
Can You Feel My Renergy

@iamrenough / iamrenough.tumblr.com

Ren | 30+ | they/she

a tech company saying "we know change can be scary" in the midst of user backlash has the same energy as "the Titanic is virtually unsinkable"

so I guess they just don't teach buisness majors about the New Coke fiasco


It's genuinely kinda weird to me- I recently graduated in UX and a lot of the major issues I've got with the new layout is not that it looks different. The information architecture of the app genuinely means that navigating the app takes more work (more taps/button presses in this case) than the previous layout.

Nothing in an app or site should take more than 3 taps to get anywhere. It kinda just tells me they didn't have any concurrent users testing it (WHICH THEY SHOULD BE- AS THEIR TARGET AUDIENCE) prior to pushing the changes. Yes it might be Prettier and seem better organized than before, but switching between a server and a dm was 1 swipe 1 tap before, now its:

Swipe to bring up the menu, tap the dms menu, tap to pull up the unread dm, and your previous dm that you were looking at no longer pulls automatically too.

And that's not mentioning you can't search for a message server-wide on mobile before. You have to check each channel painstakingly instead of having a full peek at the entire server.

On voice it is much harder to pull up the conversation to mute my mic if needed, I just needed to swipe up before, now pulling the nav bar is a double tap and a swipe up (unsure which because it's barely responsive for me). Additionally, maybe my friend just couldn't find it, but they may have removed mobile push to talk as well.

And the fact that we can't swipe right to pull up the other side menu and must instead click the header when in a chat channel? It isn't intuitive. The reply function is given priority over an entire side menu. That doesn't make sense to me.

Anyways the point is. They committed one of the major sins of UX by rearranging their information architecture. The user has to work more to navigate the app period. It's not an issue with adjusting to the new layout. It is actually SIGNIFICANTLY more work to navigate the app.

Sorry to have a huge rant over this I'm just very passionate. If anybody has any questions you can ask me though. 👍


Why do so many people make tiktoks while they're clearly driving. What the fuck. Stop that shit, you're gonna kill someone.

I think people online treat driving too casually tbh, like there was a poll about people's bad habits while driving and they weren't bad habits or problematic or whatever, they were all things that literally kill people every single day. You are driving a massive vehicle that can very easily turn into a murder weapon with your carelessness, take this shit seriously.

"Haha I never use my turn signals" you are going to kill someone.

"I don't do full stops at stop signs lol" you are going to kill someone.

"Sometimes I text while I'm driving 🤭" YOU ARE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE.

Yesterday I was behind someone scrolling on social media while driving and he literally drove through four different stop signs and was speeding.

The absolute fear my mother and I felt for ten minutes since we couldn’t get away from them was immense.


I think one of the hardest struggles of adhd for me is the lack of automaticity. Neurotypical people seem to be able to do things automatically. For them, get dressed consists of one step--get dressed.

But with adhd, it's hard to do things automatically because your brain is elsewhere, both consciously and subconsciously. "Getting dressed" isn't just one step, it's many. It's getting up, going to the closet, opening the closet, throwing the clothes on the bed, changing, put old clothes in the hamper, etc. etc.

And your brain can stop paying attention at any one of those steps. If you're not careful when you get up, you might go to the kitchen instead of the closet. If you're not paying attention, you might forget to put the old clothes in the hamper.

I think this is one of the reasons that compensating for unmedicated adhd is HIGHLY energy consuming. With anything you do, there are a million little micro steps where you can get derailed. I think this is why anxiety is often comorbid with adhd: it's one of the only conditions that forces you to always, always stress about what step you fucked up on.

Anonymous asked:

do you know where "no beta we die like x" comes from and how it is used?

The term "beta" in this context is short for "beta reader" - a person who reads a fic while it's still in the editing stage and helps the writer get it ready to post. Some betas check grammar. Some check canon compliance. Some are sensitivity readers. There are lots of things that betas can do.

So functionally, saying "no beta" means that the writer didn't get this checked by a second person before they posted it. It's a warning that there might be errors or typos etc. It's mostly used when an author has written something quickly and is posting without doing a lot of (or any) edits first.

As for where it comes from? It all started with a bumper sticker.

This image was an internet meme at one point, and it got meme'd on in the form of "no ___ we ___ like men"

Here on tumblr, one of the versions that got really popular was from now-deleted user @grec1a who created this version:

From there, it migrated to AO3 as the "no beta we die like men" tag, and very often the word men is replaced by the name of a character who dies in canon.


p iracy is BAD!!!!!!!1!

i think piracy is EVIL!!!

ANYONE that pirates ANYTHING should go to JAIL!!

NOBODY should EVER take this base64 string (aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9NQTB4aElZSSNQX3BqNl82SkxkaFdCcl9odllqSm13) and put it into the converter at https://www.base64decode.org/ to get all the major adobe programs for free! that would be a crime!

ANYONE that pirates adobes 500 dollar programs should be ASHAMED!

that would just be evil!


Are you constantly wanting to do A Thing but never know how to do The Thing?

Does figuring out where to start a task and knowing what steps need to be taken to complete the task stress you out?

Lemme introduce you to…

For example, you want to clean your oven.

You simply go to the website and in the “Add new item” box, you type “clean the oven”. You can then also use the lil chillies next to the plus to change the level of breaking-down you’d like. Next, hit the magic wand-looking button to break it down!

You can check off items as you go, and further break things down if desired!

It works on large tasks such as planning a cross-country trip, writing a book or going on vacation and smaller tasks such as cleaning an oven.

There’s also tools for task time estimation, meal-prep that takes into account dietary constraints, equipment and such, and a braindump compiler.

It’s available as an IOS/Android app for less than a dollar, or a free web app. I can’t hype this up enough, the developers deserve so much love for this.

Yo. This is no joke. I liked the idea of it, so I spared the dollar to give it a look. I figured even if I had to make the steps myself, it would still be helpful to have a place to put them. I have to get fingerprinted for tutoring and I keep putting it off, and it’s entirely because I have trouble breaking down the steps.

I set the slider to give me the second highest level of breakdown and pushed the button.

That’s EXACTLY what I need. Holy shit.


irl i don't normally tell people my pronouns unless they directly ask, but this has led to a very silly occurrence i call DLC pronouns. my gender is a sidequest you can unlock in the dialogue tree if your character has a high enough lgbtqia+ stat . or if my pride keyring falls out of my pocket.


Just so like... it's clear... anyone who censors words that contain "man" or "men" to anything like "xxn" that's TERF shit.

Any reference to women/womanhood that solely revolves around having a uterus or "womb" is TERF shit.

Any sentence where the OP says they support people being "trans identified" with quotes around ""transwomen"" or ""transmen"" is TERF shit.

I'm seeing a lot of you baby Tumblr gays out there not knowing what these specific TERF dogwhistles look like.

"Wombxxn" is an incredibly dumb way of spelling "woman" that treats the word "man" like a slur and also reduces women to their ability to give birth.

"Trans identified" is their way of saying "this person calls themselves trans, but I don't believe they are."

Saying "People should be allowed to identify however they wish, but we still need to protect women/children" IS TERF SHIT.

Learn to identify this garbage, because not all TERFs are going to spell out their intolerance for you. Some of them are going to try and seem reasonable and polite and normal, and it's fucking dangerous to our community.

Also unpack any internalized transphobia and your transmedicalism, because both those things will have you quickly siding with TERFs and bigots.

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