeing anti-Virginia Woolf discourse lately due to the antisemitism in her journals and like… as a Jewish person who loves Virginia Woolf’s writing and an English teacher who knows that pretty much every writer of the classics is Problematic just…chill pls

The point isn’t to never consume media that isn’t ideologically pure. That’s never the point. Were that the goal, we would NEVER be able to consume any media. Nothing is ever ideologically pure, especially as time goes on and our social consciousness expands.

We should be telling people instead, “Be critical as you read this person’s work. They held bigoted views. Understand how that is reflected in their work, and be mindful of it. Be critical, be thoughtful”

Compelling others to not engage with something at ALL on ideological grounds is in the same vein as burning books. We should be compelling others to be critical and mindful, not narrow and willfully ignorant.

Understand how it is reflected in their work, and be mindful of it.”


while dickens wrote some sympathetic london jews here and there, he full throttle unapologetically loathed the irish. absolutely hated them and wanted them all dead.

like. if you’re an american and you want to Cancel some great english writers, first you need to come to terms with the fact that you can’t even *recognize* half the contemporary expressions of their prejudices if you’re only looking for modern american forms of bigotry. and then you need to recognize that shutting yourself away from the work of men and women long dead is only going to leave you rootless and self-satisfied with a very brief and narrow concept of history and human worth.


In mine and many other east Asian cultures, the dragon traditionally symbolises things like power, wealth and strength (imperial symbol and all)

I think we often forget that in the story of the Great Race, the dragon came in fifth because it'd stopped to give people rain. Then it'd stopped again to push a rabbit adrift on a log across the wide river so it reached the shore safely (that's why the Rabbit year comes before the Dragon).

Dragons aren't meant to just be powerful - they are meant to do good with such power, and to help those in need.

So in this lunar new year, I hope you gain more power, so that you might be able to help others. I pray you have abundant resources so you may give to yourself and those around you. I wish you courage, endurance, kindness and generosity, for yourself and your people.

I hope you, and I, will be rain givers, life preservers, joy bringers.

I hope we will be dragons.


Twts from animator BANNO Yuki

- Vash’s strategic movement as he fires and uses the wall to cover himself while he reloads.

また、当然ですが、ヴァッシュは自身の残弾数を把握 して行動します。今回の場合、8発撃ち切るまでに壁 に辿り着けるように、計算して発砲と移動をしてい ます。#TRIGUN - original twt

Naturally, Vash is aware of his remaining bullet count and acts accordingly. In this case, he calculated his shooting and movements so that he could reach the wall before firing all 8 shots. #TRIGUN (5/10/2023)

- Vash reloading one round and firing at Knives.

コンテで弾切れを起こすのをリロードに変更したの は、銃の空撃ちをしたくなかったからです。そのことは事前の打ち合わせで武藤監督と相談をして、 「弾切れが明示できればいい」とのことだったので、1発 リロードした後、それを発砲する流れにしました。- original twt

The decision to change the storyboard from a gun running out of bullets to reloading was made because we didn't want to portray a gun firing blanks. In a pre-meeting consultation with Director Muto, it was agreed that "as long as the empty chamber is clearly shown, it's fine," so after reloading one bullet, the sequence was set to show that bullet being fired. (1/26/2024)

-Meryl’s escape.

最終話の戦闘序盤は、メリルをいかに退避させるかが、 とにかくの課題でした。この件にコンラッドが協力す るのは、「ちゃんとした大人だからです」と社長に説明し ました。#TRIGUN - original twt

A major challenge in the early stages of the final battle scene was how to evacuate Meryl safely. Conrad's cooperation in this matter was explained to the president as being because he is "a responsible adult." #TRIGUN (5/10/2023)

カメラワークが大きく変わっているのは、メリルの退避 を画面内できちんと見せるべきだと判断したからで す。これも打ち合わせで相談済みです。- original twt

The significant change in camera work was made to properly show Meryl's evacuation within the frame. This decision was also made after consultation during the meeting. (5/10/2023)

BITEY!!! Sibling rivalry.

ヴァッシュの噛みつきは、打ち合わせ時に武藤監督が 「兄弟げんかとして作ってほしい」と言っていたので、そ れを反映させたものです。吉本さん(ファフナーやナ イツマのチーフ様です)にフェイシャルを作ってもら いました。#TRIGUN - original twt

Vash's biting action was incorporated following Director Muto's request during the meeting to "make it like a sibling fight." Mr. Yoshimoto (chief of Fafner and Naizuma) was asked to create the facial expressions. #TRIGUN (5/10/2023)

The window scene.

ヴァッシュとナイヴズの窓割り退室方法は、武藤監督と の立ち話で決まりました。ヴァッシュはスマートに出 て行って、ナイヴズは感情任せにぶん殴るのが、らしい のではないか、ということで...。家具は勝手に蹴飛ばし ました。#TRIGUN. - original twt

The method of Vash and Knives breaking the window to exit was decided during a casual conversation with Director Muto. It was suggested that it's characteristic for Vash to leave smartly while Knives acts more impulsively, letting his emotions lead to a punch. The furniture was kicked aside without hesitation. #TRIGUN (5/10/2023)

-professionally translated, commissioned by me!

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