

@queer-hawke / queer-hawke.tumblr.com


"okay kid, i have a doctors appointment, you can handle this big fuckoff bus, i believe in you, keys are in the ignition, this thing DOES NOT HAVE INSURANCE so DON'T GET PULLED OVER, have fun"


It's so funny to me that it's possible to have verbal misunderstandings with animals.

This morning I made Ripley (a parrot) a foraging toy, as I often do before I leave for work, by putting a bunch of paper shreds in an old tea box with some peanuts and dried cherries. He hadn't touched it by the time I came home so when he was wandering around the living room restlessly looking for something to do I picked up the box and told him "hey, there's a peanut in here. You can get it out" and then I went back to my office.

After a couple minutes, he walked through the kitchen to where I was sitting at my desk and looked up at me and whispered "I get peanut?"

I said, "Buddy. I think you misunderstood me. The peanut is still in the box."

He tapped his beak on the floor, said "oh" in a really disappointed tone, and then helpfully suggested, "I step up get a peanut?"

Like, yes, he is really smart and I think he understood a lot of this interaction. But the way I think he understood it was he heard me say: "Hey, there's a peanut in here. You can get it out."

And then disregarded the box entirely. So that when he walked into my office expecting to receive a peanut and I told him it was still in the box, he inferred from my tone of voice that I did not, in fact, have a peanut in my hands. Then he tried to engineer a scenario in which he might receive a peanut as a reward.

(He regularly attempts to use "I step up get a peanut" as a deescalation/distraction tactic, especially when he is doing something Forbidden, such as destroying the couch. My housemates and I refer to this as "holding the couch hostage" or "negotiating with the terrorist.")


Only one thing y’all can take from trans women. Notes.

i hope all of these girls have a great day and i love the girl who forgot her wig but the sis with the hijabi damn near made me cry sob i love this <3333333

Another thing abt this video: nearly every beauty involved is Indigenous or Black, the two minority groups of trans women that frequently get left out of discussions when it comes to highlighting trans women and their beauty, and the two groups at the highest risk of violence while trans. These women deserve love and praise just like y’all’s favorite white women do. Show up for Black and Indigenous trans women.

“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”

— Vincent Van Gogh

“If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.” 

- Vincent van Gogh


Seeing drag queens in real life gives me the exact same feeling as how the hobbits describe elves in the lord of the rings

I don't know how to describe to you if you've never been to a drag show but like seeing recordings of them is one thing & seeing them in real life is Another. Like pov you're looking up at the tallest most enchantingly beautiful ambiguously sexed person you've ever seen. She's like covered in glitter and you can smell her perfume. And you're in a room with like several of them & you begin to understand how Frodo felt in that castle


Oh to be a hobbit (short cis woman) surrounded by beautiful elves (drag queens) towering over me (in heels) at lothlorien (museum garden party).

Coffman navigates over to the Wikipedia article about one of the conspirators—Arthur Nebe, a high-ranking member of the SS. Apart from his role in the plot, Nebe’s main claim to notability is that he came up with the idea of turning vans into mobile gas chambers by piping in exhaust fumes. The article acknowledges both of these facts, along with the detail that Nebe tested his system on the mentally ill. But it also says that he worked to “reduce the atrocities committed,” going so far as to give his bloodthirsty superiors inflated death totals.
Coffman will recall that she feels “totally disoriented.” She cannot believe that an innovator in mass murder would have tried to protect the Jews and other supposed subhumans his troops rounded up. She checks the footnotes. The claim is attributed to War of Extermination, a compendium of academic essays originally published in 1995.
Coffman knows the book is legit, because she happens to have a copy on loan from the library. When she goes to the cited page, she finds a paragraph that appears to confirm all the Wikipedia article’s wild claims. But then she reads the first sentence of the next paragraph: “This is, of course, nonsense.”
The level of bad faith is eye-opening for Coffman. She is “very appalled.” She sees that her confidence in Wikipedia was “very much misplaced.” All it takes to warp historical memory, she realizes, is something this small, achievable for almost anyone with a keyboard. “So few people can have so much impact, it’s a little scary,” she says. She begins to turn a more critical eye to what she sees on Wikipedia. Especially the footnotes.
Coffman finds her next target in the footnotes of the article about the tank division. This one’s name is Franz Kurowski, and he seems to pop up all over the place. Kurowski served in the Luftwaffe. After the war, he tried his hand at all sorts of popular writing, often with a pseudonym to match: Jason Meeker and Slade Cassidy for his crime fiction and westerns, Johanna Schulz and Gloria Mellina for his chick lit. But his accounts of the Second World War made him famous under his own name. Kurowski’s stories weren’t subtle. As the German historian Roman Töppel writes in a critical essay: “They depict war as a test of fate and partly as adventure. German war crimes are left out—much unlike allied war crimes.”
To understand this dubious chronicler better, Coffman goes to Google, where she comes upon a book called The Myth of the Eastern Front. It describes how, in the immediate aftermath of the war, characters like Kurowski worked to rehabilitate the image of the German army—to argue that a few genocidal apples had spoiled the barrel. With a guy like Hitler to pin the blame on, the rest was easy. The so-called “myth of the clean Wehrmacht” took root on both sides of the Atlantic: German society needed to believe that not everyone who wore a gray uniform was evil, and the Americans were courting every anti-Communist ally they could find. Then, in the mid-1990s, a museum exhibit cataloging the crimes of the Nazi-era military traveled throughout Germany. An odd situation emerged: Germans began to speak more honestly about the Wehrmacht than non-Germans did.
When Coffman reads this, something clicks. She is dealing with a poisonous tree here. She shouldn’t be throwing out individual pieces of fruit. She should be chopping it off at the trunk. She starts to pivot from history (the facts themselves) to historiography (the way they’re gathered). She begins to use Wikipedia to document the false historical narrative, and its purveyors, and then make the fight about dubious sources rather than specific articles.

