

@pelodesirena-blog / pelodesirena-blog.tumblr.com

you're welcome.

i’m not defending azealia banks in any way, i think banning her is justified after the things she said to zayn but if twitter is suspending accounts based on ignorant things they’ve tweeted, why haven’t donald trump, piers morgan, ann coutler, katie hopkins, and tila tequila all been suspended yet? they’ve all collectively said wildly islamophobic, anti-semitic, homophobic and sexist things (while getting 1000s of RTs and likes)

whilst i’m at it can i address the violently racist side of twitter? the #whitegenoice, #makeamericawhiteagain, #prowhitesunite, #prokkk side of twitter? i’m literally not making this up as i type this there are millions of accounts/tweets based solely on promoting white supremacy, while twitter stays mute because azealia trended one day?

i am all for suspending bigots’ accounts and never letting them remake again. I even find it a good thing that they suspended azealia’s twitter but if twitter have finally started to live up to their non-tolerating abuse guidelines (that they preach so incessantly) then they should crack down on others too and not just azealia.


Padmé Amidala’s wardrobe from Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy (Episode I: The Phantom Menace / Episode II: Attack of the Clones / Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)

These iconic ass looks…who in the galaxy did it like Padme???? Literally who??? I’ll wait…. THE ANSWER IS NO ONE SHE’S FASHION QUEEN OF THE GALAXY BIH


I was ringing up a white couples burrito bowls the other day at Chipotle. Their total was $17.38.

I looked at the guy, and asked, “Is this your trap queen?” with a straight face.

 He looked confused as hell, They then looked at the total. They started dying for like 3 - 4 minutes possibly while everybody in line looked confused as fuck.

Good times.

I work at Chipotle and I know for a fact that this is bullshit lmao. The closest your total will be to that is $17.48. I know that for a fact because people always say how it’s only 10 cents off from 1738

Sigh It’s …it’s barely been 24 HOURS into day 1 of 2016 and bitches already out here wildin’. Why the hell do I have to lie about a fucking total? lmao let me drag you real quick bitch, it’s obvious you’ve never done cash and probably just a tortilla hoe. 

Also, maybe you didn’t know but.. it’s called “SALLLLESSS TAXXXX” and (hear me out on this) It’s different in EAAAAAACH STAAAAATE! Crazy right?? 

Anyways the flat sales tax rate on any tangible food item made for immediate consumption or “fast food” varies zip code to zip code but in the zip code of the chipotle I work at it is 10% Keep that in mind.

Now take a look at this:

These are chipotles flat prices for EVERY entree you want plus the standard sized drink you can get WITH your food, if you work at chipotle like you claim, you’d know that regardless of whether it’s a burrito, bowl, or taco, the total will be the same as above. 

Now let’s do some math:

A Chicken bowl + A Steak bowl + A Small drink = $15.80

15.80 + 10% = ….? 

Here are some screenshots of other people who have shared this experience.

You’re excused bitch. 

Alex nooooooo

First heavy clapback I’ve witnessed in 2016 and i honestly didn’t see it coming.

Laaaawd that was cruial


viola davis “I believe that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are, truly being who you are. And I’ve spent far too long apologizing for that — my age, my color, my lack of classical beauty — that now…I’m very proud to be Viola Davis, for whatever it’s worth.”

Beyoncé & Jay Z at Nicki Minaj’s Birthday party 8/12


#WomenBetrayed is trending, so I thought I’d post this in response.


Fun Fact #10: The Republicans in Congress who are trying to defund Planned Parenthood know all of this. They don’t care, because they hate poor people, people of color, and know that they can hurt those people while they pander to their Tea Party base.

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