why is it that people equate manual labor/farming with low intelligence? 

do you understand how hard it is to run a farm/ranch? all the different variables you have to account for, all the knowledge you have to have– i promise you, if i put an ivy league academic in front of a 200 lbs ewe and said “now shear her” they wouldn’t be able to do it. not to mention all the business and economics of running a successful commercial farm, much less a little family/hobby farm.

if i told a business CEO to milk a fucking cow he probably couldn’t do it, by hand or machine. or run a combine harvester, or plant sugarcane, or muck a horse stall, hell he probably couldn’t even fix a simple fence break.

just because something uses knowledge of a different type doesn’t mean it doesn’t use knowledge. knowing how much different cattle breeds sell for, when and what to feed your ewes to maximize your lamb crop, how to birth livestock, what crops to plant when, how much water a crop needs, how to tell what minerals/diet deficiencies are causing whatever health problem your livestock are having (and how to recognize an unhealthy animal and what’s wrong before you call the vet). how much to sell your crop for, how to shoe a horse, drive a baler, how to store your hay bales. knowing the different kinds of hay and when to feed it, how to tack up a horse or rope cattle without hurting them, how to castrate your livestock, herd cattle, prevent hoof rot, the list goes on and on–

all of these things require in-depth, nuanced knowledge that is NO LESS VALUABLE than science, business, literature, philosophical, whatever disciplines. 

and without that knowledge, YOU’D be the one starving. so stop assuming that farmers are all dumb, low-class folks with empty heads

Farm kid here. Can confirm the above.


racists getting mad in the notes on this cute video I posted now lmao. the reason I posted it to begin with is because I was seeing too many posts about Palestine where people were talking about Palestinians as if they are a political problem to be solved and not human beings.


Of course when it comes to Palestinians who simply trying to enjoy moments of happiness they often get judged and disrespected for it!!! anyways here's the full song that they’re singing. it's a traditional folk song sung by the beloved Palestinian singer-songwriter Rim Banna, known as the voice of Palestine. (Rest in peace). her music truly captured the spirit and resilience of Palestine. May her legacy continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. ✌🏼🖤❤️🤍💚


original post date: May 18, 2021


Curious Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) standing upright and looking through porthole into the kitchen of arctic expedition ship M/S Stockholm in Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Norway by Andy Rouse               

Hahaha that’s great. By the way, this is the picture of him with his head in.


throwaway details from the early NtN chapters that I should think about more

  • Cristabel writing to the Pope
  • John's “whistleblowing” (?) crashed the global stock market <- we really don't talk enough about the stock market crash
  • The cryo project facility used 3% of all electricity in New Zealand
  • There were frequent natural catastrophes every other week

much to think about

Like, I've seen so many posts speculate wildly about what it means for John's credentials as a scientist and professionally that he's been blacklisted and he can't find a job again and it must mean that he's committed gross ethical violations etc etc when the book just spells it out. HE TANKED THE ECONOMY. We don't talk enough about that fr

“When the leak happened” <- Brilliant use of the passive voice there. I'm sure the leak leaked itself.

Then everyone found out that there had been a seriously advanced project in place to evacuate the whole of humanity because the planet wouldn't be viable for much longer. Cue general panic. Cue global economic downturn. He crashed the market. That's why he can't get hired again.

Also I would bet that this is also why Alfred the hedge found manager decided to take a sabbatical from his finance job to go join a cult.

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